With All Confidence
As we conclude our study through the Book of Acts, we are reminded that the story is not over! We can have full confidence that God is at work and will always be victorious. Let us launch out with fresh courage today!

Thank God and Take Courage
If you are facing difficulty and trials, praise God for what He is doing and take heart. God can use your prison as a pulpit. Christ is still work and prevailing over the enemy. Thank God and take courage!

It Still Works!
We live in a time of unraveling and confusion. But do to forget that the gospel still works! Christ is still the answer to the problems of man. Listen today for some practical reminders while sharing the gospel.

Friends and Family
God has so graciously given us encouragers along the journey. You are not alone! Thank God for the faithful fellow-travelers He has given you today, and seek to encourage others along the way.

You Can Pray Anywhere
No matter where you are today - you can pray! You have direct access to our great God through the Lord Jesus Christ. We have a caring God who is always accessible. Be a person of prayer today!

Nearing the End
Today we begin studying the last chapter in the Book of Acts. However, it was just the stepping off point for all God is still doing in this world. The adventure continues! Be sure to join us for today's broadcast.

All Safe
There is a great difference between those whose confidence is in the Lord and those who trust in man. When storms rage, those who trust in the Lord can rest in Him. Are you trusting Him today?

A Good Ending to A Bad Trip
We all love a good ending. When you are with the Lord, He always brings you to a victorious end. In today's broadcast, we see how God worked in Paul's storm to bring a bad trip to a good end.

Be of Good Cheer
In a sad and angry world, God's people can have cheer. You do not need to wait for the perfect circumstances to live a cheerful Christian life; you can find cheer in God's promises and God's presence this very day!

Sail On!
Along the journey, we will experience storms. Yet, God often sends friends to encourage us, friction to grow us, and frustrations to keep our eyes on the Lord - in the midst of it all, God is still God. Sail on!

All, Almost, and Altogether
How much do you want to see others come to know the Lord? When we look into Scripture we find that the heart of Christ is to see souls come to Him. Ask God to give you His heart today!

Speak for Yourself – Part 3
It is not enough for us to share what Christ has done in our own heart, we must bring people to the point of decision for the Lord Jesus. Not everyone will be saved, but all deserve to have the offer of salvation presented to them.

Speak for Yourself – Part 2
In today's study, we again find Paul sharing his testimony. He introduces King Agrippa to the King of kings. Paul was lifting up the Lord Jesus, and he leaves us an example to follow today.

Speak for Yourself – Part 1
No two people have the same testimony. God has given you your own journey with Christ. Discussing what Christ has done in your life is your most powerful gospel tool! Today we begin our study of several principles for giving your personal testimony.

Answering Hard Questions
If you are a believer, one thing is certain: you will face hard questions. How do you answer them? You do not need to be afraid, anxious, or ashamed; this is the time to speak the Truth in faith! Speak with certainty for the gospel's sake!

3 Marks of Secular Thinking
We live in an increasingly secular world. As followers of the Lord Jesus, we are not to live after the patterns of this world, but after the pattern of Christ. Listen today to discover the difference between the spiritual mind and the secular mind.

The True Way
There is only one way to God. There are many ways in life; there are many paths walk on. But Christ is the only way of Salvation. Do you know Him? Are you in the Way today?

Cheerful Christians
We live in a miserable, angry world. But as believers, circumstances do not dictate our joy. Our cheerfulness is not dependent on our surroundings but our inward man. Discover God's manual for cheer in today's broadcast.

Cheer Over Fear
When difficulties arise, we can become tempted to fear. We all have fears - fear of the unknown, loss, or persecution. Take heart! Our great God is with you, and He can bring cheer in the place of your greatest fear.

What to Do Under Pressure
Life is full of pressure. Amazingly, God accomplishes His greatest work in us through the pressures upon us. Take your pressure to God today and open your heart to all He is seeking to teach you.

