Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

Living By the Well
One cannot produce fruit or branches without first having planted roots. We should be planting our roots by the well. The Lord is The Well, and we should be drawing everyday from God's presence.

Still Growing
What is the secret of true fruitfulness? Christ indwelling us. Through the life of Joseph we see fruitfulness that can only come from God. We cannot produce any fruit without first having a right relationship with Him.

The Boys and the Blessing
Most people live their entire lives focusing on what they have lost or never had. Joseph, of all people, could have fallen into this habit. But today we learn why we must focus on the blessings we do have from the Lord!

Learning To Pray In Babylon
Keeping your prayer life full can be challenging. Life always seems to get in the way of our time with the Father. But when we look at the life of Daniel, we see a powerful example of dedicated man of prayer. Tune in today to learn how to stay faithful, no matter where you are.

An Exhortation from Ephraim
God is always at work! Yet, so often, we miss God's preparing work in our lives. Ephraim is a reminder to us to look to the Lord, because God can always bring fruit in our lives - even in times of famine.

A Message from Manasseh
Do you know the significance of a name? Joseph named his son in a way that communicates his deep walk with God. One great truth his name emphasizes: God meets with us in the times of famine. Another, God helps us move past our past. Listen today to discover the full meaning of "Manasseh."

What Do You Know?
Daniel knew a lot. He was wise and mighty. Kings sought his counsel. For many of us, this type of success would fill us with pride, but Daniel was faithful to give praise to God. Join us this week for part 2 of our study of Daniel.

For every believer, there is a time when we must simply flee from the temptation. Satan is always seeking to entangle us in his snares, but Christ seeks to set us free. Today we learn what Joseph did when faced with a difficult choice.

Preparing for Daily Battle
What was it that kept Joseph from falling into sin? After all, the temptations came day by day. Sound familiar? Listen today to learn how you too can prepare for the daily battles against temptation.

Who Does This Really Hurt?
Do you feel that you have arrived spiritually? Watch out! God's Word teaches us to always remember the seriousness and temptation of sin. The worst aspect of sin is that it is against God. Listen today to hear some reminders about who our sin is truly hurting.

What to Do When You Are Tempted
Many times we get the idea that these great men of the Bible never faced the same temptations that we do. However, Joseph was tempted repeatedly to fall into sin. Listen today to learn how to avoid and overcome these inevitable temptations.

Knowing the Favor of God
Do you want to have the favor God? Then you must live consciously in the presence of God. For in the times of the greatest blessing, often, we face our harshest battles.

How To Hear From Heaven
How do you hear from the Lord? You must be in tune with Him! Our world desperately needs to have Christians who know what God is saying. Will you be one of those seek to hear from God? Join Scott Pauley for this first message from the life of Daniel.

Don’t Miss the Lord
It can be tempting to despair over the time and place in which God has placed us. Has it ever occurred to you that it was slavery, at the hands of his own brothers, that brought Joseph to Egypt? Yet, in all of that, God was working out His perfect plan!

Living in the Now
Life is filled with difficulties and trials. You may be facing adversity even today. However, we must learn to live today for our Lord. We must learn to take your eyes off the situation and put them on the Savior.

Seeing the Lord in Your Past
The Lord knows right where you are. Not just geographically but also the circumstances in which you are living. God is always working in your life, just as He has all along the way. Seek to see the Lord in every part of life.

God Was with Him!
Who is the main character in the life of Joseph and his life? Is it Joseph? The great leaders in Egypt? Today we discover that the story of Joseph is really about the Lord that was with Joseph.

The Beginning of the Story
What comes to mind when you think of Joseph? Many people remember Joseph for his coat of many colors. However, the thing that marked his life was the presence of God. Today we look behind the scenes at how God was working all along in Joseph's life.

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God by Pastor Hooks
What are you seeking after? What is it you desire more than anything else? This week, on the Weekend Pulpit, we are happy to bring you message by a dear friend of the ministry, Pastor Scott Hooks. Please take time to listen to this convicting message from Matthew 6.

Three Final Pictures of Our Shepherd
Our Shepherd is not like any other shepherd! Our Shepherd is the eternal God! In Hebrews, we find that He resurrected, He is restoring, and He is coming again! What a blessing it is to know Him! But if you have never made the Good Shepherd your Shepherd, trust Him today!

The Thief and the Shepherd
Have you experienced Christ as your Shepherd? If you know the Lord Jesus, He is your Shepherd. He cares for you individually. There is a thief who is seeking to destroy you. Today, we find out who it is and what Jesus does to protect us from him.

The Heart of Jesus
In this episode, we move from the Shepherd of Psalm 23 to see Jesus, the New Testament fulfillment of the truth we find in the Old Testament. Today, Scott Pauley shares several simple, yet powerful truths about the Good Shepherd’s heart which are applicable to us, His sheep. Each of us must ask God to form in us the heart of Jesus.

The Shepherd in the Shadows
Standing somewhere in the shadows, you'll find our ever-present Shepherd! We must never forget that, where there are shadows, there is light. Our journey does not end in shadows, our journey ends in the light—the perfect light of our eternal God. He is our light in the shadows!

Jehovah and Jesus
The twenty-third Psalm is the Psalm of Jehovah! The names of God in Scripture are a revelation of Who He is—His character. The Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New Testament. As we journey through this Psalm, the beautiful attributes of the Lord Jehovah reveal more of our blessed Lord Jesus, Who is the very perfection of all these attributes. Let's get to know our Lord better today!