How to Pray for a Special Meeting April 10, 2013

Today we begin our annual Baptist Friends Conference at Temple Baptist Church and Crown College.  Pastor Sexton and our precious people love hosting this meeting and seeking to encourage hundreds of friends in the work of world evangelism.  There are always so many people working hard to prepare for a meeting like this.  Yet we have learned that the most important preparation is not physical but spiritual.

The greatest preparation is the work that is done in prayer.  Remember, when we pray GOD works!  We always have a 24 hour prayer vigil on the Friday and Saturday before the Conference begins.  For the last several weeks teams of our people have visited in all of our member homes gathering prayer requests and praying specifically for God’s blessings on the meeting.

The Lord has used this to teach me so many things through this experience.  Here are a few suggestions on how to pray for a special meeting that I hope will be a help to you:

1.  Pray for the Pastor.  The Pastor has the great responsibility to lead the services and place an emphasis.  Ask God to give him wisdom and strength.

2.  Pray for those who will bring God’s Word.  Ask the Lord to prepare their hearts and the very messages that are needed.  You will get more out of their preaching if you pray for them by name!

3.  Pray for every group within the church.  Pray that the children, the young people, the adults will all be stirred and helped.

4.  Pray for those who provide special music.  Ask the Lord to anoint the choir and others who will help to prepare hearts for the preaching of God’s Word.

5.  Pray for people working behind the scenes.  Those who work to keep the buildings and grounds nice are often neglected people.  Ask the Lord to refresh them and make their labor fruitful.

6.  Pray for the Lord to remove distractions and hindrances.  Pray about little things (that could be big things) like the sound system.  The devil would love to get in anywhere he can!

7.  Pray for those who work so that others can listen.  Ask the Lord to bless the nursery workers, the greeters, and ushers as they minister to people.

8.  Pray for a deep spiritual work to be done.  Pray for prepared hearts and a spirit of expectancy among those who attend.  Ask the Lord to use His Word and bring lasting fruit in the lives of individuals and the life and ministry of the church.

9.  Pray for health and safety so that people can be present.

10.  Pray for yourself.  Pastor Sexton has often said, ” A great meeting is one where God speaks to you.”  What a shame it would be for others to hear from the Lord and our own heart is not prepared.

Perhaps the most important part of a meeting is the period of time leading up to it.  Pray.  Let others know that you are praying for them.  This will be a great encouragement to so many.

It would be a great blessing if you would join us in praying for the Baptist Friends Conference, Sunday – Thursday, April 13 -17.  We would love to see you there.  If you are unable to come join us online at at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Thank you for praying!

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  1. pastorstoeber on April 10, 2013 at 1:40 PM

    Thank you bro! Helpful!

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