Pray for Canada. February 11, 2022


Canada is a beautiful country and home to so many wonderful friends. My family and I love Canada and have enjoyed the time we have spent with our neighbors to the north. The need of Canada, like our own nation, is great. Its greatest need is not what you may see on the news but rather the spiritual condition of the nation.

This week a friend there sent me a video of a Christian lady being interviewed on the streets of one of the major cities there. She unapologetically spoke of the Lord Jesus and the need for the spiritual healing and hope that He alone brings. Praise God for faithful believers who are pressing forward with the good news of Christ! God has His remnant in every place and at every time.

I regularly correspond with people who are working in various provinces of Canada. They are burdened for their land and need our prayers. Later this spring I hope to be back in Canada to preach and to see many of our fellow laborers. Perhaps you cannot cross the border at this time, but you can go to God for those who are there! Would you join me at the throne of grace today…

  • Pray for pastors and churches who are facing restrictions and challenges on their meetings.
  • Pray for favor with government leaders and liberty for ministries.
  • Pray for wisdom to navigate these unusual days.
  • Pray for fresh courage for every faithful believer.
  • Pray for a spiritual awakening among all of the Lord’s people.
  • Pray for a great harvest of souls in the midst of this season.
  • Pray for more gospel laborers.

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you” (2 Thessalonians 3:1). Pray for Canada.

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  1. Delbert Hawley on February 11, 2022 at 12:17 PM

    Thank God for preachers like you who love people the way God loves them. keep showing your love as you show the people how much God loves them.

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