Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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Learning to Love

1 Corinthians 13:13-14:1
Love is not something to feel—it is something to follow. We are commanded to intentionally pursue God's love. Determine today that you will learn how to deeply love God and how to daily love others.
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A Fresh Supply of Love

1 Corinthians 13:8-13
God's children can come to Him again and again for a fresh supply of His love. It never runs out! Study what God's Word teaches about the nature of God's love and its application to everyday life.
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How the Love of God Meets Every Need

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
The love of God guides us into every good thing and guards us from every evil. A classic chapter, 1 Corinthians 13, provides a detailed list of how God's love works in our lives. Use this spiritual checklist today!
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God’s More Excellent Way

1 Corinthians 12:31-13:3
It is possible to live as a Christian and labor as a Christian worker and still miss God's best. There is no substitute for the Lord's best. In this episode we find "a more excellent way."
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The Greatest Thing In the World

1 Corinthians 13:13
What is the greatest thing in the world? God answers that question and explains why in today's Scripture. One thing is the greatest thing in any home, church, or life and we all need it.
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

How to Have A Good Journey

Nehemiah 1:4-11; 2:3-8
Journeying With Nehemiah: Called on to get out of his comfort zone, Nehemiah gives us a powerful example of how to have a good journey. Apply these four truths from Scripture and you will discover how to follow God's lead.
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

What God Blesses Most

Daniel 1:1-15; 6:4
Journeying With Daniel: Daniel's trip to Babylon would consume most of his life. There were many things that he left behind but one thing he did not—his faithfulness to God. It is the secret to all true blessing. Purpose in your heart to be a faithful person to the end.
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

A 40-Day Challenge

Jonah 3:1-10
Journeying With Jonah: Jonah's first trip was away from God's will but his final trip was to people who needed God. There is someone along your journey that needs your witness. In this study we discover practical ways that all of us can be used to reach others for the Lord.
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

The Presence of the Lord

Jonah 1:1-2:10
Journeying With Jonah: Today we discover three things that are always connected to the presence of the Lord. If we want to live consciously in God's presence then we must learn to give attention to these areas. There is nothing as wonderful as the presence of the Lord!
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

“To” or “From”?

Jonah 1:1-3, 10
Journeying With Jonah: Every person is moving one of two directions—"to" the presence of the Lord or "from" the presence of the Lord. Which direction are you moving in?
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

Divine GPS

1 Kings 19:9-15
Journeying With Elijah: It is not a matter of logic, reasoning, or intelligence. We need divine wisdom for our journey! Learn to get your directions straight from God and you will always know you are going in the right direction.
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

“The Journey Is Too Great”

1 Kings 19:1-9
Journeying With Elijah: The strongest men have their weak days. You will reach a point where you think you cannot go on. The journey will be too great for all of us! But God is great enough for the journey. Follow Elijah to a juniper tree and see...
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

Life on the Run

Psalm 142
Journeying With David: Do you feel like you are living "on the run"? David understood that life and he also discovered that God will meet you wherever you are. Today we uncover four things you can do when the journey takes a difficult turn.
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

A Moment of Truth In Moab

Ruth 1:14-19
Journeying With Ruth: A moment of truth can change everything. It cuts through the confusion and brings clarity. Ruth had her moment of truth and it set in motion an eternity of blessings!
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

Which Way Are You Headed?

Ruth 1:1-5
Journeying With Elimelech: Not every move is a good one. Direction determines destination. Today we watch as one man takes a step in the wrong direction and it brings tragic consequences to his family. Which way are you headed?
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

The Secret to Joshua’s Journey

Joshua 1:1-8
Journeying With Joshua: Why was Joshua allowed to lead Israel into the promised land? What set him apart from others? In this study we find three characteristics of his life that can be applied to our own. Find the secret and apply the truth.
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

Forward by Faith!

Hebrews 11:29-30
Journeying With Israel: Israel started by faith and was stopped only by unbelief. The way to have a new start and move forward is by exercising faith in God right where you are. There are victories and blessings ahead...if we are willing to believe and obey God.
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

Choices Made Along the Way

Hebrews 11:23-28
Journeying With Moses: Life is all about the choices we make. At every stage of life there are decisions - important ones! - to be made. Moses whole life was a journey that was defined by his choices. Learn from him and choose well.
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

What God Says About Our “Stuff”

Genesis 45:20; 46:1-5
Journeying With Jacob's Family: Scripture addresses "stuff" in both the Old and New Testaments. There are things greater than material possessions. On today's journey we discover what matters most in the end.
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

The Cost of Traveling

Genesis 45:17-20
Journeying With Jacob's Family: Travel can be costly! Yet it is still true that "where God guides, He provides." Jacob learned that the Lord can provide all you need through unexpected means. Learn to trust Him for every resource along the way.
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

Unexpected Journeys

Genesis 39-40
Journeying With Joseph: Sometimes the road of life takes a twist and turn we could not have foreseen. What can you do? In this study we uncover the most important thing that Joseph had on his long journey away from home. It is indispensable and it is available to you today.
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

Beyond Bethel

Genesis 35:1-7
Journeying With Jacob: The Christian life is not about a place–it is about a Person. We must never allow ourselves to be so enamored by events and experiences that we miss the Lord Himself. Don't just go back to Bethel. Go beyond Bethel to the God of that place!
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

Start Right Where You Are

Genesis 28:10-12
Journeying With Jacob: Entering into a relationship with God is not the end of God's purpose for us, it is the beginning. When we begin to follow Him He leads us on to so much more. Start right where you are!
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

The Answer to A Bleak, Dreary Day

Genesis 28:10-22
Journeying With Jacob: It was a bleak, dreary place–the kind of place you barely wanted to stop, and certainly did not want to stay! Yet in the end it became a place of light and victory and beauty. It is amazing how the presence of God can transform any place...and any person.