For Those Who Love Children December 21, 2019


“Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.” The greatest way to impact the future of a nation is to reach another generation of children. More than ever, we need people with a passion to reach and teach children for Christ!

My friend, Pastor Mark Fowler, worked with children for many years. Some time ago he compiled for his church a list from the life of Samuel of “What I Wish Every Child Had.” These are wonderful truths from 1 Samuel and I am happy to pass them along to you…

  1. Every child should be prayed for (1:10, 11, 20, 26-27).
  2. Every child should be given to God (1:11, 22,28).
  3. Every child should be taught to live before God (2:20-21).
  4. Every child should be taught to minister before the Lord (1:18).
  5. Every child should be taught submission to authority (3:1).
  6. Every child should be taught to listen to the voice of God (3:4-10).
  7. Every child should be developed spiritually (3:18-19, 2:26)
  8. Every child should learn to obey God (3:18).
  9. Every child should fulfill God’s purpose for their life (3:20).
  10. Every child should encourage others to serve the Lord (16:11-12).

How can this list be used?

  • Parents can use this list as a spiritual “check up.” Be intentional about the truth you teach your children and the priorities you set for your family.
  • Children’s workers can use this list as a guide for teaching children from the life of young Samuel. Use this great personality in Scripture to teach eternal principles. Make the Bible come alive to your students!
  • All believers can use this list as a prayer list for the children in your realm of influence. We all have boys and girls connected to our family or church family who need our prayers. Pray the very Word of God and you will know you are praying the will of God for them.

All of us who love children can do something. The only two eternal things on earth are the Word of God and the souls of people. Connect the two and you have made a difference for eternity.

If you would like this list in a bulletin insert format for use in your church you may obtain one from Pastor Fowler. Write to him at

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