Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes


Four Things That Help You Live In God’s Presence

Psalm 73
Psalm 73. The Leviticus Psalms teach us how to live in the presence of God. In today's episode we discover 4 things that will help us to come into His presence every day. You may be surprised at some of the things God uses!

Are You Ready?

Ezra 7:6, 10
Revival is not hard. In just a moment the God of life can send spiritual awakening! The hard thing is getting ready for revival to come. Ezra gives us an example of how to prepare for the revival that God desires to send.

This Is No Time To Stop!

Ezra 4:24-5:5
When opposition comes—and it always does—that is no time to stop! If the devil is fighting that is the very time to press on with God. This is no time to stop...this is the time to get back to what we know for sure.

Moving Forward

Ezra 3:8-9
Moving forward requires more than emotion, more than an initial decision, and more than good intentions. God is always advancing and He wants us to advance with Him. In today's study we find 3 things that must be done if we are to move forward.

Where Revival Begins

Ezra 1:1-6
Like every good thing, revival begins in the heart of God and it is born in the hearts of His people. A spiritual awakening is always personal before it is national. Will you allow revival to begin in you? Get ready for revival "roll call" as we study the book of Ezra.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

David’s Final Prayer

Psalm 72
Psalm 72. As we conclude the second section of Psalms we find the final prayer of David. Hear his heart as he neared the end and you will hear the heart of God. Be ready to add these three things to your prayer list!
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

A Lesson for Youth and Old Age

Psalm 71
Psalm 71. It is amazing how quickly youth turns in to old age! Life passes so quickly. None of us know how many days God will allow us to live, but He does tell us how to make the most of every day. Here is something that will help you in youth and in old age...
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

Three Things to Remember Today

Psalm 70
Psalm 70. Do you ever write yourself a reminder note? The Lord placed some for us in His Word. This Psalm is a psalm of remembrance and it reminds us of three things we must remember every day.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

In Deep Water

Psalm 69
Psalm 69. We all have our "deep water" experiences. It is good to know that God often does His deepest work in our lives while we are in deep water. In today's study we find 3 things the believer can do when things are uncertain.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

The Presence of God

Psalm 68
Psalm 68. The most wonderful thing in this world is the presence of God! His presence brings fear to those who do not know Him, but hope to those who do. Today we discuss how to live consciously in His presence and discover what comes out of being with Him.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

Why God Blesses and Why We Praise

Psalm 67
Psalm 67. Everything that God does for our good He also does for His glory. The ultimate end of man is to glorify God. God blesses us in order to make us a blessing; we should give praise with a desire to point others to the God of all blessing.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

How Joyful Praise Becomes a Powerful Witness

Psalm 66
Psalm 66. The most attractive thing in the world is a joyful spirit, and the most powerful testimony is a heart filled with praise. Witnessing is simply praising God to others. Learn how to use God's goodness in your life to invite others to Him.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

Praise God!

Psalm 65
Psalm 65. True prayer should always lead to praise. In today's study we learn that both our lives and the world around us give us reason to praise God. When you are finished listening you should begin to - praise God!
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

Enemies, Fears, and Faith

Psalm 64
Psalm 64. Only the fear of God can overcome the fear of man. Yes, the enemy is real...but God is greater! This psalm gives a pattern for all of us to follow: it shows us how to move from fear to faith.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

The Pursuit of a Lifetime

Psalm 63
Psalm 63. What are you searching for? It was while David was being hunted that he recorded this powerful psalm about seeking the Lord. Discover the open secret to seeking God early and finding Him in the darkest hours of life.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

Great Expectations

Psalm 62
Psalm 62. When life's expectations are based on people we are sure to be disappointed. The only foundations for great expectations is the goodness and greatness of God. Join us as we study the "God only" Psalm!
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

Will This Ever Get Easier?

Psalm 61
Psalm 61. We have all wondered...Will this ever get easier? At every stage in life there are difficulties to face and enemies to fight. The secret to this psalm and the secret to God's continued blessing is found in the last verse. One word will help you press on.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

This Is War!

Psalm 60
Psalm 60. While we are fighting one battle another enemy attacks. This is war! Only the Lord can help you live a victorious Christian life. Every battle, every struggle, every wound should drive us to Him.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

Wild Dogs

Psalm 59
Psalm 59. There are few things as ferocious or destructive as a pack of wild dogs. Enemies are like that and David understood such danger. He also understood that God was His defense and deliverer. Don't miss the way this psalm ends!
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

When Life Is A Zoo

Psalm 58
Psalm 58. What can we learn from a snake, a lion, and a snail? God uses three things in the animal kingdom to teach us about the wicked world around us, and, more importantly, about the God who rules over all.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

The Lion and the Lord

Psalm 57
Psalm 57. The "lions" of life come against all of God's people. Attacks will come. But there is One greater than the lions that want to destroy you! Following David's example, we learn to keep our eyes on the Lord in three simple ways.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

Daily Christian Living

Psalm 56
Psalm 56. Life is lived one day at a time. Every day there will be fears. Every day there is a fight. And every day God gives us exactly what we need to face them! Discover three things you can do every day to live in victory.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

Dealing With Betrayal

Psalm 55
Psalm 55. Have you ever been betrayed? It brings uncertainty, anger, and fear. But you do not have to stay in that bondage! Christ has made a way for us to be free and David shows us the way.
Study the Exodus Psalms on the Bible

How to Keep From Getting Bitter

Psalm 54
Psalm 54. When things go wrong and others don't do right it is easy to get bitter. David kept a sweet spirit through every disappointment. Find out how in his own words...