How to Know God’s Will
We all face crossroads of decision. If you want to know all God has for you, you must follow His pattern of guidance. Listen today to learn how Paul sought and found the will of God in his own life.

Share Your Story
The testimony of every believer will vary greatly, but there is one part that will always be the same - a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus. If you know the Christ, share your story today with everyone you can.

Questions, Criticism, and Persecution
As we come to the end of Acts 21, Paul is facing tough questions, harsh criticism, and trying persecutions. What is the Apostle's response? Paul simply declared what Christ had done in his own life.

What God Hath Wrought!
Sometimes we forget that God is the One who works through us. Wouldn't it be great if we lived such lives that others must confess that God has done a wonderful work? Let us speak boldly of what God has done!

The Will of the Lord Be Done.
When you die to self, the fear of the future no longer binds you. When you are surrendered to God's leading for your life, you can rest in His perfect will for you. No matter what may come, the will of the Lord be done.

Our Greatest Work
God has given all of us work to do. Sometimes it changes forms and locations. However, in the midst of all that change and labor, we must never forget our greatest work - living for Christ in our own homes. Learn more about our greatest work on today's broadcast.

Goodbyes Are Hard
If you've ever had to leave a place you love, you understand how difficult it can be. Yet, for the believer, it is also an opportunity for the grace of God to shine through.

A Word to the Local Church – Part 2
Many believers are going through difficulties. You never know how God wants to use you in your local church to encourage others. Listen today to discover some practical ways the Lord wants you to be involved in your church.

A Word to the Local Church – Part 1
Today and tomorrow we will seek to understand some important truths Christ wants for His people to know. The church belongs to God, not man; God has a specific plan and purpose for your church, get involved!

Finish Well
Many people start so well; yet, we all know those who have fallen along the way. The beginning can be easy, but finishing well is difficult. In Acts 20, we find 3 keys to finishing life as God would have us finish!

7 Ways I Would Like to Be Known
All of us will be remembered in some way. What about you? In Acts 20:24 we see 7 ways to be remembered as Christians. Determine, by God’s grace, to have these 7 ingredients in your own life.

God is always seeking to make you more like Christ. Today we see how God works to bring humility into the life of the believer. Allow God to work in you, and serve Him with a humble heart!

Long Days and Long Nights
Are you growing weary? We are so often overwhelmed by the troubles of life and the tasks around us. Take heart! God is faithful in the midst of it all; determine to stay faithful to Him!

Developing Disciples
God desires to have true disciples of the Lord Jesus. Do you want to develop a disciple of Christ? Show the love of God to them, exhort them, invest your time in them, fellowship with them, and faithfully preach the Truth to them.

Religious Rage
In Ephesus, Paul found greed, wrath, anger, confusion, and mob mentality. Does this not sound like our world today? This is what a lost world will always have. The answer for this raging time is the truth and love of God!

God Always Wins
In a time of confusion, idolatry, and wickedness, the Word of God will still prevail. The Word of God alone will make the difference. Will you pray today that God's Word will mightily grow and prevail in your life?

A Beachhead for the Gospel
The Church at Ephesus was used by God to reach all over Asia Minor. The testimony of that church serves to challenge all churches to be a beachhead for the gospel in their community. There is no telling how greatly God will use it!

The Difference One Couple Can Make
Have you considered how God wants to use you as a couple or as a family today? Priscilla and Aquila were mightily used by God in their day! Listen to how they allowed God to direct their lives together for His glory.

He Continued
This is no time to give up the battle. There are so many things to do for God and His glory. This is the day to keep advancing for God. It may be difficult, but just keep moving forward - continue!

Resting in the Presence of God
In Acts 18, the Apostle Paul experienced a season of spiritual opposition and warfare. Yet, in the midst of it all, Paul found rest in the Lord. Are you in a battle today? Learn to find your rest in Christ.

