Missing Messiah December 22, 2016

While preaching recently in the beautiful state of Connecticut I was driven through several old cemeteries. Very old. It was fascinating to see markers going back to the 1600’s! IMG_2088

It may sound strange but I have always enjoyed visiting cemeteries. Reading the epitaphs. Noticing the ages. Imagining the stories. Every memorial is a reminder of a fleeting life and an eternal soul.

One afternoon between meetings I took a brief run. As I came upon a cemetery I noticed the star of David prominently placed at the entrance. Walking slowing through the rows of grave markers I was overwhelmed frankly by the hundreds and hundreds of Jewish families that had been laid to rest in that place.

Did they ever come to know the true Messiah?

I love Israel. God is not through with His chosen people and I continue to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” It is my fervent hope that America will always be a true friend to the nation of Israel.

There are many Messianic Jews, precious people who have come to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as the long-awaited Savior. Thank the Lord, some have entered into the family of God through Christ. Yet, two thousand years removed from His coming, so many continue to sit in blindness.

He came unto his own, and his own received him not” (John 1:11).

As I meditated on this truth my own heart was convicted. Is it possible that we all are in some way missing the Messiah?

Busy. Preoccupied. Hurried. Distracted. Rushing past the Lord. Missing Messiah.

When the Lord Jesus came almost the entire world missed Him. The sad words, “because there was no room for them in the inn,” are descriptive of the attitudes of most people, both then and now.

  • The Roman empire missed Messiah. They are a picture of worldly minds today. Building roads. Charting shipping routes. Concerned with commerce. Broadening their power and control. Conquering the world…and totally oblivious that the King of the universe had come to town.
  • The religious leaders in Israel missed Messiah. They are a picture of many empty religious hearts. Carrying on their routines. Tradition. Form. Offerings. Feasts. Reading the Old Testament prophecies…and yet painfully unaware that the One they professed to worship had come to live with them.

Some things never change. Many willfully reject Him. Others ignorantly neglect Him. Both miss Him. Worldly and religious people have the same problem: everyone is consumed with their agenda, and most are missing Messiah.

This world will not miss Him when He comes again. Christ will not be ignored forever. Do not neglect Him in your heart and home today.

Do not miss Messiah.



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  1. Bob Patton on December 22, 2016 at 11:47 AM

    Good reminder, Scott. Even in the busyness of Church work, we who are in “full time” Christian work can get so preoccupied with getting OUR work done that we forget that the ultimate goal should be fellowship with HIM.
    Thanks for the reminder.

    Bob Patton

    • Scott Pauley on December 22, 2016 at 1:10 PM

      We love you all and hope you’re doing well. Merry Christmas!

  2. Jerry Sinclair on December 22, 2016 at 12:15 PM


    As I minister to sexually broken men, I remind them of their legacy and what will be said about them at their funeral and eventually, what epitaph will be written on their tombstone.

    There are some surprising inscriptions, even humorous ones.

    But, one story that struck me was about Oskar Schindler (the main character in the movie, (“Schindler’s List”). He died a pauper in 1974 and was buried in Jerusalem on Mount Zion, the only member of the Nazi Party to be honoured in this way. When one walks up to the grave site, they would see hundreds of small stones laid upon the grave of Oskar Schindler (as you may know, the stone is the way the Jewish people honor their dead). It is said that no gentile has ever been honored and no grave site has the number of stones as does Oskar Schindler’s grave.

    As you revealed in your post, we do not know the heart of those buried there. But their life and death may awaken the Spirit in a seemingly dead person’s soul. Merry Christmas. Jerry

    • Scott Pauley on December 22, 2016 at 1:11 PM

      Thanks for sharing. Great story! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

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