Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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Truth for Tempted People

1 Corinthians 10:13
Nobody is an exception to temptation, even the greatest of Christians. Any of us are capable of any sin, but our faithful God is always able to deliver us!

The Joy of Reaping

Psalm 126:5-6
In a world full of brokenness and sadness, we often wonder if God will ever break through. Christians have a promise that joy will follow sorrow, as long as we are faithful!

The Joy of Today

Psalm 118:24
There is a picture of hope in the dawning of every new day. Each morning, we must realign ourselves with the joy of the Lord. Whether easy or difficult, every day is a gift made purposefully by God.

The Joy of Salvation

Psalm 51:12
Christian people ought to be the happiest people on earth. That does not mean they are perfect or have zero problems, but they always have something to rejoice in - their salvation!

The Joy of Being Right with God

Psalm 32:11
The most miserable person on earth is not a lost person. It is a saved person out of fellowship with God. Do you have the joy of being right with God today?

The Joy of Divine Strength

Psalm 21:1-2
Do you feel faint or weary today? You can access God's strength! Regardless of the size of your battle, lean heavily on the Lord and let Him fight for you.
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All, Many, and Some

1 Corinthians 10:1-11
Perhaps the worst part about sin is not what we get but what we miss. Specifically, sins of the spirit are disruptive and deceptive because they can be hard to identify. May God shine the light of His Word in our souls and do a thorough work.

The Joy of God’s Name

Psalm 33:21
In the Bible, names were largely given with meaning. In other words, the names of individuals reflect their nature. Study Psalm 33 with us as we rejoice in the holy name of God.

The Joy of God’s Presence

Psalm 16:11
Places do not bring joy; people do. Even more so, there is no joy like living consciously in the presence of God. We sadly neglect this joy because we lose our awareness of His presence.

The Joy of Faith

Psalm 5:11
As you learn to believe God, you enter into His joy. When you first believe on Christ, you discover the joy of His salvation. When you continue to walk by faith, you dive deeper into this joy.

The Joy of Work

Deuteronomy 12:7, 12, 18
While many people connect joy to recreation, amusement, or entertainment, God connects joy to work. Is your work connected to God’s will? Go to work today with renewed gratitude for what God has given you to do.

The Root of Joy

Nehemiah 8:8-10
God has made a way for His true followers to experience and express His joy, even in the midst of a miserable world. It is impossible to tap into this joy without first being rooted in Christ.
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That Rock Was Christ

1 Corinthians 10:1-4
Nothing can perfectly describe how perfect Jesus is! In this episode of The Weekend Pulpit, we notice another symbol of the Lord. As our Rock, He provides strength and stability.
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A Conversation with our Listeners

Psalm 68:11
Sit down with Scott Pauley to hear of the exciting things God is doing through this Bible teaching ministry. God has given us His Word and you can be one who helps publish it! PLUS a very special addition coming to the broadcast. Tune in today!
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Pray for Nero

1 Timothy 2:1-4
It is possible for you to love the Lord Jesus Christ with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength and to also love your nation. Join Scott Pauley for this special edition broadcast. Paul prayed for Nero; are you praying for your leaders?

My Takeaways

John 21:24-25
Not all of Scripture was written to us, but it was all written for us. As we conclude our study of the parables, we are reminded of the inexhaustible nature of God's Word. Join us as we discuss some general impressions.

The Sheep and the Goats

Matthew 25:31-46
Because God loves all people, Christ died for everyone. Someday, He will assemble and judge all who have rejected His truth. Each of us will meet God and must prepare for that appointed moment.

Use It Or Lose It!

Matthew 25:14-30
All of us are answerable to God for the opportunities and abilities He's gifted us. No excuse is reasonable, and we can only blame ourselves for disobedience. Don't neglect what you've been given!
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Don’t Be Ignorant

1 Corinthians 10:1, 14-15
So many of the Lord's people are living in ignorance. The ignorance is not intellectual, but practical. Has your belief idled and stopped influencing your behavior?

The Door Was Shut

Matthew 25:1-13
Today, Christ has opened the door for all to come to Him in repentance. There is coming a day, however, when the door will be shut. When will it be too late to trust Him?

The Ruler Speaks to the “rulers”

Matthew 24:45-51
Regardless of the loftiness of your worldly title, we are all but lowly servants to the only High God. Someday, we will bow before our Heavenly Ruler and give Him an account of our stewardship.

4 Things Jesus Left Us

Mark 13:32-37
Believers ought to be watching for the imminent return of Christ. The Lord has left us all the necessary resources to perform His work. What are we doing with what we have been given?

Learn a Parable of the Fig Tree

Matthew 24:32-36
The Messiah will return soon, and He is not finished with His beloved nation of Israel. Everything God foretells He always fulfills. Listen to today's episode as Christ uses His creation to illustrate these truths!

Are You Prepared for the Wedding?

Matthew 22:1-14
You cannot come to God clothed in your own goodness. All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. Jesus is the only way, and He made a way for even the vilest of sinners!