The God They Do Not Know
While Paul was in Athens, he faced complete ignorance about Jesus. Paul simply began where God begins. He taught them who Jesus is and about their responsibility to Him! Find opportunities to share Christ with those who do not know!

While You Are Waiting…
If God has you in a time of waiting, it is not a time to waste on the temporal. Waiting times are gospel times! There are people around you hungry to know the Truth! Invest these moments in eternity!

Welcome to Athens!
When Paul was in Athens, his heart became stirred by the lack of truth, idolatry, and spiritual ignorance around him. In a similar culture today, God's people must be stirred to give the Truth to those who are lost!

Berean Believers
There has never been greater access to the Word of God; yet, in many ways, there has never been greater ignorance of the Bible. The Berean believers teach us to get into the Word of God for ourselves, and witness its transforming power!

Turning the World Upside Down
You may have noticed how mixed up this world is. Well, the believers in the early church turned their world upside by following the commands of the Lord Jesus. Can we see the same results? Listen today...

A Man, A Family, A City
There is no telling what God can set in motion if we will simply let God do in us what He desires. He can use your life to reach your family, and through them, your city. Let this be your prayer today!

Gospel Power!
We live in the most hopeless generation in history. But wherever there is life, there is hope. In today's episode, we discover what this desperate world needs...the gospel message!

How to Impact Your City
Everyone in your city needs Christ. If you want to make a difference in your city, allow God to make an eternal impact in your city through you. Listen today to find God's pattern for making a difference where God has you.

The Way
We live in a world that is constantly seeking its own "truth" and its own way. However, few fail to see the end of the way they are traveling. The only way worth taking is found in the Lord Jesus.

3 Things that Grow Out of Prayer
Have you paused to consider what God can do through the prayer of His people? Today we examine three things that grow out of our prayer. Let us determine to pray...and see what God will do!

Speaking for Christ in a Divided Culture
There are always two groups of people: those who follow the Truth and those who reject it. Often, we forget that standing for the Truth comes at a cost. Are you ready to stand for the Truth of God in a divided world?

4 Things You Can Be Sure Of
As we conclude Acts 13, our certainty in Christ is once again made clear. People will always oppose you, but Christ has given you an obligation to declare His Truth. Do not miss the opportunities around you. Allow God to enable you to overcome all for His glory!

The Invitation
Are you certain of your eternal destination? If there is any doubt, you can know for sure! Christ extends an invitation to all for salvation. This invitation is available to all, but it will not last forever.

But God Raised Him from the Dead
The Resurrection of Christ is essential for us to be justified before God. Christ's Resurrection not only means He lives; it means we can live also! In today's episode, we dive into several key truths surrounding the Resurrection.

What Was the Secret to David’s Life?
In Acts 13, we come across a very familiar man from history - King David. David was a mighty man. He was used by God in incredible ways. However, there was a secret to his amazing life. Learn what it was on today's episode.

Say On
Sometimes, people do not want to hear the truth of the Gospel - say on! There will be times of difficulty - keep on preaching Christ. Determine to give the gospel, no matter what.

Sorcerers and Seekers
Have you been discouraged by those who reject the Truth of God? Be reminded that for every person who hates God, there are many who are seeking the Truth. Stay in the battle! God can bring that searching soul across your path as you stay sensitive to His leading.

Enlisting Young People for God’s Work
Amidst all of today's madness, do not forget that God desires to use young people in His great work. Like John Mark in Scripture, young people will make mistakes, but we can come alongside them and encourage them to keep following Christ.

We Need Workers!
God is calling workers today! Listen for the call of God in your life. Then, let God guide you as you seek to obey Him. He is working on every side to accomplish His will.

The Leaven of Herod
In today’s study, we examine the characteristics of Herod’s spirit. Herod’s entire life was built upon magnifying himself. As believers, we must purge out any desire to lift up self, because all the glory belongs to Jesus.

