Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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Simon: Zealous for Jesus

Luke 6:13-29
Simon was a member of a radical, political party that thought the answer was to conquer Rome. This zealot learned that only Christ can conquer and he became zealous for Him and what truly matters!
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Thaddaeus: Three Names and Three Truths

John 14:21-23
He is known by three different names in Scripture, but the most important thing about him is his association with Jesus Christ. Observe three wonderful lessons from the life of Thaddaeus.
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James: Unknown

Mark 3:16-19
Nothing is known of this disciple. Not a single recorded word. No outstanding work. But this disciple that stands in the background reminds us that God uses unknown people too! Meet James the son of Alphaeus...
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Thomas: Defined by Doubt or Living by Faith

John 11:16
Is your life defined by doubt or are you living by faith? Thomas is remembered as a "doubting" man, but in the end he gives one of the greatest statements of faith in the Bible! We all must choose to believe.
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Matthew: Such A Difference

Matthew 9:9-10
Would you like to hear Matthew's personal testimony about what Jesus Christ did in his life? Join us as we study his own words today. They reveal so much about the difference Christ can make.
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Nathaniel: Greater Things

John 1:45-51
He was a skeptic, a man full of questions. When he met Jesus Christ he found answers...and much more! In the life of Nathaniel we discover the "greater things" that the Lord reserves for those who will trust and obey.
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Philip: The Seeker

John 1:43-46
God seeks us and we are called on to seek others for Him. We don't know much about Philip but we know that he was a true "seeker." Christ sought Him and he sought to bring others to Jesus.
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John: The Only Disciple at the Cross

John 19:25-27
Only one disciple returned to stand at the foot of the cross. John shows us the way to stay close to Christ. In this study we find three marks of an intimate disciple of Jesus.
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James: A Changed Man

Matthew 4:18-22
What a transformation Jesus made in the life of James! He is a picture of what God desires to do in all of our lives. Even our gifts and blessings must come under the rule of Christ.
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Peter: Turning Point

Luke 22:31-32
Peter is known for so many conversations and interesting incidents in Scripture. But there is one moment that Christ spoke of that would become the turning point in his life. Have you had your turning point?
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Andrew: The First and the Faithful

John 1:40-42
The first disciple of Christ was not the most prominent of our Lord's followers. Yet God used him to lead many to Jesus. In fact, each time we see him he is faithfully working to bring people to Jesus! Today we meet Andrew.
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Getting Different Disciples On the Same Page

Acts 1:12-14
We are all different and it is impossible to get everyone to agree on everything. One thing brings the followers of Christ into unity - true prayer. In today's Scripture the disciples are beginning to apply what Jesus had been teaching them all along.
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He’s Still Working On Me

Acts 1:12-14
The Lord continues to work on us and in us all of our life. How patiently He worked with the first disciples! Look at the first glimpse of the first disciples after Christ left them.
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Closer In the Crisis

Mark 14:37-38
Crisis hours press us closer to Christ. Each occasion where we see the inner circle there were challenging circumstances, but through them all they were being brought nearer to the Lord.
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Prayer Helps

Mark 14:36-42
In the garden, on the hardest night of His life, the Lord gave us some of the greatest help for our own prayer life. Take these lessons from Christ's classroom and apply them today!
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Learning to Pray

Mark 14:32-35
Christ's most important and constant instruction to His disciples was about prayer. To the very end He was teaching His first followers and today He is teaching us! "Lord, teach us to pray."
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Our Greatest Privilege

Mark 9:1-10
The disciple's greatest privilege is not to do something but simply to be with Jesus. It is only as we learn to get alone with Him and hear Him that we are prepared to do His work. Listen to Christ's invitation...
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Inner Circle Disciples

Mark 5:35-43
It was their first field trip! Three students following the Teacher, and what an important lesson He had to teach them. Christ wants to teach us ALL something about HImself and about ourselves in this Scripture.
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Mark 3:16-17
Did you know that three of the disciples had their name changed by Jesus? They would become known as "the inner circle" - Peter, James, and John. If you want to be closer to Christ this is what you need to know...
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Spending Time “With Him”

Mark 3:13-15
Jesus' first call to His followers was simply to be "with Him." Some things never change. Today we discover where every follower of Christ must begin.
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The Twelve and the One

Mark 3:13-19
The original disciples were just common, ordinary men. All of them were very different from one another, but one thing brought them together: Jesus. In this new study we examine the twelve and the One who changed them forever.
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Amen. Amen.

Revelation 22:20-21
Revelation and all of Scripture ends with a word of assurance and agreement. Today we look at the double "Amen" found at the end of the Bible. Will you make it your own?
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Last Things

Revelation 22:1-21
The final chapter in God's Word shows us so many last things. Each of them holds tremendous significance for those of us living in the last days. These are the things that help us get ready for eternity...
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It’s Time for Praying

Revelation 22:20-21
John specifically prayed for two things at the end of this amazing Revelation. Take these two requests for your own prayers today! Time is passing quickly...it's time to pray.