Having Good Days in the Midst of Evil Days November 7, 2012

Having Good Days in the Midst of Evil Days

One of the great privileges of serving at Crown College through the years was the opportunity to hear so many wonderful Bible messages. Pastor Sexton brought faithful preachers to the college chapel hour each week. I recall when my friend, Dr. Dan Reed, brought one of the most encouraging messages I have ever heard.

He spoke on the subject of enjoying the journey from 1 Peter 3. God gives a prescription for those “that will love life, and see good days” (v. 10). For the record, I am one of those! I would encourage you to spend a little time meditating on this powerful passage and to apply God’s instructions.

In the message, Dr. Reed stated that there were three types of people:

1.  The Escapist.

Much of our world falls into this category. They live for “Friday” and survive only by thinking about a coming vacation. Perhaps they find some fleshly pursuit or hobby to serve as a distraction. This is all they know to do…find some way to escape.

2.  The Fatalist.  

This is the sad person who believes that life is purely in the hand of fate and circumstance. Whatever will be will be and we must simply accept it.

3.  The Person who knows God’s Word.

If we know the Scriptures we can follow His principles and rest in His promises. Thank God that His Word never changes! Meditating in the Word brings true joy even in the midst of less than desirable circumstances.

I am happy for every reminder that the Lord is on His throne and I am in His hand. Dr. Reed deals with difficult health needs every day but he is very obviously a happy Christian. May God help us all to know His joy in these trying times. Love life. See good days. Enjoy the journey.

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