When a Politician Met the King of Heaven
In Acts 12 we find a powerful politician who came face-to-face with the King of Kings. Although Harrod was the most well-known powerful man in his day — God Almighty brought him to his knees. It is the Lord who gives favor and allows power.

Elements of Effective Prayer
There is no joy like seeing God answer prayers. Today we learn the importance of effective praying — and how to stay in a true state of prayer. Take today’s verse in Acts 12 and evaluate how effective your prayer’s are.

The Power of a Prayer Meeting
Have you ever considered the power of a prayer meeting? Numerous times throughout history we find simple prayer meetings turn into great revivals. Today we are studying one of the great prayer meetings of the Bible.

How to Build True Christians
In our generation, the term Christian is not used only to describe true followers of Christ. It is only through Christ that we are built up in our Christian lives. Come with us as we learn three practical applications to building true Christians.

To the Jew First…and Also to the Greek!
By the grace of God, determine that you are going to be part of the Lord's work in this world. God's plan has always been to work in His chosen people, but also through them. God is working in both the Jews and the Gentiles - pray today that many will come to know Him!

What to Say When the Questions Come
Questions will always come. There will always be skeptics. As Christians, our responsibility is to simply tell them what God has done in our hearts, said in His Word, and done in the lives of others. Then, let God speak for Himself.

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Today we are sitting in on a gospel meeting in Cornelius’ living room, as Peter preaches the gospel to him. As he speaks, we hear all three members of the Godhead and see the Trinity at work. Take time today to evaluate how well you know the Godhead.

The Key That Opens the Door
There is a theme that is woven throughout Acts 10 — the importance of prayer. The gospel only advances when we stay in the place of prayer. Prayer is the key that opens the door of faith so everyone can receive the Gospel.

