New Gospel Tract Now Available! September 20, 2018


Several people have asked in recent weeks if I am working toward publishing any books. The answer is yes and the key word is “working”! My pastor wisely advised me not to publish much too early and to begin with smaller projects. I have tried to do that through writing weekly articles over the last seven years.

One of my desires was to publish something related to the gospel before publishing other works. The message of Christ is the greatest message on earth! In the words of a divinely inspired evangelist and writer, “it is the power of God unto salvation” (Romans 1:16).

I have just completed a brand new gospel tract that we are praying will be used of the Lord to bring many to Christ. Would You Like A New Start? is now available at

The Power Of A Story

Everyone loves a good story. Jesus knew that and the wise witness will as well. Stories draw people in and can be simply used to bring the reader to profound truth. This piece of gospel literature may be given to anyone, anywhere, to provide a concise summary of the gospel story.

Would You Like A New Start? is based on the stories of two very different people – a religious man named Nicodemus and a worldly woman at a well in Samaria. Both were needy sinners. Both needed a new start. And both found it only in Jesus Christ. This is the story of two sinners and one Savior.

John 3:16 is providentially placed between these two stories in Scripture. Its truth reaches to the religious and the nonreligious and teaches us all that only Christ is able to give new life.

The Story Behind The Story

This truth came alive in my heart sitting late one night in a restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia. We were the last customers of a very long day and our waitress was visibly weary. At some point in our interaction with her she explained that she had just moved to the area with her young son. There was a sadness in the way she said it.

I asked this young lady, “Have you ever thought that you would like to have a fresh start?” Tears filled her eyes as she knelt by our table. “That’s what I’ve been looking for,” she said.

It was our joy to share with her the story of Christ and the new life He offered in John chapters 3 and 4. What a thrill to see her bow her head and call on the Lord Jesus to forgive her sin! She met the God of new beginnings.

This is not just the story of one woman – it is the story of every person. We must get the message of new life to all people!

Would You Help Us Tell The Story?

It is my story and yours. It is the story of Christ. Tell someone today! I hope you will add Would You Like A New Start? to your gospel resources. You may find more information at by clicking on the Resources slide or at

Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness (2 Corinthians 9:10).

Please help us pray that God will multiply the seed and increase the fruits through this effort.


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  1. Ronald Pollard on November 14, 2018 at 9:53 AM

    Bro. Pauley,
    Please, I do not construe my email to be critical. In your tract, Would You Like A New Start, the question is asked, would you repent of your sins and trust Jesus as your Saviour. Outside of Fundamental Baptist Churches, and even in some of them, I’m concerned today that the average person does not know what the word “repent” even means. And, words certainly have meaning.

    • Scott Pauley on November 19, 2018 at 3:52 PM

      Thanks for the feedback. I am sure that there are many people both in and out of churches who do not know what repentance means. My greatest concern is that the emphasis they get is what the Bible word means and not the definition that someone else wants to place on it. I believe that “repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” are inseparable and indispensable to salvation. God bless you.

      • Ron Pollard on November 20, 2018 at 4:32 AM

        Amen to that!

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