The Weekend Pulpit

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Who In the World?

Revelation 5:1-7
It is not a sin to ask questions! The Bible is full of them, and even Jesus Himself asked them. Listen to today's episode to receive the answer to one of Scripture's supreme questions.
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After This

Revelation 4:1-11
One million years from this moment, you will be somewhere. Death is merely a door into eternity. You can know where you will be and what will occur after your death.
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The Last Church

Revelation 3:22
While the church anticipates Christ’s soon coming, we must not miss what the Holy Spirit is doing now! Be cautious of being so consumed with future events that you neglect present opportunities. Listen to today’s edition of The Weekend Pulpit as we begin a new study on Christ’s last words to His church.
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Praying with Jesus

Mark 1:1-4
Nobody looks forward to the hard seasons of life, yet God looks at them as holy moments for us to know Him more intimately. Are you weak or wounded today? Listen to this episode to hear how God can use your valley.
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Fishers of Men

Mark 1:16-20
Only Jesus could transform ordinary fishermen into soul-winners! However, this transformation required some sacrifice from His disciples. How can one become a fisher of men today?
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Into the Wilderness

Mark 1:3-4, 12-13
We all have busy days, but nobody has ever been busier than Jesus was! Although He was everlastingly busy during His earthly ministry, Christ was never so much in a hurry that He neglected prayer. Listen to this episode of The Weekend Pulpit.
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A Life of Repentance

Mark 1:4, 15
While repentance is necessary for our salvation, it is equally essential for our sanctification. A Christian who fails to regularly confess his sin to the Lord resultantly fails to grow in his walk with Him. Your faith can be measured by your repentance.
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The Beginning from the God of New Beginnings

Mark 1:1-5
Many times we say we want to hear from God but do not ready our hearts to hear from God. When the Word of God declared, our hearts should be prepared. Join Scott Pauley for this first message from Mark 1.
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What God Shows You In the Dark

Matthew 1:19-25; 2:13-15, 19-23
In the darkest times, God is at work. The coming of Jesus Christ is one of the greatest examples of this. Yet, it is not just a truth for the Christmas season. In your darkest seasons, God will teach you the deepest truths.
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Love the Lord

Deuteronomy 11
We live in a world that knows very little about love and yet ever longs for it. However, God, who is love, longs for us to love Him. Which side of the battle are you on?
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This Day

Deuteronomy 11
Young people tend to live in the future, while old people tend to live in the past. Our God is a present-tense God! Every day is a gift from God that He desires to use.
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From the Beginning of the Year Even Unto the End of the Year

Deuteronomy 11
Often, our temptation is to think introspectively. But there is a danger in turning all our attention on ourselves and off the Lord. This year, from beginning to end, we must seek to have God's thoughts and walk in His ways.
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SPECIAL: Next Steps in the New Year

2 Timothy 3:1-14
Do you want to get into God's Word in the coming year? This beautiful new resource will equip you to get more out of God's Word, with memory verses for each month, a Bible reading plan on every day of the year, free Bible study resources, gospel tools, and more.
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The Brook In the Way

Psalm 110:7
Have you ever felt spiritually drained? The Lord Jesus has made a way for us to access divine refreshment in a spiritually barren world. Join us for this edition of The Weekend Pulpit as we dive into one of the Messianic Psalms.
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Hosea 14:1
The last chapter of Hosea is one of the most remarkable revival chapters in all of Scripture. Within it rings one of revival's key words, "return." God extends this invitation with incomparable benefits.
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Family Memorials

Hosea 12:1-6
What type of memorial would your life leave behind if you were to enter into eternity today? Our lives will leave behind a mark for good or for bad. Tune in to this episode to learn how to leave one that will continue to impact others positively for the cause of Christ.
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The Hiding God

Hosea 5:13-6:3
Not only does God reveal Himself, but He also hides Himself. When God withdraws Himself, it is simply because He desires to be sought. He desperately wants us to be desperate for Him.
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Hear The Word of the Lord

Hosea 4:1
It is possible to be present in a conversation without actually perceiving what is said. In a spiritual sense, God is speaking through His Word, yet we fail to tune into the right frequency to truly hear Him. Join us as we begin a new study through Hosea!
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Did you know there is only one verse in the Bible that has the word "eternity"? Similar terms like everlasting and eternal are used frequently, but the Holy Spirit reserved the word eternity for one passage in Isaiah 57:15: Today we study the only time "eternity" is used in the Bible. For more on eternity visit us at: If you are not sure where you will spend eternity, click here to learn more or contact us: To order our "Eternity" gospel tract visit:
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The Way of His Steps

Psalm 85:12-13
Life is all about direction. God has providentially prepared our path before us. Each day, the Lord wants to direct our steps on that path.
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A Sure Salvation

Psalm 85:9-11
The Gospel is not restricted to one portion of Scripture but is weaved throughout the whole Bible. As we dig deeper into Psalm 85, the psalmist emphasizes the surety of our salvation.
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I Will Hear

Psalm 85:8
Because God has given us His Word, we should read, receive, and retain it. Sadly, we fail even to prepare to hear Him. We will see the Living Word very soon, but until then, we must give our attention to His written Word.
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The Heart of the Prayer

Psalm 85:4-7
Prayer is the connection between heaven and our hearts. God pays more attention to the sincerity of our hearts than the beauty of our words. Once we align our hearts with His, we are another step closer to revival.
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Where Revival Praying Begins

Psalm 85:1-4
There is a great difference between praying for revival and revival praying. Revival praying begins with confession. The renewal we desire is always preceded by repentance.
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Diet and Exercise

1 Timothy 4:4-8
Most men do not fail in their weak points. They fail in their strong points. If you are going to be one of the Lord’s strong men, you must surrender your weaknesses and strengths to Him. Listen to part two of a recent series delivered at a men’s conference.
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Strong Men

