Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes


Our Very Present God

Psalm 46
Psalm 46. We may wander from the Lord but He is never distant from us. Take a few moments and consider how close God is to us all. Whatever your circumstance and wherever your location - God is there!

Wedding Day

Psalm 45
Psalm 45. Weddings are times of celebration and rejoicing. And the greatest union will be the day when the King, the Lord Jesus Christ, takes His bride to be with Him. This love psalm gives us a good look at the King and the King's bride - don't miss this wedding!

The Good Old Days

Psalm 44
Psalm 44. The God of the past is the God of the present. He who was...is! He who did...does! Look back and then look up. You will find that the eternal God is good in every age.

Still Struggling?

Psalm 43
Psalm 43. Just when you think you have moved "beyond" something another wave of questions and confusion often comes. Are you still struggling? This psalm will give you a prayer template you can use today.

Two Things You Can Do When You Are Hurting

Psalm 42
Psalm 42. Sometimes the worst thing you can do is listen to yourself! Your heart can deceive you and your emotions can mislead you. Stop listening to your hurts, fears, and doubts. Instead, learn to do these two things and you will find exactly what you need.

The “First” Thing Our Nation Needs

1 Timothy 2:1-4
First things first...Our nation's first need is not economic or political—it is spiritual. And our first work must be prayer. We need God! Will you join us in doing the most important work?

What Can I Do for My Country?

2 Peter 2:5-9
Believers often get burdened for their country. The need is great! What can be done? In the Old Testament story of Lot we find a man who failed to do what he could have done. This is a warning for us all. Today we identify 3 things that every Christian can do for their country.

In Time of Trouble

Psalm 41
Psalm 41. As we conclude the first section of the Psalms we find great hope and help for troubled times. Trouble comes to everyone, but God has promised to care for those who obey Him. His blessing is greater than our burdens.

After the Preaching Is Done

Psalm 40
Psalm 40. It is wonderful to meet with a congregation of believers and hear the Word of God preached. But it is when the preaching is done that the truth must be lived. Today we discover 4 things that must come after the preaching is done.

How to Have Quiet Time

Psalm 39
Psalm 39. Life is full of noise. There must be times when we get still and quiet before God. In quiet times we are able to think and pray. Only then do we have anything helpful to say to others.

Remember This…

Psalm 38
Psalm 38. Memory can be a great blessing or a great curse. Today we are reminded of specific things that we must always remember. Remembering God and His truth is essential to moving forward.

Fret Not

Psalm 37
Psalm 37. It is one thing to say, "Don't worry!" The question is, "How?" In this portion of Scripture the Lord tells us three times to "fret not" but He also gives us several things we can do to cast out fear.

Some Good News In A Bad World

Psalm 36
Psalm 36. We are inundated with bad news! Yet in spite of all the bad news around us there is unchanging good news in God's Word: God has not changed!

The Message of Unbroken Bones

Psalm 35
Psalm 35. Hundreds of years before Christ came the Holy Spirit revealed that not one of His bones would be broken. In back to back Psalms we have this truth emphasized. Listen as the unbroken bones of Christ speak to us of God's unbroken promise and unfailing power.

“All” and “None”

Psalm 34
Psalm 34. God is the God of "all times" and greater than "all troubles." This Psalm opens with a lesson on how to bless the Lord "at all times" and closes with a promise that "none" who trust in the Lord will be forsaken! God is able.

Reason to Rejoice

Psalm 33
Psalm 33. Are you a rejoicing Christian? There is nothing more attractive than the joy of Christ in the life of a believer. Join us as we walk through David's list and you will find some reason to rejoice...

The Rest of the Story

Psalm 32
Psalm 32. David's story does not end with his failure or even with God's forgiveness. God had much more for David - and He has much more for you! Learn how to get past your past and move forward with the Lord.

Three People in Trouble

Psalm 31
Psalm 31. Everybody has problems! We all deal with difficult circumstances and difficult people. In this psalm you will see 3 people in trouble and learn how to have victory in your own times of trouble.

How to Dedicate Your Home to God

Psalm 30
Psalm 30. Home is to be holy ground - a place where God's presence rules. When David dedicated his own house to God he did three specific things. Use his pattern with your own family.

Learning to Worship

Psalm 29
Psalm 29. In today's episode we approach one of the greatest subjects in Scripture: what it means to worship God. In eleven verses David teaches us much about what true worship looks like. Learn to worship and it will affect every other area of your life.

A Song In the Night

Psalm 28
Psalm 28. The sweetest songs are born out of the darkest hours. Listen to David's song and you will find the way to keep a happy heart in the hardships of life.

One Thing

Psalm 27
Psalm 27. If you could have one thing from God, what would it be? David tells us his greatest desire - and it is the desire that brings every other good blessing with it. Make this one thing your prayer and goal!


Psalm 26
Psalm 26. Integrity is in short supply in our world today. God is a God of integrity and He desires that His people be people of integrity. As we study today's Scripture we discover the elements of true integrity.

Five Lessons for Being a Good Student

Psalm 25
Psalm 25. We are all students in God's school and He has much to teach us. The Teacher identifies five truths that every good student needs to learn. What kind of student will you be?