Last week we celebrated our 100th “Enjoying the Journey” episode. Yesterday we concluded our journey through the Old Testament. On today’s broadcast we are examining what God was up to between Malachi and Matthew. Soon we will launch into the next phase of our journey as we begin to walk through the New Testament. I love the Word of God and I love sharing it with others. If you have not yet joined us I want to give you a personal invitation to begin “Enjoying the Journey” this week!
Here are a few answers to frequent questions…
How did the broadcast begin?
A local radio station asked if I would consider doing a daily morning program. I knew if we were going to be good stewards of time and energy it would be best to do a program that could be used anywhere in the world. We began with a study of my favorite book of the Bible, the book of Philippians.
Where can I listen to the program?
There are several options! You may listen daily through an online player at A number of local and online radio stations are also airing the broadcast. A full list of times and stations are available on our website.
The best way to listen daily is by subscribing through a podcast player. In this way the daily broadcast is automatically available on your phone or tablet. If you use an apple product you may subscribe at iTunes. If you use an android device you may subscribe at Google play.
What is a podcast?
When I mention a “podcast” in a public audience it is obvious that some people are still not familiar with this resource. To be honest, it was an education for me when we began! Podcasting is a platform by which broadcasts can be made available online. By subscribing using a podcast app on your phone you can have the broadcasts with you all the time and can listen whenever you want.
Why do you use podcast?
Several years ago a friend who lives in a mostly communist country asked if I would ever consider doing a podcast. My friend explained that her country blocked most websites that provided Bible preaching and teaching. Podcasts were the exception.
When we decided to do a daily broadcast this gave us a way to get the Word of God into many more places.
What if I miss a broadcast?
Our online player and other podcast providers keep the latest twenty broadcasts. For all archived programs you may click on the “archives” button at or go to
How is the broadcast funded?
There is an investment to making a daily broadcast of this nature. It is an investment of prayer, time, study, and, yes – money! We have been able to begin and continue through the generous effort and support of God’s people. If you believe in this work and desire to help get God’s Word to others please prayerfully consider supporting Enjoying The Journey. You may give securely online at All gifts are tax-deductible.
What is next?
God willing, we will begin a journey through the life of a great Bible character when we conclude our study of the New Testament books. Stay tuned for more details…
If you have a question or suggestion I would love to hear from you! Email me at Thanks for “Enjoying the Journey” with us.
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