1 John 2:12-14
There is a great difference between physical and spiritual strength. The former lasts for a little while, but the latter lasts for an eternity. Listen to this practical message recently delivered at a men’s conference.
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The Ends of the World

1 Corinthians 10:11-12
Knowing that we are approaching the ends of the world, what should we do? This is not the time to wonder about your salvation. Neither is this the time to waiver in your stance for the Lord!
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Truth for Tempted People

1 Corinthians 10:13
Nobody is an exception to temptation, even the greatest of Christians. Any of us are capable of any sin, but our faithful God is always able to deliver us!
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All, Many, and Some

1 Corinthians 10:1-11
Perhaps the worst part about sin is not what we get but what we miss. Specifically, sins of the spirit are disruptive and deceptive because they can be hard to identify. May God shine the light of His Word in our souls and do a thorough work.
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That Rock Was Christ

1 Corinthians 10:1-4
Nothing can perfectly describe how perfect Jesus is! In this episode of The Weekend Pulpit, we notice another symbol of the Lord. As our Rock, He provides strength and stability.
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Don’t Be Ignorant

1 Corinthians 10:1, 14-15
So many of the Lord's people are living in ignorance. The ignorance is not intellectual, but practical. Has your belief idled and stopped influencing your behavior?
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This Is Not A Game!

1 Corinthians 9:24-27
As a Christian, you are enlisted in a soul-winner's race. This race has eternal implications and requires daily discipline. Your whole life is connected to what God is doing for the gospel's sake.
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The Name and Fame of the Lord

Ruth 4:11-14
In our celebrity culture, people are enamored with fame. None of us are truly worthy of fame except the Lord Himself. He deserves and desires for His name to be known.
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Under His Wings

Ruth 2:12
Are you living under the Lord's wings today? Like those of a bird, His wings are a symbol of strength and tenderness. Praise God we can have an intimate fellowship with our conquering Lord!
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Have You Heard?

Ruth 1:1-6
Hearing more bad news than ever before, we live in a world full of information. Despite the loudness, God longs for us to hear His hopeful voice. Have you heard from the Lord today?
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One Thing I Know

John 9:1-38
The greatest knowledge on earth is the knowledge of God. The Lord's great intent is that you come to know Him personally and that you take personal the task of making Him known. Are your sharing your knowledge of God or being selfish with it?
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One Thing Is Needful

Luke 10:38-42
What is important to God ought to be important to us. How easy it is to overload our schedules with good things yet neglect the best thing! There is no substitute for giving Christ His rightful place in your life.
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One Thing God Wants Us to Know

2 Peter 3:8
Have you considered that eternity is just around the corner? There will come a day when time is no more. When your time is gone, where will you be for eternity? There is nothing more important to settle.
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Bringing All of Life Down to “One Thing”

Luke 6:1-11
Only the simplicity of Christ can cut through the complexity of sin. Throughout Scripture, God frequently boils many things down to one thing. One is a number of priority and unity. One truth can touch every area of your life.
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How the Work of God Advances

Zechariah 4:1-14
God never intended for His work to get stuck in a rut or go backward. He always wants His work to advance for His own glory! Through His abounding grace and empowering Spirit, God can advance His work in the life of you and those around you.
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When Joshua Met Jesus

Zechariah 3:1-10
Nothing changes you like an encounter with the living God. There are many powerful truths contained in the Book of Zechariah. This week we examine the amazing encounter between Joshua the High Priest and the Lord Jesus found in Zechariah 3.
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From Me Is Thy Fruit Found

Hosea 14:8-9
The fruit of revival can only be produced by the God of revival. While He can move us from emptiness to fruitfulness, the amount of this fruit directly depends on how much you allow God to work on you. As the Lord’s branch, are you flourishing today?
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A Revived Life

Hosea 14:4-7
There is a great difference between a revival meeting and a revived life. While God can produce a great work in one of these meetings, He did not design the Christian life to be lived only a few days out of the year. This revived life hinges on constant fellowship with our life-giving God and has a continual freshness about it.
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Take with You Words

Hosea 14:1-9
Concerning prayer, many people claim they do not know what to say. You can always know you are praying properly if you take what God has already said in His word and simply agree with Him. The Bible is our prayer book. To pray in the will of God, pray the Word of God.
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The Word that Comes Before Revival

Hosea 14:2-3
Did you know there is a word which comes before revival in God’s vocabulary? That word is “return.” While revival is God’s work, returning is our work that precedes revival. Dive back into the book of Hosea and realize the necessity of returning to the Lord.
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God’s Message to Me

Hosea 1:1-2
What a surreal thought that the Creator of the universe speaks specifically to His creatures! We no longer have to worry about or wonder what God is saying to us because He’s given us His Word. Learn from this weekend’s episode how God longs for us to listen to His message.
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Paul Stays Positive by Pastor Kevin Cormican

Philippians 1:19-21
Oftentimes, it is a natural tendency to focus on the negatives of life. When we concentrate on circumstances rather than Christ, eventually we will be discouraged. Tune in to today’s episode of The Weekend Pulpit and discover Paul’s source for spiritual optimism.
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What Ever Happened to Bethel?

1 Kings 12:26-33
When God repeats Himself, it is always on purpose and for our profit. Sixty times in the Old Testament, Bethel is mentioned, but not once is it mentioned in the New Testament. How could a place where God was once preeminent seemingly disappear?
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It’s Time to Pray!

