This past Lord’s Day we commemorated the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. True believers celebrate this every Sunday! In fact, we celebrate our living Savior every day because He lives within us!
A few months ago I stood in the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem and remembered the words of the angel, “He is not here: for he is risen, as he said” (Matthew 28:6). But as I stood in that empty tomb it dawned on me that, in fact, He was there – He is with me in every place! This is the story and the glory of the gospel.
Over the last two weeks, we have set aside our daily Enjoying the Journey podcast to concentrate on the gospel. If you missed any of this short series, Good News in a Bad World, you can access it in the archive here.
Yes, we are living in times of economic uncertainty, political instability, and moral decay. But we must never forget that we are living in days of spiritual power. We have been called to live in the age of the gospel!
- The gospel age is THE CHURCH AGE, because the good news of Jesus is the message of the church.
- The gospel age is THE AGE OF THE SPIRIT, because salvation is the work of the Spirit.
- The gospel age is THE AGE OF APOSTASY, because so many will reject the truth of Christ.
- The gospel age is THE AGE OF THE LAST DAYS, because it will culminate in the return of the Lord Jesus for His people.
Instead of commiserating about how difficult the times are, we should embrace the fact that God has called us to live and minister in these days. And He has not left us alone! The gospel is still the power of God to salvation (Romans 1:16).
On Monday we will return to our extended study of the book of Acts – The Adventure Continues! This second section of the fifth gospel record encompasses only two chapters, Acts 8-9. But these chapters serve as a hinge on which the gospel door opens to so many more.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is advancing, marching toward the coming of Christ. It is time for us to move forward with it. Would you join us for the next steps on our journey?
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Simple and powerful is the message we are carrying in vessel of clay and for His glory.