Meditations on Our Mission January 25, 2018


After days of flying it takes a little time for your body (and your mind) to get back to normal! I’m not sure I am completely there but each day I am able to reflect a little more on our recent gospel work in Asia. While I am rejoicing in the work we were able to do, I am increasingly aware that He was also doing something in me.

God has a way of holding class in unusual places. Here are a few of the truths He spoke to me about…

  • The humanity of all people. She was a beautiful little girl. As she looked across the aisle of the plane at me and smiled, I saw my own girls in her. People are basically the same everywhere. Cultures differ. Languages differ. Human nature and human need do not. People are people and all people need to be loved.
  • The necessity of the gospel. Everyone, everywhere needs one message. You cannot give the gospel to the wrong person and it is right to give it to all people. There is life in the message of Jesus Christ. People will respond to truth given in love.
  • The sufficiency of the Scriptures. God’s Word is powerful and completely able. We are weak, His Word is always strong. We get weary, His Word is always fresh. Give the Word of God and it will get the job done.
  • The reality of prayer. Pray in His will. Pray in faith. Pray specifically. And expect God to answer. I was impressed by the sincerity and earnestness of the prayers of the believers in a hard place. Surrounded by spiritual opposition, they are seeing miraculous answers to prayer. God is not bound by geography or circumstance – He is not bound by anything! Prayer releases the mighty power of God.
  • The urgency of the church. There is nothing like the family of God! The church is Christ’s loving presence in a hateful world. Every community needs a local body of believers living, loving, and laboring among them. The mission of the church has never been more needed. Christ is coming and our time is short.

We saw 353 precious souls profess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ over the five short days we were able to minister. I know that God answered the prayers of so many people and honored His Word. To God be all of the glory.

Our team adopted Psalm 118 as our Scripture to pray and meditate on during our trip. The words of the final verse are the expression of my own heart: “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.”

Thanks for taking time to read my jet lagged ramblings. He has so much more He wants to teach us all. miss His lessons today!

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