Judges 20:18
Prayer is our declaration of dependence upon God. Do you need direction? Pray. Are you facing opposition or frustration? Pray! Join us as we study an overlooked passage about Bethel and see the power of prayer.
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Back to Bethel

Genesis 28:20-22; 35:1-15
God desires for you to consciously dwell in His holy presence every day. There is no other way to live in power and victory! However, so many believers choose to live with broken fellowship between them and the Lord. In which place will you choose to dwell today?
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The Gate of Heaven

Genesis 28:10-19
Every person must have a personal encounter with God. Because of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is possible for every person to have one! Man could never reach God, yet God reached down for man. Join us as we continue our series in The Weekend Pulpit.
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Beginning at Bethel

Genesis 12:8; 13:1-4
This Weekend Pulpit begins a series of sermons surrounding a certain place in Scripture. Being mentioned sixty times throughout the Bible, Bethel is a significant symbol to New Testament believers. Listen to this message and learn of the opportunity God has given you to move forward with Him.
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The Unimaginable Power of Prayer by Pastor Greg Dowdy

Ephesians 3:20
While prayer is our greatest resource, it should be our first response. The possibilities of prayer are as great as God is powerful! Learn from this message on The Weekend Pulpit some life-changing lessons on prayer.
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God’s Stewardship Accounting Principles (Pt. 2)

1 Corinthians 4:1-21
When you meet God someday, the only thing that will matter is the smile of Jesus. Christians should do what they do, not for the pleasure of man, but for the praise of God. Listen to The Weekend Pulpit for the last episode in this series on stewardship.
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God’s Stewardship Accounting Principles (Pt. 1)

1 Corinthians 3:21-4:2
Christians are stewards of the greatest thing in the world. We are stewards of the revealed truth of God. For a time, these truths were unknown, but praise God, He has made them known to us! Listen to part one to discover a great investment opportunity the Lord has given His children.
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The Discipleship of Stewardship

2 Corinthians 8:1-12
Discipleship is not a series of lessons. It is the whole Christian life! Salvation is just the beginning of all Christ desires for His followers. Purpose today to pursue Jesus and point others to Him.
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The Fellowship of Stewardship

2 Corinthians 8:1-7
What is your relationship to Christ’s church? Being members of the same heavenly family, Christians should not wait until they get to heaven to fellowship with one another! Listen to this episode of the weekend pulpit to hear about your individual responsibility in God’s family.
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The Rest of the Story

John 12:1-11
Did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead to stop Mary and Martha from crying? Did He do it to stop people from mocking Him? He raised Lazarus for the same reason He gives believers new life, to point others to Him! Join us as we dive into "The Rest of the Story."
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Don’t Miss Jesus

John 10:19-30
As we go through Christmas season, the temptation is to miss what Christ is doing in the world today. In every time and season, God is at work, and you miss Jesus, you've missed it all.
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The Secret Principle

Matthew 5:14-15
Every evil fruit grows in the soil of unforgiveness. When we withhold forgiveness, God withholds His blessings. As we conclude our study of the model prayer, choose to be a forgiven person who forgives others.
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The Secrets of Prayer

Matthew 6:8-13
We come this weekend to a classic passage on prayer. So often, we are the origin and object of our prayers. Learn today how getting a proper perspective of God can purify your prayer life.
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The Secret Place

Matthew 6:5-8
We begin studying some of the Lord Jesus' prayer secrets. Open your Bible to Matthew 6 for this week's Weekend Pulpit.
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Jesus and John

John 21:20-24
This weekend, we study the life of the disciple whom Jesus loved. While Christ obviously loved all His disciples, John teaches us the importance of nearness to God.
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Jesus and Peter

Luke 22:54-62
Have you ever wished for a second chance? In the Christian life, failure is not final. Through the testimony of this weekend's disciple, Peter, you'll be reminded of God's prevailing mercy.
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Jesus and Thomas

John 20:24-31
It's okay for Christians to have questions, as long as they bring them to the right Person! Learn from this weekend's disciple, Thomas, how to replace your confusion with clarity and confidence.
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Jesus and Judas

Matthew 26:14-16; 20-25
Be sure to listen to today's Bible message from Matthew 26. We are continuing our series on Jesus and His disciples. We come this week to Judas...
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Follow Me

Matthew 4:18-22
Today we begin a brand new study on Jesus and His disciples. Following Christ is the key to discovering all that God has for you! See what God will set in motion as you follow Him today! This series was originally preached to young people at a Christian camp.
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Antioch Christians In An Athens Culture

Acts 17:16-34
In this world marred by sin, God’s children aren’t meant to blend in! In Acts 17, we learn how to stand up and speak out for the Lord. Determine today to be an Antioch Christian in an Athens Culture.
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The God They Did Not Know

Acts 17:22-31
It doesn’t necessarily matter what you believe; what matters is in Whom you believe. There is a great difference in knowing about God and knowing God. Listen to this message from Acts 17 of The Apostle Paul’s timeless sermon revealing the greatest need of our nation.
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In Every Place

Acts 17:1-17
In every place, God is at work. No matter what is going on around you, God is at work. Listen to this first message from Acts 17 to learn more about God's Work in every place.
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An Awesome God by Byron Foxx

Psalm 33
We hope you will tune in to this encouraging message from Psalm 33. Dr. Byron Foxx has been a longtime friend of the Bro. Pauley and has a passionate heart to serve God. Be sure to hear this week's message.
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A Full Church

Ephesians 4:1-16
We live in a day when many people become distracted with big churches and lots of crowds. But what does God want a church to be filled with? Listen to today's message from Ephesians 4 as we conclude this study.
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The Filling of the Spirit

Ephesians 5:18
There is so much confusion about the Holy Spirit. We all need God's guidance and help in this life. We all need God's strength to live in victory. Listen to this message from Ephesians 5 on the The Filing of the Holy Spirit.
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The Fulness of God

Ephesians 3:14-21
This week we discover what happens to the believer as they discover all the fulness of God. Join us for part 2 of this study through Ephesians.
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The Fulness of Christ

Ephesians 1:1-23
We are beginning a new study through the Book of Ephesians on "Fulness." The world promises to fill those who are empty, but they only leave the sinner more empty. Christ alone can fill you! Listen today to hear about all the fulness we have in Christ!
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Just Like He Said!