3 Things Every Sinner Needs
The Gospel of Christ is the only thing that can break through the mess our world is in. Cornelius was a religious man, but he was still a sinner living in a sin-filled world. Come with us as we are given three things Cornelius needed that every sinner needs.
With All Confidence
As we conclude our study through the Book of Acts, we are reminded that the story is not over! We can have full confidence that God is at work and will always be victorious. Let us launch out with fresh courage today!
Thank God and Take Courage
If you are facing difficulty and trials, praise God for what He is doing and take heart. God can use your prison as a pulpit. Christ is still work and prevailing over the enemy. Thank God and take courage!
It Still Works!
We live in a time of unraveling and confusion. But do to forget that the gospel still works! Christ is still the answer to the problems of man. Listen today for some practical reminders while sharing the gospel.
Friends and Family
God has so graciously given us encouragers along the journey. You are not alone! Thank God for the faithful fellow-travelers He has given you today, and seek to encourage others along the way.
You Can Pray Anywhere
No matter where you are today - you can pray! You have direct access to our great God through the Lord Jesus Christ. We have a caring God who is always accessible. Be a person of prayer today!
Nearing the End
Today we begin studying the last chapter in the Book of Acts. However, it was just the stepping off point for all God is still doing in this world. The adventure continues! Be sure to join us for today's broadcast.
All Safe
There is a great difference between those whose confidence is in the Lord and those who trust in man. When storms rage, those who trust in the Lord can rest in Him. Are you trusting Him today?
A Good Ending to A Bad Trip
We all love a good ending. When you are with the Lord, He always brings you to a victorious end. In today's broadcast, we see how God worked in Paul's storm to bring a bad trip to a good end.
Be of Good Cheer
In a sad and angry world, God's people can have cheer. You do not need to wait for the perfect circumstances to live a cheerful Christian life; you can find cheer in God's promises and God's presence this very day!
Sail On!
Along the journey, we will experience storms. Yet, God often sends friends to encourage us, friction to grow us, and frustrations to keep our eyes on the Lord - in the midst of it all, God is still God. Sail on!
All, Almost, and Altogether
How much do you want to see others come to know the Lord? When we look into Scripture we find that the heart of Christ is to see souls come to Him. Ask God to give you His heart today!
Speak for Yourself – Part 3
It is not enough for us to share what Christ has done in our own heart, we must bring people to the point of decision for the Lord Jesus. Not everyone will be saved, but all deserve to have the offer of salvation presented to them.
Speak for Yourself – Part 2
In today's study, we again find Paul sharing his testimony. He introduces King Agrippa to the King of kings. Paul was lifting up the Lord Jesus, and he leaves us an example to follow today.
Speak for Yourself – Part 1
No two people have the same testimony. God has given you your own journey with Christ. Discussing what Christ has done in your life is your most powerful gospel tool! Today we begin our study of several principles for giving your personal testimony.
Answering Hard Questions
If you are a believer, one thing is certain: you will face hard questions. How do you answer them? You do not need to be afraid, anxious, or ashamed; this is the time to speak the Truth in faith! Speak with certainty for the gospel's sake!
3 Marks of Secular Thinking
We live in an increasingly secular world. As followers of the Lord Jesus, we are not to live after the patterns of this world, but after the pattern of Christ. Listen today to discover the difference between the spiritual mind and the secular mind.
The True Way
There is only one way to God. There are many ways in life; there are many paths walk on. But Christ is the only way of Salvation. Do you know Him? Are you in the Way today?
Cheerful Christians
We live in a miserable, angry world. But as believers, circumstances do not dictate our joy. Our cheerfulness is not dependent on our surroundings but our inward man. Discover God's manual for cheer in today's broadcast.
Cheer Over Fear
When difficulties arise, we can become tempted to fear. We all have fears - fear of the unknown, loss, or persecution. Take heart! Our great God is with you, and He can bring cheer in the place of your greatest fear.
What to Do Under Pressure
Life is full of pressure. Amazingly, God accomplishes His greatest work in us through the pressures upon us. Take your pressure to God today and open your heart to all He is seeking to teach you.
How to Know God’s Will
We all face crossroads of decision. If you want to know all God has for you, you must follow His pattern of guidance. Listen today to learn how Paul sought and found the will of God in his own life.
Share Your Story
The testimony of every believer will vary greatly, but there is one part that will always be the same - a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus. If you know the Christ, share your story today with everyone you can.
Questions, Criticism, and Persecution
As we come to the end of Acts 21, Paul is facing tough questions, harsh criticism, and trying persecutions. What is the Apostle's response? Paul simply declared what Christ had done in his own life.
