Praying For Those Who Need To Come Home This Christmas! December 13, 2018


In our last article I wrote about the geographical and circumstantial reasons that some loved ones cannot be home for Christmas. But there is another reason. Some people may even be around our tables and under our roof, but they are still away from home. Spiritually they are wandering from the Lord and His people.

The greatest distance is the distance between a wayward soul and God. The greatest separation is the separation of sin. At this time of year we should all be praying that God will bring prodigals home to Himself.

If you have a loved one that you are praying for we would love to help you pray. Over the next few weeks in our home we are going to pray specifically for people who need to be saved or come back to God. Please email us the name of your loved one so that we can pray with you! You may write us at

There could be no better time for sinners to get a fresh glimpse of the Savior than Christmas. What a glorious season it would be if it was a season of seeing people coming to Christ! I hope you will join us in this prayer…

May God use His people and answer prayers to bring many “home” for Christmas this year.

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  1. Ross Steele on December 25, 2019 at 9:16 PM

    Hey Brother Pauley. My name is Ross Steele. I go to Victory Baptist Church in Staunton VA. I would like for you to pray for my mother and father in law Joe and Vicki Ball. I would like you to pray specifically for salvation. My wife and I have been praying for them for sometime for the Lord to soften their hearts and turn them toward Him. You actually preached a message at the last rally that really spoke to my heart and was a huge encouragement to my wife and I. Thanks Brother and God bless.

    • Scott Pauley on December 30, 2019 at 2:27 PM

      Thank you my friend for your kind words. I am praying with you for your family members to come to Christ! Please keep me posted on how God is working. May the Lord bless you all and your wonderful church.

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