Genesis 21:1-8
We live in a hopeless generation. People are lost, searching, and longing for purpose. As long as there is life there is hope! God's Word gives us eternal truth for eternal hope. Listen to this concluding message from the life of Sarah and Abraham.
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Finding Our Place in this World

Genesis 18:1-33
Have you found your place in this world? Not the geographic place, but the place of God's choosing. Our place is with the Lord Jesus. So, allow God to use His Word to show you your place today.  Join us as we continue our study of Abraham and Sarah.
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After the Altar

Genesis 12:7-8
God brings all of us to places of surrender to Him. However, these times at the altar are not the endpoint, but the beginning. God has so much more for you than one decision. Discover what God's Word teaches about "After the Altar."
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The Most High God

Genesis 14:17-22
When confronted with many false gods, Abraham was faithful to the Most High God. When confronted by earthly power, he would declare his dependence on the Lord! We are continuing our study of the faith of Abraham and Sarah..
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The Lord and Me

Genesis 11:31-12;4
This week, we begin a new series on the lives of Abraham and Sarah. Studying this remarkable couple will do your soul great good. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley to learn how essential it is to have your own encounter with God.
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The Heart of A Faithful Father by Tom Odom

Luke 15
Join us this week for a powerful sermon on our wonderful, faithful Father. Pastor Tom Odom brings this stirring message from Luke 15.
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Titus 3:1-15
We conclude our series through the Book of Titus today. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for some practical truths on maintaining the testimony and fellowship that God desires for you.
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Titus 2:7-15
As we continue our series through the Book of Titus, we learn of the work of grace in the life of the Believer. God is seeking to work in and through you, but He needs ALL of you. Will you give Him your ALL today?  
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How to Have a Healthy Church

Titus 1:5-9; 2:1-8
There is no perfect church because there are no perfect people. However, it is possible to have a healthy church. It will not be found apart from the Word of God in the life of the entire church family. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this third message from Titus.
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Crete Needs Christ

Titus 1:4-5, 10-16
Crete was a very wicked and challenging place. Yet, Paul understood that only the gospel would make a difference there. As we continue through the Epistle to Titus, we are reminded just how important the gospel is!
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Getting Ready for What God Has to Say

Titus 1:1-4
This week we begin a brand new series from Paul's letter to Titus. Just as preachers are responsible for the preaching of God's Word, all people are responsible to be obedient recipients of the Word of God. Learn to prepare your heart to receive God's Word. 
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Full Hearts In An Empty World

Ecclesiastes 12:8-14
As we conclude our message series through Ecclesiastes, we uncover the key to having a full heart in an empty world - the Bible! God has given us His Word to fill our hearts with the knowledge of God! It is not for us to know more about God, it is to know God more! 
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What In the World Is God Doing?

Ecclesiastes 3:11-17
Far too often, we are prone to set our eyes on temporal affairs and troubles. Yet, God seeks to awaken His people to the reality of eternity. God uses the circumstances of life to teach us eternal truths. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this week's Weekend Pulpit. 
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Seeing God In the Seasons of Life

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
As we continue our series through Ecclesiastes, we discover more about God's eternal work in our lives. God seeks to work for eternity and in every stage of life. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this message from Ecclesiastes 3.
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For Time and Eternity

Ecclesiastes 3:11
Man is limited by time, but God is far beyond time and in eternity. When God steps in, He can lift us above our surroundings and difficulties to see the eternal. As God's children, we must learn to use our time to prepare for eternity.
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When You Come to the House of God

Ecclesiastes 5:1
Join us for a brand new Bible series through the little-known Book of Ecclesiastes. This week we begin with a message on "When You Come to the House of God." We trust it will prepare you for for the Lord's Day.
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Jesus Filled With the Holy Spirit By John R. Rice

Luke 4:1, 14-25
Did you know Jesus was filled with the Spirit? Are you a Spirit-filled Christian? Listen this week to a rare recording of Dr. John R. Rice preaching from Luke 4. We trust it will challenge you today!
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Four Things Jesus Left Us

Mark 13:31-37
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Moving Mountains

Mark 11:12-14, 20-26
Do you want to see God move some mountains in your life? He is able! However, there are some prerequisites to His mighty work. What are they? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as brings another message from "The Most Important Week in History."
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When Jesus Cleans House

Matthew 21:12-16
Many people remember the account of Christ purifying the Temple. However, few people understand that, as believers, we must allow the Lord to clean out our own hearts. Join us for the third message in our study on "The Most Important Week in History."
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Matthew 21:1-11
We are continuing our journey through what we now call "Holy Week." Pause and consider that if Christ had not endured and conquered all He did in those few days, we would have no hope. Yet, He did! Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this Weekend's Pulpit.
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One with Christ

John 17:20-26
As we conclude this study through John 17, we see more of the heart of the Lord Jesus. God desires for us to unite in obedience to the truth of God's Word. As we obey Scripture, we allow the Father to have His way in our lives. This is true oneness.
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John 17:16-21
We live in a generation that opposes absolute truth. Yet, the Word of God is true! In the Bible, we find the truth of the gospel. This truth can not only be known; it can transform lives for eternity. 
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Living In the Now

John 17:11-15
When everything around you is changing, you have the unchanging Savior who promises to be with you. This week we are reminded of several truths for living in victory.
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The Ultimate Prayer

John 17:1-10
Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this second message from the Lord's Prayer in John 17. In this message, we discover that the ultimate prayer is one that seeks to bring glory to God. Ask God to glorify Himself through you today.