What God Hath Wrought!
Sometimes we forget that God is the One who works through us. Wouldn't it be great if we lived such lives that others must confess that God has done a wonderful work? Let us speak boldly of what God has done!
The Will of the Lord Be Done.
When you die to self, the fear of the future no longer binds you. When you are surrendered to God's leading for your life, you can rest in His perfect will for you. No matter what may come, the will of the Lord be done.
Our Greatest Work
God has given all of us work to do. Sometimes it changes forms and locations. However, in the midst of all that change and labor, we must never forget our greatest work - living for Christ in our own homes. Learn more about our greatest work on today's broadcast.
Goodbyes Are Hard
If you've ever had to leave a place you love, you understand how difficult it can be. Yet, for the believer, it is also an opportunity for the grace of God to shine through.
A Word to the Local Church – Part 2
Many believers are going through difficulties. You never know how God wants to use you in your local church to encourage others. Listen today to discover some practical ways the Lord wants you to be involved in your church.
A Word to the Local Church – Part 1
Today and tomorrow we will seek to understand some important truths Christ wants for His people to know. The church belongs to God, not man; God has a specific plan and purpose for your church, get involved!
Finish Well
Many people start so well; yet, we all know those who have fallen along the way. The beginning can be easy, but finishing well is difficult. In Acts 20, we find 3 keys to finishing life as God would have us finish!
7 Ways I Would Like to Be Known
All of us will be remembered in some way. What about you? In Acts 20:24 we see 7 ways to be remembered as Christians. Determine, by God’s grace, to have these 7 ingredients in your own life.
God is always seeking to make you more like Christ. Today we see how God works to bring humility into the life of the believer. Allow God to work in you, and serve Him with a humble heart!
Long Days and Long Nights
Are you growing weary? We are so often overwhelmed by the troubles of life and the tasks around us. Take heart! God is faithful in the midst of it all; determine to stay faithful to Him!
Developing Disciples
God desires to have true disciples of the Lord Jesus. Do you want to develop a disciple of Christ? Show the love of God to them, exhort them, invest your time in them, fellowship with them, and faithfully preach the Truth to them.
Religious Rage
In Ephesus, Paul found greed, wrath, anger, confusion, and mob mentality. Does this not sound like our world today? This is what a lost world will always have. The answer for this raging time is the truth and love of God!
God Always Wins
In a time of confusion, idolatry, and wickedness, the Word of God will still prevail. The Word of God alone will make the difference. Will you pray today that God's Word will mightily grow and prevail in your life?
A Beachhead for the Gospel
The Church at Ephesus was used by God to reach all over Asia Minor. The testimony of that church serves to challenge all churches to be a beachhead for the gospel in their community. There is no telling how greatly God will use it!
The Difference One Couple Can Make
Have you considered how God wants to use you as a couple or as a family today? Priscilla and Aquila were mightily used by God in their day! Listen to how they allowed God to direct their lives together for His glory.
He Continued
This is no time to give up the battle. There are so many things to do for God and His glory. This is the day to keep advancing for God. It may be difficult, but just keep moving forward - continue!
Resting in the Presence of God
In Acts 18, the Apostle Paul experienced a season of spiritual opposition and warfare. Yet, in the midst of it all, Paul found rest in the Lord. Are you in a battle today? Learn to find your rest in Christ.
The God They Do Not Know
While Paul was in Athens, he faced complete ignorance about Jesus. Paul simply began where God begins. He taught them who Jesus is and about their responsibility to Him! Find opportunities to share Christ with those who do not know!
While You Are Waiting…
If God has you in a time of waiting, it is not a time to waste on the temporal. Waiting times are gospel times! There are people around you hungry to know the Truth! Invest these moments in eternity!
Welcome to Athens!
When Paul was in Athens, his heart became stirred by the lack of truth, idolatry, and spiritual ignorance around him. In a similar culture today, God's people must be stirred to give the Truth to those who are lost!
Berean Believers
There has never been greater access to the Word of God; yet, in many ways, there has never been greater ignorance of the Bible. The Berean believers teach us to get into the Word of God for ourselves, and witness its transforming power!
Turning the World Upside Down
You may have noticed how mixed up this world is. Well, the believers in the early church turned their world upside by following the commands of the Lord Jesus. Can we see the same results? Listen today...
A Man, A Family, A City
There is no telling what God can set in motion if we will simply let God do in us what He desires. He can use your life to reach your family, and through them, your city. Let this be your prayer today!
Gospel Power!
We live in the most hopeless generation in history. But wherever there is life, there is hope. In today's episode, we discover what this desperate world needs...the gospel message!
