Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

Above All
What is the most important principle for victorious Christian living? It is identified by God in today's Scripture by the expression "above all." Don't miss this truth!

The Heart of the Matter
If you lose heart you lose the battle. The heart of the matter is the heart! Today we examine the piece of armor that guards the inner man in the fiercest battles of life.

What Holds It All Together
While there are many things that we need to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ, there is one essentiel that holds it all together - truth. Find out how to "gird up" your mind today in God's truth.

Put On Jesus!
Just as we dress ourselves in prepararation for our daily work, we must put on the armor of God in preparation for daily warfare. Each piece is a picture of Jesus Christ. As you begin your day, put on Jesus!

The soldiers one task is to obey the Captain! The duty of every good soldier of Jesus Christ is to simply do the one thing He has called us to do: STAND. God will give you His strength and you must take your stand.

Welcome to the Battlefield!
Spiritual people understand that our enemy is the Devil - not those around them! The battle is being fought in the responsibilities and relationships of life, but the conflict is spiritual. Learn to see the war through God's eyes.

How to Stay In the Battle
It is easy to get battle weary and forget why we got in the fight to start with! In this study we discover three truths every soldier must remember. This will help you to stay in the battle!

Learning from a Seasoned Soldier
Ask the old warrior and he can tell you what to expect...and how to endure! Today we hear Paul's personal testimony and receive training for the battle ahead.

Helping the Hurting
The mark of good soldiers is both hardness and tenderness - strength against the enemy but mercy for the wounded. In a world of casualties God's people must arm themselves with mercy and truth to help the hurting.

Engaging In the Fight
It will cost you something to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Discipline and desire are required if you want your life to please Christ. We are all on active duty for the Lord and it is time to get back in the fight!

Enduring Hardness
No one can stand against spiritual opposition in their own power. We need grace! But the first step to enduring hardness is to learn to be hard on yourself. Our hardest battle is against our own flesh.

Enlisting In Christ’s Army
Are you on the winning side? There is a spiritual battle being waged and it is vital that we find our place in it. Being a good soldier of Christ does not begin with what you do for Him, but with what He does in you.

How to Continue Using the Psalms
God uses the Psalms to meet the deep needs of our lives. When you come to the New Testament the Psalms continue to be instrumental to the followers of Jesus Christ. In this concluding study we discover three ways Christians can continue to use the Psalms every day.

Holy Hallelujahs
Psalm 150. In the final psalm we reach the crescendo of praise. David has led the chorus and now we all must join in the song! "Praise ye the LORD."

The Power of a Hallelujah
Psalm 149. Praise is powerful because of the glory it brings to God, the joy and victory it brings into our lives, and the testimony it brings to others. Begin to praise God and you will see God at work.

Hallelujahs In the Home
Psalm 148. Most homes are more like war zones than havens of peace. God intended that they would be a little piece of heaven on earth, but that only happens when His praise fills our family. Hallelujahs must begin at home.

The Hallelujah Witness
Psalm 147. It is the job of God's people to represent Him well in this world - to make others know how good our God is! There is nothing more attractive than a grateful Christian and no witness more powerful than sincere praise.

Where Hallelujah Begins
Psalm 146. The final psalms are God's "Hallelujah Chorus," and this psalm shows us where the hallelujah's begin. Our praise begins with His person! He never changes.

Listen to An Old Man
Psalm 145. David is an aged king, reflecting on a very full life. As we listen to an old man rehearse the goodness of God it will help us to see God at work in our own lives. Pay special attention to the three dimensions of his praise.

What Does Normal Look Like?
Psalm 144. What does normal look like? Normal to God is strange to the world and normal to the world is strange to God! This study will help us to identify what God expects from His children and what we must teach our children.

Finding Direction
Psalm 143. Every day we need divine direction. There are decisions to make and situations to navigate that only God's wisdom will suffice. Take this psalm and make it your own prayer today.

God’s Complaint Department
Psalm 142. Did you know that God has a complaint department? They are not to be aired on social media or rehashed in endless conversations with others - they are to be brought directly to Him. Here's how.