Join Us for A Special Couples’ Retreat This January! December 15, 2022

13415 EJT 2023 Marriage Retreat SLIDE

Each year Tammy and I are privileged to spend time with couples across the country in a variety of retreats and conferences. After 25 years of marriage we are more in love than ever and more convinced that the spiritual battle for our nation is being fought on the battlefield of the home. Satan always opposes what God ordains.

Like every good thing, revival must begin with God’s first institution, the family. There must be a spiritual awakening in the hearts of husbands and wives if we expect to effectively pass the baton of faith to the next generation. Our future depends on it.

This January we are excited to be conducting An Enjoying the Journey Marriage Retreat on Friday – Saturday, January 27-28, 2023 in Jekyll Island, GA. The Jekyll Island Club is a world-class resort full of rich history. All of our sessions will be held in the beautiful Morgan Ballroom which was originally built in 1929 as an indoor tennis facility. You will enjoy the surroundings, but most of all, you will enjoy the fellowship.

Our friends at the Bible Baptist Church in Brunswick, GA are helping to host the retreat. Pastor Mike Landrum and a team of folks are working to make this a very special gathering. You will need to make your own hotel reservations and there are three recommended options in the area.

The cost is only $65 per couple, plus your lodging. Click HERE to register and find lodging options. If you have questions you may contact the church at 912.264.2762 or Milton Hall, retreat coordinator, at 912.217.9025. These two days are designed to be a very relaxed time with helpful sessions from God’s Word.

We believe this will be a wonderful way to begin the new year with a spiritual emphasis for our marriages. Our prayer is that the Lord will use it to encourage husbands and wives to enjoy the journey more fully together. All married couples are welcome to join us and Tammy and I hope to see you there!

(Visit for additional events and resources for marriage and family.)



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