We have become a nation of “shut-ins” in many ways. (This should make us more compassionate and caring of those who truly are shut-in and unable to ever leave their homes!) The current shift in schedule has disrupted a mobile society and the ripple effects are just beginning to be felt.
What should Christians do? They should do what they can where they are! The will of God and the work of God always begins with what is right at hand. As we do our part, God will surely do His.
If we want to get to the ends of the earth we must begin at our Jerusalem (Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8). When we began 2020 I challenged churches to take “A Vision For Our Town” as their theme for the year. Little did I know that God would orchestrate events in such a way that I would be spending a great deal more time in my own hometown!
This has all been a reminder to me that the Lord is not just moving in distant places, but in present ones. His work is both far and near. God wants us to bear fruit wherever He has planted us for this time.
I have been very encouraged by the reports from across the country as local churches and sincere believers have “adopted” their towns, ministering to healthcare workers, needy families, and first responders. It is thrilling to think of the harvest of souls that may grow out of this season! Do what you can where you are.
This week in Beckley I am excited about being involved in a couple of special ministries:
- The Beckley Bible Study – On Wednesday night at 7 pm I have the privilege to begin a four week series from the book of Ruth. This little book is a ray of light in a dark time in history, and a tremendous encouragement to our faith. (You can join us online at cranberrybaptistchurch.com or on their Facebook, Youtube, or Vimeo channels.) God gives us light in dark days and expects us to be light in a dark world.
- Resurrection Sunday – This Easter will be a little different but the message is the same: Our Christ still lives! I look forward to preaching at an outdoor “drive-in” service at 11 am at our home church. If you are in the area you can join us at Cranberry Baptist Church, 201 Cranberry Drive, Beckley, WV. You will be able to remain in your car as we participate in worship and prayer and hear beautiful Christ-honoring music and a message from God’s Word. The service will be live-streamed and also carried live on 620 AM and 101.1 FM in southern WV.
We must not be discouraged or detoured from what God has given us to do. The church of Jesus Christ has always advanced in the midst of the greatest battles. He promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against His church (Matthew 16:18)! So, by the grace of God, determine that you will keep moving forward while you are staying close to home.
Make the words of Paul the prayer of your own heart, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:6) He will tell you. And when He does…do what you can where you are.
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