Who In the World?

Revelation 5:1-7
It is not a sin to ask questions! The Bible is full of them, and even Jesus Himself asked them. Listen to today's episode to receive the answer to one of Scripture's supreme questions.

After This

Revelation 4:1-11
One million years from this moment, you will be somewhere. Death is merely a door into eternity. You can know where you will be and what will occur after your death.

The Last Church

Revelation 3:22
While the church anticipates Christ’s soon coming, we must not miss what the Holy Spirit is doing now! Be cautious of being so consumed with future events that you neglect present opportunities. Listen to today’s edition of The Weekend Pulpit as we begin a new study on Christ’s last words to His church.

Praying with Jesus

Mark 1:1-4
Nobody looks forward to the hard seasons of life, yet God looks at them as holy moments for us to know Him more intimately. Are you weak or wounded today? Listen to this episode to hear how God can use your valley.

Fishers of Men

Mark 1:16-20
Only Jesus could transform ordinary fishermen into soul-winners! However, this transformation required some sacrifice from His disciples. How can one become a fisher of men today?

Into the Wilderness

Mark 1:3-4, 12-13
We all have busy days, but nobody has ever been busier than Jesus was! Although He was everlastingly busy during His earthly ministry, Christ was never so much in a hurry that He neglected prayer. Listen to this episode of The Weekend Pulpit.

A Life of Repentance

Mark 1:4, 15
While repentance is necessary for our salvation, it is equally essential for our sanctification. A Christian who fails to regularly confess his sin to the Lord resultantly fails to grow in his walk with Him. Your faith can be measured by your repentance.

The Beginning from the God of New Beginnings

Mark 1:1-5
Many times we say we want to hear from God but do not ready our hearts to hear from God. When the Word of God declared, our hearts should be prepared. Join Scott Pauley for this first message from Mark 1.

What God Shows You In the Dark

Matthew 1:19-25; 2:13-15, 19-23
In the darkest times, God is at work. The coming of Jesus Christ is one of the greatest examples of this. Yet, it is not just a truth for the Christmas season. In your darkest seasons, God will teach you the deepest truths.

Love the Lord

Deuteronomy 11
We live in a world that knows very little about love and yet ever longs for it. However, God, who is love, longs for us to love Him. Which side of the battle are you on?

This Day

Deuteronomy 11
Young people tend to live in the future, while old people tend to live in the past. Our God is a present-tense God! Every day is a gift from God that He desires to use.

From the Beginning of the Year Even Unto the End of the Year

Deuteronomy 11
Often, our temptation is to think introspectively. But there is a danger in turning all our attention on ourselves and off the Lord. This year, from beginning to end, we must seek to have God's thoughts and walk in His ways.

SPECIAL: Next Steps in the New Year

2 Timothy 3:1-14
Do you want to get into God's Word in the coming year? This beautiful new resource will equip you to get more out of God's Word, with memory verses for each month, a Bible reading plan on every day of the year, free Bible study resources, gospel tools, and more.

The Brook In the Way

Psalm 110:7
Have you ever felt spiritually drained? The Lord Jesus has made a way for us to access divine refreshment in a spiritually barren world. Join us for this edition of The Weekend Pulpit as we dive into one of the Messianic Psalms.


Hosea 14:1
The last chapter of Hosea is one of the most remarkable revival chapters in all of Scripture. Within it rings one of revival's key words, "return." God extends this invitation with incomparable benefits.

Family Memorials

Hosea 12:1-6
What type of memorial would your life leave behind if you were to enter into eternity today? Our lives will leave behind a mark for good or for bad. Tune in to this episode to learn how to leave one that will continue to impact others positively for the cause of Christ.

The Hiding God

Hosea 5:13-6:3
Not only does God reveal Himself, but He also hides Himself. When God withdraws Himself, it is simply because He desires to be sought. He desperately wants us to be desperate for Him.

Hear The Word of the Lord

Hosea 4:1
It is possible to be present in a conversation without actually perceiving what is said. In a spiritual sense, God is speaking through His Word, yet we fail to tune into the right frequency to truly hear Him. Join us as we begin a new study through Hosea!


Did you know there is only one verse in the Bible that has the word "eternity"? Similar terms like everlasting and eternal are used frequently, but the Holy Spirit reserved the word eternity for one passage in Isaiah 57:15: Today we study the only time "eternity" is used in the Bible. For more on eternity visit us at: If you are not sure where you will spend eternity, click here to learn more or contact us: To order our "Eternity" gospel tract visit:

The Way of His Steps

Psalm 85:12-13
Life is all about direction. God has providentially prepared our path before us. Each day, the Lord wants to direct our steps on that path.

A Sure Salvation

Psalm 85:9-11
The Gospel is not restricted to one portion of Scripture but is weaved throughout the whole Bible. As we dig deeper into Psalm 85, the psalmist emphasizes the surety of our salvation.

I Will Hear

Psalm 85:8
Because God has given us His Word, we should read, receive, and retain it. Sadly, we fail even to prepare to hear Him. We will see the Living Word very soon, but until then, we must give our attention to His written Word.

The Heart of the Prayer

Psalm 85:4-7
Prayer is the connection between heaven and our hearts. God pays more attention to the sincerity of our hearts than the beauty of our words. Once we align our hearts with His, we are another step closer to revival.

Where Revival Praying Begins

Psalm 85:1-4
There is a great difference between praying for revival and revival praying. Revival praying begins with confession. The renewal we desire is always preceded by repentance.

