Dear Pastor,
The last two years have been full of challenges that none of us have ever faced and few of us could have imagined. The physical, emotional, and spiritual toll has been great on so many. And our Lord specifically called you to lead and feed His flock during this season.
God has used you to comfort those who have lost loved ones, encourage the discouraged, counsel those seeking direction, and preach and teach the unchanging Word of God. Through this time you have no doubt had your own fears and questions – and your own family to minister to. Still you have been faithful.
Thank you for modeling for us what it means to minister “in season, out of season” (2 Timothy 4:2). Thank you for loving Jesus and loving His church. Thank you for pointing us to Christ when nothing else makes sense. Thank you for being hopeful when many only want to despair. Thank you for showing us that God’s Word is all-sufficient. Thank you for staying true to your call.
Soon this particular season will pass. In fact, soon all of this will pass and we will be in the presence of our Savior. I am sure that on the day we kneel at His nail-pierced feet you will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23). Until then, let these words cheer you as you labor: “…be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58).
At times you may wonder what is being accomplished. Please know that God’s people need a shepherd and this lost world needs your voice more than ever. The Lord is with you and it is a privilege to serve God with you in this generation.
We love you. Many are praying for you. Jesus is praying for you.
Thank you for being my pastor,
A grateful church member
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WOW! My, my ,my, touching words of encouragement. Thank you to whomever wrote those words. Thank you Brother Scott Pauley for sharing this letter. For such a time as this!
Thank you for reading and letting me know.
Thank you dear brother to remind us to be thankful for those who do this labour of love.
We are so easely ungrateful and prone to bring critics instead of thankgiving for God provision to our soul.
From an elder that need a good word in season, thank you again brother Pauley,
Before the trhone of grace, Raymond
God bless you!