The Saddest Thing in Sodom

Many are familer with the tragic account of Sodom and Gomorrah and the destruction that sin brought to those wicked people. However, in Lot’s family, there is a challenging lesson for God’s people that must not be missed. Join Scott Pauley as we hear this message from Genesis 13:1-13.

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A Gospel Christian

What do you know about Onesiphorus? He was a gospel Christian and we have much to learn from his life and work. Join Scott Pauley for this message from 2 Timothy 1 and 4.

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Epaphras and Epaphroditus

There are some famous Christians throughout Scripture. But there are many others who, although we know only a little about them, made a great difference for the cause of Christ. Epaphras and Epaphroditus are two such men. Today’s message by Scott Pauley from Philippians is on two lesser known Christians of the New Testament. 

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Unknown Saints

God does not measure you by the name you build for yourself. True success is not in what others think of you but in what God knows to be true about you. In this message, Scott Pauley preaches on lives that we know little about, but God knows and He honored their faithfulness! The text…

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A Fresh Glimpse of Jesus

When you see the Lord Jesus for who he is…it changes everything. We are continuing our Study through Revelation 1. Join Scott Pauley for this fourth Bible message.

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Fruitful Followers

Are you producing fruit in your Christian walk? It is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to be truly fruitful apart from abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to this third message fro John 15.

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Becoming A Gospel Guide

We are continuing our study of Philip the Evangelist. Philip was a man who simply guided others to the Lord Jesus Christ. He pointed others to the Way of salvation. You can do the same! Listen to this Bible message and learn how to become a gospel guide. (Acts 8:1-8, 26-40)

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The Holy Spirit and Me

Are you working with the Holy Spirit today? In this great gospel work, He is seeking to guide and use all of us! Join us for part 2 of this message series from Acts 8.

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Great Joy In That City

Do you want to see your city transformed? There are so many communities across the world that are hurting and distressed. One thing will bring great joy to your city today – the gospel! We begin a brand new study of the life of Philip the Evangelist. Open your Bible to Acts 8 for this…

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3 Things to Do with God’s Word

The Bible is not just a book. The Bible is the very Word of God. It is powerful! Through God’s Word, we can find all the wisdom and strength we need for the Christian life. Join us for part two of this message series through James 1.

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At Evening Time It Shall Be Light

As we conclude our study in Zechariah, we find that God will make there to be light in the evening time. We cannot see through the darkness, but our wonderful Master can – let us trust Him today!

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The Fellowship of the Gospel

God has given His people the responsibility to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. But did you know that you are not alone? The Lord Jesus is laboring with us! So, what will you do with the gospel today? This is the third message from Philippians 1.

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The Furtherance of the Gospel

Would you like to see more people coming to Christ? Do you long to see the gospel go further through your life? God’s Word has the answer! Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this second message from Philippians 1.

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The First Day of the Gospel

There is nothing more important than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every single person has a responsibility to the Gospel of Jesus! Have you received the gospel? Are you fulfilling your duty to share it? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for the first message on the “Joy of the Gospel” as we look at the book…

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Here and Heaven

When you stand before the Lord one day (and everyone will), will you come empty-handed? Are you seeking to take others to Heaven, or are you wasting the opportunities God is giving you to share the hope of salvation with those around you? Join Scott Pauley for this concluding message from Matthew 5.

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Purity and Peace

Be sure to join us as we walk through the Beattitudes from Matthew 5. As you watch this message, examine your own heart. Do you live in a way that reflects the Lord Jesus? Join Scott Pauley for this fourth Bible message.

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The Influence of the Inner Circle

We live in a world consumed by “influencers.” Unfortunately, many do not understand the influence they can have through the Lord Jesus. Determine to draw close to Christ today, and see how He will use you to influence others for His glory! Join Scott Pauley and we study through Acts 1.

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The Instruction of the Inner Circle

All you need to live in the power of God is available to you! Do you need courage, boldness, wisdom, or love? Well to have them you must seek Christ in the secret place. Join us for this 4th message from on Christ’s Inner Circle as we study through Mark 14.

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Our Eternal Home

So much time and energy is spent spent on the things of this life. While it is true that we must work and live, God wants us to remember that this is not our final destination. Every should alive is bond for an eternity somewhere; where is that place for you? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley…

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The 1,007 Year Honeymoon

Join us for the third message in this series about the Wedding Days. Today we look at Revelation 19. Here we find some key truths on salvation and preparing for our Groom’s return.

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The Lord is returning with His own. One day He will rule and reign int his world! But this is not simply a truth for the future; it is for us today…We must allow Christ to reign in our hearts today. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for the final message in this series through Revelation. Today…

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The Lord is returning with His own. If we really believe this is must affect how we live our lives! Will you be among those who will taken with Him and then returning in glory? Will you be warning others who do not know the Lord Jesus? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for the fourth message…

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Daily Joy

Did you know it is possible to live joyfully in a miserable world? The secret to this joy is not what is happening around us; it is dependent on what is happening within us! Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this message from Psalm 118.

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Daily Prayer

As Believers, we have the opportunity to see God work in our live in amazing ways – through prayer? Do you seek God every day? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as we look at this message from Psalm 86.