How to Impact Your City
Everyone in your city needs Christ. If you want to make a difference in your city, allow God to make an eternal impact in your city through you. Listen today to find God's pattern for making a difference where God has you.
The Way
We live in a world that is constantly seeking its own "truth" and its own way. However, few fail to see the end of the way they are traveling. The only way worth taking is found in the Lord Jesus.
3 Things that Grow Out of Prayer
Have you paused to consider what God can do through the prayer of His people? Today we examine three things that grow out of our prayer. Let us determine to pray...and see what God will do!
Speaking for Christ in a Divided Culture
There are always two groups of people: those who follow the Truth and those who reject it. Often, we forget that standing for the Truth comes at a cost. Are you ready to stand for the Truth of God in a divided world?
4 Things You Can Be Sure Of
As we conclude Acts 13, our certainty in Christ is once again made clear. People will always oppose you, but Christ has given you an obligation to declare His Truth. Do not miss the opportunities around you. Allow God to enable you to overcome all for His glory!
The Invitation
Are you certain of your eternal destination? If there is any doubt, you can know for sure! Christ extends an invitation to all for salvation. This invitation is available to all, but it will not last forever.
But God Raised Him from the Dead
The Resurrection of Christ is essential for us to be justified before God. Christ's Resurrection not only means He lives; it means we can live also! In today's episode, we dive into several key truths surrounding the Resurrection.
What Was the Secret to David’s Life?
In Acts 13, we come across a very familiar man from history - King David. David was a mighty man. He was used by God in incredible ways. However, there was a secret to his amazing life. Learn what it was on today's episode.
Say On
Sometimes, people do not want to hear the truth of the Gospel - say on! There will be times of difficulty - keep on preaching Christ. Determine to give the gospel, no matter what.
Sorcerers and Seekers
Have you been discouraged by those who reject the Truth of God? Be reminded that for every person who hates God, there are many who are seeking the Truth. Stay in the battle! God can bring that searching soul across your path as you stay sensitive to His leading.
Enlisting Young People for God’s Work
Amidst all of today's madness, do not forget that God desires to use young people in His great work. Like John Mark in Scripture, young people will make mistakes, but we can come alongside them and encourage them to keep following Christ.
We Need Workers!
God is calling workers today! Listen for the call of God in your life. Then, let God guide you as you seek to obey Him. He is working on every side to accomplish His will.
The Leaven of Herod
In today’s study, we examine the characteristics of Herod’s spirit. Herod’s entire life was built upon magnifying himself. As believers, we must purge out any desire to lift up self, because all the glory belongs to Jesus.
When a Politician Met the King of Heaven
In Acts 12 we find a powerful politician who came face-to-face with the King of Kings. Although Harrod was the most well-known powerful man in his day — God Almighty brought him to his knees. It is the Lord who gives favor and allows power.
Elements of Effective Prayer
There is no joy like seeing God answer prayers. Today we learn the importance of effective praying — and how to stay in a true state of prayer. Take today’s verse in Acts 12 and evaluate how effective your prayer’s are.
The Power of a Prayer Meeting
Have you ever considered the power of a prayer meeting? Numerous times throughout history we find simple prayer meetings turn into great revivals. Today we are studying one of the great prayer meetings of the Bible.
How to Build True Christians
In our generation, the term Christian is not used only to describe true followers of Christ. It is only through Christ that we are built up in our Christian lives. Come with us as we learn three practical applications to building true Christians.
To the Jew First…and Also to the Greek!
By the grace of God, determine that you are going to be part of the Lord's work in this world. God's plan has always been to work in His chosen people, but also through them. God is working in both the Jews and the Gentiles - pray today that many will come to know Him!
What to Say When the Questions Come
Questions will always come. There will always be skeptics. As Christians, our responsibility is to simply tell them what God has done in our hearts, said in His Word, and done in the lives of others. Then, let God speak for Himself.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Today we are sitting in on a gospel meeting in Cornelius’ living room, as Peter preaches the gospel to him. As he speaks, we hear all three members of the Godhead and see the Trinity at work. Take time today to evaluate how well you know the Godhead.
The Key That Opens the Door
There is a theme that is woven throughout Acts 10 — the importance of prayer. The gospel only advances when we stay in the place of prayer. Prayer is the key that opens the door of faith so everyone can receive the Gospel.
3 Things Every Sinner Needs
The Gospel of Christ is the only thing that can break through the mess our world is in. Cornelius was a religious man, but he was still a sinner living in a sin-filled world. Come with us as we are given three things Cornelius needed that every sinner needs.