Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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What the Bible Says

2 Timothy 3:13-17
In an age of deception God's people must know what they believe - and why! We must be ready to share with others, not what we think, but what God thinks. It is time to know and make known what the Bible says.
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Questions, Periods, and Exclamation Points

Acts 17:1-34
Our generation has more information available than ever, and yet there seems to be such a lack of truth. Every question must be brought to the Giver of truth! Today we look at three treatments of truth. How do we treat the truth?

Material vs. Spiritual

Haggai 2:6-9
We live in a materialistic world and it is very easy to get enamored with physical things. God's people must get their attention off of temporal things and onto spiritual realities. God's Word shows us the difference between things that will be "shaken" and things that will stand.

God Has All You Need

Haggai 2:4-5
The whole world may be against you today and your flesh may be very weak, but God has all that you need! He will give strength and courage for what is ahead. In today's study we see the sufficiency of our great God.

I Am With You

Haggai 1:12-16; 2:4-5
People love to talk about "the good old days." If you are not careful you will live look backward and fail to see that our God is moving forward. His great promise is: "I am with you."


Haggai 2:3
It is possible to get stuck in your past and miss what God is doing in the present. Only the Lord can help us get past our past—past failures and past blessings—to discover what He has for us today.

Don’t Miss Jesus!

Haggai 2:1-9
Lost men miss more than Heaven—they miss Jesus. But those who profess to know Christ often miss Jesus in their everyday lives. Don't miss Jesus!

Search Me, O God!

Haggai 2:10-19
The Lord looks deeper than the surface. He knows the difference between religion and holiness. Only as we allow God to search our hearts to we begin to see our great need.

Some Things to Consider

Haggai 1:1-11
Have you ever looked at your life through God's eyes? God's message to Judah is the same as God's message to us - look at your life and look to the Lord. Here are a few things to consider...

Consider Your Ways

Haggai 1:1-7; 2:15-18
Five times in this short book God says that we are to take time to consider where we are and what God wants to do. Slow down and "consider your ways" today!

My Life As the Lord’s Temple

Haggai 1:8
Your heart is God's house! Your body is His temple. From the Old Testament prophet Haggai we learn that the Lord is very particular about His holy temple. His pleasure and His glory must come first.

God’s Construction Zone

Haggai 1:1-8
There is a work that God wants done and we get to participate in it! As we labor with Him we see Him do the work in our lives that only He can do. Join the Lord's construction crew today.
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Trusting God for Second Chances

Judges 16:28-31
Samson's story does not end in defeat - it ends with a second chance. The God of new beginnings continues to extend mercy to sinners. At the end of this study we find a new start for us all.
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Trusting God for Supply

Judges 15:18-20
What is your great need today? God knows and God has more than enough. Begin to pray in faith and watch the Lord at work.
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Trusting God for Strength

Judges 14:5-6
We all face enemies and fight battles. From Samson's first battle we learn how to trust God for every struggle in life. "Have faith in God."
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Samson’s Secret

Hebrews 11:32-33
The secret of Samson's life was not the riddles he liked to tell or even the hair he was not to cut. The secret to his strength and every victory in life is connected to faith in God. Learn why Samson is included in Hebrews 11 and how you can exercise faith today!
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How Will Your Story End?

Judges 16:20
Samson never imagined the hurt and heartache that would come at the end of his rebellion. No one does. How will your story end?
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Mocking the Spirit of God

Judges 16:19-20
Men play with sin and treat life as a game, but it is dangerous to mock the Holy Spirit. God's Word reveals in Samson how the Holy Spirit can be grieved and the sorrow it brings to a life.
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Holy Spirit Power

Judges 14:6, 19, 15:14
Samson's strength was not his hair but the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit has power to conquer every enemy that may be faced. Watch how the Spirit conquers the devil, this world, and fleshly things.
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When the Holy Spirit Begins to Move

Judges 13:25
From the beginning of Scripture the Holy Spirit is seen as in motion - moving on the earth, moving the plan and purpose of God forward. Today we see what happens when God begins to move on a man's life.
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The Life of the Spirit In the Life of Samson

Judges 13:25
Samson's life is in many ways a picture of the battle we all fight between the flesh and the Spirit. Only the power of the Holy Spirit can conquer the enemies around us and the enemy within!
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One Thing We All Must Learn

Judges 15:18-20
What does it take for you to truly pray? Today we examine the prayer life of Samson and our own prayer life. Join us as we study God's Word and pray together for God to do what only He can do.
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God Is More Than Enough

Judges 15:18-19
The Lord doesn't just meet needs, He exceeds expectations. In today's story we see the miracle working power of our great God. You can find in Him everything you need, and more than enough.
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The Power of Nothing

Judges 15:17-18
When you come to "nothing" you are on the right track! That is where God demonstrates His power. If you feel weak and incapable, thank the Lord! He is humbling you to bring you to Himself.