Diet and Exercise

1 Timothy 4:4-8
Most men do not fail in their weak points. They fail in their strong points. If you are going to be one of the Lord’s strong men, you must surrender your weaknesses and strengths to Him. Listen to part two of a recent series delivered at a men’s conference.

Strong Men

1 John 2:12-14
There is a great difference between physical and spiritual strength. The former lasts for a little while, but the latter lasts for an eternity. Listen to this practical message recently delivered at a men’s conference.

The Ends of the World

1 Corinthians 10:11-12
Knowing that we are approaching the ends of the world, what should we do? This is not the time to wonder about your salvation. Neither is this the time to waiver in your stance for the Lord!

Truth for Tempted People

1 Corinthians 10:13
Nobody is an exception to temptation, even the greatest of Christians. Any of us are capable of any sin, but our faithful God is always able to deliver us!

All, Many, and Some

1 Corinthians 10:1-11
Perhaps the worst part about sin is not what we get but what we miss. Specifically, sins of the spirit are disruptive and deceptive because they can be hard to identify. May God shine the light of His Word in our souls and do a thorough work.

That Rock Was Christ

1 Corinthians 10:1-4
Nothing can perfectly describe how perfect Jesus is! In this episode of The Weekend Pulpit, we notice another symbol of the Lord. As our Rock, He provides strength and stability.

Don’t Be Ignorant

1 Corinthians 10:1, 14-15
So many of the Lord's people are living in ignorance. The ignorance is not intellectual, but practical. Has your belief idled and stopped influencing your behavior?

This Is Not A Game!

1 Corinthians 9:24-27
As a Christian, you are enlisted in a soul-winner's race. This race has eternal implications and requires daily discipline. Your whole life is connected to what God is doing for the gospel's sake.

The Name and Fame of the Lord

Ruth 4:11-14
In our celebrity culture, people are enamored with fame. None of us are truly worthy of fame except the Lord Himself. He deserves and desires for His name to be known.

Under His Wings

Ruth 2:12
Are you living under the Lord's wings today? Like those of a bird, His wings are a symbol of strength and tenderness. Praise God we can have an intimate fellowship with our conquering Lord!

Have You Heard?

Ruth 1:1-6
Hearing more bad news than ever before, we live in a world full of information. Despite the loudness, God longs for us to hear His hopeful voice. Have you heard from the Lord today?

One Thing I Know

John 9:1-38
The greatest knowledge on earth is the knowledge of God. The Lord's great intent is that you come to know Him personally and that you take personal the task of making Him known. Are your sharing your knowledge of God or being selfish with it?

One Thing Is Needful

Luke 10:38-42
What is important to God ought to be important to us. How easy it is to overload our schedules with good things yet neglect the best thing! There is no substitute for giving Christ His rightful place in your life.

One Thing God Wants Us to Know

2 Peter 3:8
Have you considered that eternity is just around the corner? There will come a day when time is no more. When your time is gone, where will you be for eternity? There is nothing more important to settle.

Bringing All of Life Down to “One Thing”

Luke 6:1-11
Only the simplicity of Christ can cut through the complexity of sin. Throughout Scripture, God frequently boils many things down to one thing. One is a number of priority and unity. One truth can touch every area of your life.

How the Work of God Advances

Zechariah 4:1-14
God never intended for His work to get stuck in a rut or go backward. He always wants His work to advance for His own glory! Through His abounding grace and empowering Spirit, God can advance His work in the life of you and those around you.

When Joshua Met Jesus

Zechariah 3:1-10
Nothing changes you like an encounter with the living God. There are many powerful truths contained in the Book of Zechariah. This week we examine the amazing encounter between Joshua the High Priest and the Lord Jesus found in Zechariah 3.

From Me Is Thy Fruit Found

Hosea 14:8-9
The fruit of revival can only be produced by the God of revival. While He can move us from emptiness to fruitfulness, the amount of this fruit directly depends on how much you allow God to work on you. As the Lord’s branch, are you flourishing today?

A Revived Life

Hosea 14:4-7
There is a great difference between a revival meeting and a revived life. While God can produce a great work in one of these meetings, He did not design the Christian life to be lived only a few days out of the year. This revived life hinges on constant fellowship with our life-giving God and has a continual freshness about it.

Take with You Words

Hosea 14:1-9
Concerning prayer, many people claim they do not know what to say. You can always know you are praying properly if you take what God has already said in His word and simply agree with Him. The Bible is our prayer book. To pray in the will of God, pray the Word of God.

The Word that Comes Before Revival

Hosea 14:2-3
Did you know there is a word which comes before revival in God’s vocabulary? That word is “return.” While revival is God’s work, returning is our work that precedes revival. Dive back into the book of Hosea and realize the necessity of returning to the Lord.

God’s Message to Me

Hosea 1:1-2
What a surreal thought that the Creator of the universe speaks specifically to His creatures! We no longer have to worry about or wonder what God is saying to us because He’s given us His Word. Learn from this weekend’s episode how God longs for us to listen to His message.

Paul Stays Positive by Pastor Kevin Cormican

Philippians 1:19-21
Oftentimes, it is a natural tendency to focus on the negatives of life. When we concentrate on circumstances rather than Christ, eventually we will be discouraged. Tune in to today’s episode of The Weekend Pulpit and discover Paul’s source for spiritual optimism.

What Ever Happened to Bethel?

1 Kings 12:26-33
When God repeats Himself, it is always on purpose and for our profit. Sixty times in the Old Testament, Bethel is mentioned, but not once is it mentioned in the New Testament. How could a place where God was once preeminent seemingly disappear?

It’s Time to Pray!

Judges 20:18
Prayer is our declaration of dependence upon God. Do you need direction? Pray. Are you facing opposition or frustration? Pray! Join us as we study an overlooked passage about Bethel and see the power of prayer.

