What a year we have had studying the Bible together! This month we conclude our 6th year of Enjoying the Journey podcasts, and are so very grateful for the faithful listeners who journey through God’s Word with us each day. Over the last year, people from more than 150 nations have been regular listeners, and just a few days ago we passed 7.4 million total ETJ downloads. To God be all glory.
In the closing weeks of the year, we turn our attention to the greatest story in the world – the story of redemption. This is more than the story of Christmas; it is the story of Christ! Plan to join us for these brand new episodes, as we examine the crimson thread of salvation woven throughout all of Scripture.
We will begin our study in eternity past and conclude in eternity future. In between, we will get a birds eye view of God’s salvation in both the Old and New Testaments. From Genesis to Revelation, the overwhelming portrait is of our loving God, redeeming fallen humanity.
The first study of God’s Redemption Timeline starts on Tuesday. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the birth of Jesus and finish the year God has brought us through than meditating on “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8).
If Enjoying the Journey has been a blessing to you, would you do three things to help us?
- Ask someone who needs Christ to listen to this series with you. These gospel lessons will provide an entry point for conversations about Christ. Invite a lost friend or family member to listen and then discuss the episodes with them. Our goal is not just information; it is evangelization!
- Pray the Lord will touch this study in a special way. We know that God will use His Word and trust that, at this season when many are tender, He will open hearts to Christ. Join us in praying that the Holy Spirit will continue to give favor and fruit as we approach a new year in this ministry.
- Prayerfully consider making a year-end gift to help this ministry move forward. We have chosen to keep Enjoying the Journey ad free, so that nothing will interrupt the devotional emphasis of the studies. The cost of production is cared for by the kind support of listeners like you. Thank you in advance for anything the Lord leads you to do. (You may give securely online at enjoyingthejourney.org/donations. All gifts are tax deductible.)
Shortly we will pass the mile marker of another year. Thank you for making the journey with us. Don’t miss Tuesday’s broadcast, and watch for an all new study to begin the new year in just a few days!
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