Our Next Step & A New Study March 7, 2020

This week we concluded our series on The Great Journey’s of the Bible. The Lord has been so gracious to allow us to study Scripture with people around the world through the daily podcast. I continually hear from friends, many of whom I may not meet until heaven, who are getting into the Word of God and growing in their faith. We are praying that this will only increase in the days ahead.

Our next Bible study is one that I have been looking forward to for some time. Beginning Monday we will be walking through the Psalms – all 150 of them! This extended series will be divided into five parts, corresponding with the five divisions of the book of Psalms.

This portion of the Bible is deeply devotional and at the same time extremely practical. We do not know the tune to which the psalms were sung, but we do know the tone. They are full of faith and hope. Some are mournful, some are reflective, some are jubilant…but all are Godward. They help usher every experience and emotion in life into the presence of God!

In the Psalms you will find prayers to pray, promises to claim, and principles to apply. I am convinced that this study will help us all to worship God more sincerely each day. They provide “A Roadmap For Life.” Will you join me on this journey?

We begin with what is commonly called the “Genesis Psalms” – Psalm 1-40. They help us to realize that every good thing begins with God. I hope you will meet me in Psalm 1 this Monday!

If you have not already subscribed to the Enjoying The Journey podcast you may do so on any podcast platform or visit enjoyingthejourney.org/broadcast.

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