Back to Bethel

Genesis 28:20-22; 35:1-15
God desires for you to consciously dwell in His holy presence every day. There is no other way to live in power and victory! However, so many believers choose to live with broken fellowship between them and the Lord. In which place will you choose to dwell today?

The Gate of Heaven

Genesis 28:10-19
Every person must have a personal encounter with God. Because of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is possible for every person to have one! Man could never reach God, yet God reached down for man. Join us as we continue our series in The Weekend Pulpit.

Beginning at Bethel

Genesis 12:8; 13:1-4
This Weekend Pulpit begins a series of sermons surrounding a certain place in Scripture. Being mentioned sixty times throughout the Bible, Bethel is a significant symbol to New Testament believers. Listen to this message and learn of the opportunity God has given you to move forward with Him.

The Unimaginable Power of Prayer by Pastor Greg Dowdy

Ephesians 3:20
While prayer is our greatest resource, it should be our first response. The possibilities of prayer are as great as God is powerful! Learn from this message on The Weekend Pulpit some life-changing lessons on prayer.

God’s Stewardship Accounting Principles (Pt. 2)

1 Corinthians 4:1-21
When you meet God someday, the only thing that will matter is the smile of Jesus. Christians should do what they do, not for the pleasure of man, but for the praise of God. Listen to The Weekend Pulpit for the last episode in this series on stewardship.

God’s Stewardship Accounting Principles (Pt. 1)

1 Corinthians 3:21-4:2
Christians are stewards of the greatest thing in the world. We are stewards of the revealed truth of God. For a time, these truths were unknown, but praise God, He has made them known to us! Listen to part one to discover a great investment opportunity the Lord has given His children.

The Discipleship of Stewardship

2 Corinthians 8:1-12
Discipleship is not a series of lessons. It is the whole Christian life! Salvation is just the beginning of all Christ desires for His followers. Purpose today to pursue Jesus and point others to Him.

The Fellowship of Stewardship

2 Corinthians 8:1-7
What is your relationship to Christ’s church? Being members of the same heavenly family, Christians should not wait until they get to heaven to fellowship with one another! Listen to this episode of the weekend pulpit to hear about your individual responsibility in God’s family.

The Rest of the Story

John 12:1-11
Did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead to stop Mary and Martha from crying? Did He do it to stop people from mocking Him? He raised Lazarus for the same reason He gives believers new life, to point others to Him! Join us as we dive into "The Rest of the Story."

Don’t Miss Jesus

John 10:19-30
As we go through Christmas season, the temptation is to miss what Christ is doing in the world today. In every time and season, God is at work, and you miss Jesus, you've missed it all.

The Secret Principle

Matthew 5:14-15
Every evil fruit grows in the soil of unforgiveness. When we withhold forgiveness, God withholds His blessings. As we conclude our study of the model prayer, choose to be a forgiven person who forgives others.

The Secrets of Prayer

Matthew 6:8-13
We come this weekend to a classic passage on prayer. So often, we are the origin and object of our prayers. Learn today how getting a proper perspective of God can purify your prayer life.

The Secret Place

Matthew 6:5-8
We begin studying some of the Lord Jesus' prayer secrets. Open your Bible to Matthew 6 for this week's Weekend Pulpit.

Jesus and John

John 21:20-24
This weekend, we study the life of the disciple whom Jesus loved. While Christ obviously loved all His disciples, John teaches us the importance of nearness to God.

Jesus and Peter

Luke 22:54-62
Have you ever wished for a second chance? In the Christian life, failure is not final. Through the testimony of this weekend's disciple, Peter, you'll be reminded of God's prevailing mercy.

Jesus and Thomas

John 20:24-31
It's okay for Christians to have questions, as long as they bring them to the right Person! Learn from this weekend's disciple, Thomas, how to replace your confusion with clarity and confidence.

Jesus and Judas

Matthew 26:14-16; 20-25
Be sure to listen to today's Bible message from Matthew 26. We are continuing our series on Jesus and His disciples. We come this week to Judas...

Follow Me

Matthew 4:18-22
Today we begin a brand new study on Jesus and His disciples. Following Christ is the key to discovering all that God has for you! See what God will set in motion as you follow Him today! This series was originally preached to young people at a Christian camp.

Antioch Christians In An Athens Culture

Acts 17:16-34
In this world marred by sin, God’s children aren’t meant to blend in! In Acts 17, we learn how to stand up and speak out for the Lord. Determine today to be an Antioch Christian in an Athens Culture.

The God They Did Not Know

Acts 17:22-31
It doesn’t necessarily matter what you believe; what matters is in Whom you believe. There is a great difference in knowing about God and knowing God. Listen to this message from Acts 17 of The Apostle Paul’s timeless sermon revealing the greatest need of our nation.

In Every Place

Acts 17:1-17
In every place, God is at work. No matter what is going on around you, God is at work. Listen to this first message from Acts 17 to learn more about God's Work in every place.

An Awesome God by Byron Foxx

Psalm 33
We hope you will tune in to this encouraging message from Psalm 33. Dr. Byron Foxx has been a longtime friend of the Bro. Pauley and has a passionate heart to serve God. Be sure to hear this week's message.

A Full Church

Ephesians 4:1-16
We live in a day when many people become distracted with big churches and lots of crowds. But what does God want a church to be filled with? Listen to today's message from Ephesians 4 as we conclude this study.

The Filling of the Spirit

Ephesians 5:18
There is so much confusion about the Holy Spirit. We all need God's guidance and help in this life. We all need God's strength to live in victory. Listen to this message from Ephesians 5 on the The Filing of the Holy Spirit.

The Fulness of God

Ephesians 3:14-21
This week we discover what happens to the believer as they discover all the fulness of God. Join us for part 2 of this study through Ephesians.

