A few nights ago I had the privilege after a meeting to spend some time with a group of young preachers. We had a wonderful conversation on a range of subjects. Near the end of the evening one of the young men asked how I chose what I was going to read. My answer was that I primarily relied on good recommendations from people I trust. It is impossible to read everything – and probably not wise!
I enjoy reading widely and appreciate the helpful recommendations from trusted people. Recently I have been asked to review three books that were written by friends. It was my privilege to do so and I am happy to recommend them to you. They cover a variety of areas and I believe they will be a blessing to many…
Take the Lead – 25 Letters of Advice to My Son by Robert J. Kurtz
It has been my privilege to preach for Pastor Kurtz at the Mansfield Baptist Temple in Ohio. He is a faithful pastor and Christian educator. One of the most impressive things to me was his heart to shepherd his own children. These brief chapters are actual letters written to his son while he was away at college. They are biblical and practical and I look forward to sharing them with my own son. You may order his book here.
Keep Thyself Pure – Biblical Principles and Practical Examples by Luke T. Knickerbocker
I had the privilege of teaching Luke in college. He and his beautiful family now serve the Lord as missionaries in Nepal. Luke comes from a long and rich heritage of faithful Christians and has a desire to carry it on to the next generation. These brief chapters on what the Bible teaches about purity are very helpful and challenging. This is a good book to put into the hands of young people and a great reminder for us all! It can be ordered by emailing [email protected].
They Are Still Waiting by Charles Keen
Dr. Keen has been a wonderful friend and counselor to me through the years. This long-time pastor and missionary statesman has a passion to advance the gospel around the world. I was honored to write a preface to the second edition of this book which will be released shortly. Here is an excerpt of what I wrote:
As you read They Are Still Waiting you will be instructed, challenged, and blessed. This book does not begin with the pragmatic – it begins where all of God’s work should begin, with the Word of God. Each chapter is taken from a different part of Scripture and demonstrates the whole view of God’s redemptive heart found in the Bible. The following pages will make you pause and ponder, but more importantly, they will help you take a high view of God and a long look at eternity.
The new edition of Dr. Keen’s book will be available in just a few days at https://drcharleskeen.com. I hope you will get a copy.
Keep reading. Seek and share recommendations with others. If something has been a blessing to you, pass it on!
To see my top 125 book recommendations on different topics click here.
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