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A Father’s Love

God loves us. No other love can compare to the love of God. The Father gave His only Son to redeem us from our sins. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as he brings the third message from 2 Corinthians 13:14 entitled, “A Father’s Love.”

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The Hardship of Strangers

The world will never understand true Christians. As followers of Christ, we will endure hardships and difficulty. But we have a Savior who is with us in the midst of difficulty. He will bring us through for His honor and glory. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as brings this messages from 1 Peter 1.

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The Household of Strangers

As Christians, we have become a part of the household of God. God has given us the privilege, in Christ, to be part of the family of God. He desires for us to have a heavenly home (of which believers are already a citizen), a church home, and a home filled with Christ. Join Evangelist…

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The Hope of Strangers

In Jesus Christ we have hope. There is no true hope part from Christ. But what is hope? we hear a lot about it, but few have discovered the fulness of the hope we have as strangers in the world. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as he preaches from Ephesians 2. on “The Hope of Strangers.”

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My Zeal

Are you a zealous person for the Lord Jesus? When you pass from this life…your money, work, possessions, and fame will mean nothing; will you be remembered by these or by your zeal for Christ? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this final message from Psalm 119.

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Thy Face

Do you love spending time in the presence of God? Have you sought the face of the Lord Jesus today? Few understand what it means to seek the face of God; yet, Scripture teaches us its necessity. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this third Message from Psalm 119.

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In the Last Days We Have the Holy Spirit

Join us as we examine the Holy Spirit working in, through, and around us as we live in these last days. This is the fourth message in the series: In the Last Days. We pray it will be a blessing and help to you. Today we will look at Acts 2.

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The Song of Moses and of the Lamb

In the last book of the Bible, we find the same song ofMoses in a whole new light. We see the song of the Lamb! what is it that will be sung in that day? Join evangelist Scott Pauley as he preaches from Revelation 15:1-8.

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Sing It Again!

Follow along as Evangelist Scott Pauley outlines from Psalms 107:1-43 the times where we must sing again the song of our great God. We pray that it will be great help and encouragement to you.

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Three Church Members

In 3 John , we learn of three church members who all have very different attitudes. What attitude will you have? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as He shares from God’s Word, “Three Church Members.”

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Seven Marks of Christians Who Are “Doing Well”

The Christian life is a journey. Many things seek our attention, and we must be discerning as to what we will take up and what we will neglect. Scripture teaches us what we ought to do and provides marks that we can search for in our own hearts and mind. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as…

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The Prayer of Persistence

What kind of church is the church that will last? What kind of church do you want your church to be? Follow along as Bro. Pauley shows us, from James 5, the necessity of praying churches. We pray this message will be a challenge and encouragement to you. “The Prayer of Persistence.”

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The Prayer of Faith

What is the most misapplied, misunderstood, and misinterpreted prayer in the Bible? Join us, as Bro. Pauley shares from James 5- “The Prayer of Faith.” Is there a fear that is conquering you? Faith is the victory. We need strong soldiers of Jesus Christ in this land once again. Will you learn the Prayer of…

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The Next Three Days

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to Maranatha Baptist Church in Princeton, WV on Monday evening, May 4, 2020. Join us as we look at Ezra 8 and Ezra 10.

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Are You Ready?

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to Maranatha Baptist Church in Princeton, WV on Monday evening, May 5, 2020. Join us as we look at Ezra 6.

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This Is No Time To Stop!

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to Maranatha Baptist Church in Princeton, WV on Monday evening, May 4, 2020. Join us as we look at Ezra 4 and Ezra 6.

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Moving Forward

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to Maranatha Baptist Church in Princeton, WV on Sunday evening, May 3, 2020. Join us as we look at Ezra 3.

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Idol Starts With I

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to Bible Baptist Church in Brunswick, GA on Tuesday evening, April 14, 2020. Join us as we look at 1 John 5.

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Perfect Love

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to Bible Baptist Church in Brunswick, GA on Monday evening, April 13, 2020. Join us today as we look at 1 John 4.

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Joy In the Valley

We all have valleys the Lord allows us to pass through. God will often lead us through them to accomplish His will our live. Listen to Scott Pauley detail, from John 14, how we can have “Joy in the Valley.”

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One Normal Day

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to Gethsemane Baptist Church in Radford, VA on Tuesday evening, January 26, 2020. Join us today as we look at Luke 17.

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The Dove Has Landed

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to Gethsemane Baptist Church in Radford, VA on Monday evening, January 26, 2020. Join us today as we look at Genesis 28.

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The Power of A Hallelujah

Many have used the expression, “There is power in prayer!” We praise God for that! But have you ever stopped to consider that there is also great power in praise? When we praise God to other people, God hears us. Join with Evangelist Scott Pauley today as he details “The Power of A Hallelujah.” Psalm…

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Hallelujahs In the Home

God has uniquely designed the Family for His glory. So many things in our world have been used to attack God’s order in the home. In many cases, churches are not what they ought to be, because homes are not what they ought to be. What would happen if we began to praise God in…

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