The Fulness of Christ

Ephesians 1:1-23
We are beginning a new study through the Book of Ephesians on "Fulness." The world promises to fill those who are empty, but they only leave the sinner more empty. Christ alone can fill you! Listen today to hear about all the fulness we have in Christ!

Just Like He Said!

Genesis 21:1-8
We live in a hopeless generation. People are lost, searching, and longing for purpose. As long as there is life there is hope! God's Word gives us eternal truth for eternal hope. Listen to this concluding message from the life of Sarah and Abraham.

Finding Our Place in this World

Genesis 18:1-33
Have you found your place in this world? Not the geographic place, but the place of God's choosing. Our place is with the Lord Jesus. So, allow God to use His Word to show you your place today.  Join us as we continue our study of Abraham and Sarah.

After the Altar

Genesis 12:7-8
God brings all of us to places of surrender to Him. However, these times at the altar are not the endpoint, but the beginning. God has so much more for you than one decision. Discover what God's Word teaches about "After the Altar."

The Most High God

Genesis 14:17-22
When confronted with many false gods, Abraham was faithful to the Most High God. When confronted by earthly power, he would declare his dependence on the Lord! We are continuing our study of the faith of Abraham and Sarah..

The Lord and Me

Genesis 11:31-12;4
This week, we begin a new series on the lives of Abraham and Sarah. Studying this remarkable couple will do your soul great good. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley to learn how essential it is to have your own encounter with God.

The Heart of A Faithful Father by Tom Odom

Luke 15
Join us this week for a powerful sermon on our wonderful, faithful Father. Pastor Tom Odom brings this stirring message from Luke 15.


Titus 3:1-15
We conclude our series through the Book of Titus today. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for some practical truths on maintaining the testimony and fellowship that God desires for you.


Titus 2:7-15
As we continue our series through the Book of Titus, we learn of the work of grace in the life of the Believer. God is seeking to work in and through you, but He needs ALL of you. Will you give Him your ALL today?  

How to Have a Healthy Church

Titus 1:5-9; 2:1-8
There is no perfect church because there are no perfect people. However, it is possible to have a healthy church. It will not be found apart from the Word of God in the life of the entire church family. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this third message from Titus.

Crete Needs Christ

Titus 1:4-5, 10-16
Crete was a very wicked and challenging place. Yet, Paul understood that only the gospel would make a difference there. As we continue through the Epistle to Titus, we are reminded just how important the gospel is!

Getting Ready for What God Has to Say

Titus 1:1-4
This week we begin a brand new series from Paul's letter to Titus. Just as preachers are responsible for the preaching of God's Word, all people are responsible to be obedient recipients of the Word of God. Learn to prepare your heart to receive God's Word. 

Full Hearts In An Empty World

Ecclesiastes 12:8-14
As we conclude our message series through Ecclesiastes, we uncover the key to having a full heart in an empty world - the Bible! God has given us His Word to fill our hearts with the knowledge of God! It is not for us to know more about God, it is to know God more! 

What In the World Is God Doing?

Ecclesiastes 3:11-17
Far too often, we are prone to set our eyes on temporal affairs and troubles. Yet, God seeks to awaken His people to the reality of eternity. God uses the circumstances of life to teach us eternal truths. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this week's Weekend Pulpit. 

Seeing God In the Seasons of Life

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
As we continue our series through Ecclesiastes, we discover more about God's eternal work in our lives. God seeks to work for eternity and in every stage of life. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this message from Ecclesiastes 3.

For Time and Eternity

Ecclesiastes 3:11
Man is limited by time, but God is far beyond time and in eternity. When God steps in, He can lift us above our surroundings and difficulties to see the eternal. As God's children, we must learn to use our time to prepare for eternity.

When You Come to the House of God

Ecclesiastes 5:1
Join us for a brand new Bible series through the little-known Book of Ecclesiastes. This week we begin with a message on "When You Come to the House of God." We trust it will prepare you for for the Lord's Day.

Jesus Filled With the Holy Spirit By John R. Rice

Luke 4:1, 14-25
Did you know Jesus was filled with the Spirit? Are you a Spirit-filled Christian? Listen this week to a rare recording of Dr. John R. Rice preaching from Luke 4. We trust it will challenge you today!

Four Things Jesus Left Us

Mark 13:31-37

Moving Mountains

Mark 11:12-14, 20-26
Do you want to see God move some mountains in your life? He is able! However, there are some prerequisites to His mighty work. What are they? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as brings another message from "The Most Important Week in History."

When Jesus Cleans House

Matthew 21:12-16
Many people remember the account of Christ purifying the Temple. However, few people understand that, as believers, we must allow the Lord to clean out our own hearts. Join us for the third message in our study on "The Most Important Week in History."


Matthew 21:1-11
We are continuing our journey through what we now call "Holy Week." Pause and consider that if Christ had not endured and conquered all He did in those few days, we would have no hope. Yet, He did! Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this Weekend's Pulpit.

One with Christ

John 17:20-26
As we conclude this study through John 17, we see more of the heart of the Lord Jesus. God desires for us to unite in obedience to the truth of God's Word. As we obey Scripture, we allow the Father to have His way in our lives. This is true oneness.


John 17:16-21
We live in a generation that opposes absolute truth. Yet, the Word of God is true! In the Bible, we find the truth of the gospel. This truth can not only be known; it can transform lives for eternity. 

Living In the Now

John 17:11-15
When everything around you is changing, you have the unchanging Savior who promises to be with you. This week we are reminded of several truths for living in victory.

The Ultimate Prayer

John 17:1-10
Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this second message from the Lord's Prayer in John 17. In this message, we discover that the ultimate prayer is one that seeks to bring glory to God. Ask God to glorify Himself through you today.