Encouragement for Evangelists August 3, 2021


This week our dear brother, Evangelist Tom Farrell, will be buried. He was a faithful preacher of Christ and a kind friend to me. I am preaching at the Wilds right now and thinking about so many weeks where he stood in this place and spoke God’s truth to another generation. Now He is with Jesus. I love his memory and look forward to seeing him again soon.

My heart has been stirred as I think about the dearth of evangelists across our nation. Never has the need for gospel preaching evangelists been any greater! (Read more about the office and work of the evangelist here.) I am grateful for the many faithful evangelists that I know, but I am  personally praying that the Lord will send many more laborers into this harvest field.

Would you join me in this prayer?

I also know that evangelism can be lonely work. Every ministry has its challenges and this work is no different. The spiritual warfare has intensified in recent days and God’s servants must keep themselves and one another encouraged in the work of the Lord.

This year it is my privilege to serve as the Moderator for the Southwide Baptist Fellowship in Raleigh, NC. We will gather for good preaching, seasons of prayer, and refreshing fellowship at the Beacon Baptist Church on Monday, October 11 – Wednesday, October 13, 2021. I am excited about the men who are coming to preach God’s Word to us – preachers need preaching too! The conference will also be filled with beautiful, Christ-honoring music. Everyone is welcome and you can find full information at southwidebaptist.org.

As we have prayed and prepared for the meeting, the Holy Spirit has prompted us to do do something special for evangelists this year. If you are serving in evangelism we would like to help you come to Southwide and trust that God will use it to strengthen you for the work He has called you to do. Any evangelist who will let us know they are interested and can work out their travel to the meeting will:

  • Have their registration fee paid.
  • Receive the first night’s lodging free.
  • Join us for an evangelist’s luncheon on Tuesday.

The only way to receive this special offer is to email me directly at [email protected]. We will respond with complete details and look forward to you joining us. Pastor Tim Rabon and I are so excited about the fellowship with preachers from across the country in just a couple of months.

If you are an evangelist or know one who needs encouragement I hope you will make an effort to get them to this year’s Southwide Baptist Fellowship. May God give us a revival of evangelism in these days.


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  1. Danny Keever on August 29, 2021 at 10:51 PM

    I have a place to stay ( My daughters and son in laws in the area.

    I plan to attend. God has stirred my heart to do the work of evangelist after years in the pastorate.

    I long to be there to SWF and to Get all I can for the evangelist.

    • scottpauley on August 30, 2021 at 5:17 PM

      Wonderful! We look forward to seeing you. Hope you will plan to have lunch with the other evangelists that are there on Tuesday. If you are not already registered you can email me at [email protected] and I will be happy to provide the registration for you. God bless you.

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