Special Announcement: New Podcast! December 1, 2017


As a twelve year old boy the Lord called me to be a preacher of God’s Word. Through the years He has confirmed that call and deepened this conviction in my heart. An old entry in my journal reads…

God has confirmed His call on my life. It is not to be an administrator, a manager of things, an organizer. It is to be a preacher of the Word of God. To teach His truths. To declare Him. To call people to the Lord.

By God’s grace I want to give my whole life to His purpose alone. I want to be given to Him and His Word without detour or distraction…that I might concentrate on prayer and the ministry of the Word.

May every decision, every day, every direction be guided by this divine call.

Every week of my life I am working to fulfill this call by teaching and preaching God’s Word. I am also learning that there are other means to multiply this work, through writing and recording.

I am excited to announce that we will begin a new podcast on January 1, 2018. Like our blog, it will be called Enjoying the Journey and will be given to teaching and preaching the truth of God’s Word.

How can you be a part?

  • Subscribe! The podcast will provide a brief message from the Bible applied to daily life. It will be available five days a week. Each episode will be ten minutes long. As we get closer I will provide more detail on how to subscribe to the daily podcast. A portal will be available on the home page at enjoyingthejourney.org.
  • Share! Would you help me pass the word along to your family and friends? Using social media to share individual messages and encourage others to listen will be a great help. We want the testimony to be: “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it” (Psalm 68:11).
  • Sponsor! The daily episodes will also be available in a format for radio. A number of AM/FM stations and internet radio stations have already committed to air the broadcast. (If you know of a radio station that would like to air Enjoying the Journey you may email me at [email protected].) If the Lord leads you to sponsor the podcast or radio program, you may do so through a tax-deductible gift. Go to the Central Missionary Clearing House and designate your gift for Scott Pauley – broadcast.
  • Supplicate! I need your prayers. I save this for last, not because it is least, but because it is the one I most want you to remember. We must have divine favor and wisdom. Would you pray right now that God will use this tool to advance the gospel and bless believers?

I would love to hear your ideas and input. Drop me your thoughts at [email protected]. We will launch one month from today…I hope you will be listening!

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  1. Lamar Whittemore on December 1, 2017 at 2:48 PM

    Is it going to be put together in a way that would be airable for radio?

    • Scott Pauley on December 3, 2017 at 4:49 PM

      Yes sir, the broadcast is produced in a way that is appropriate for radio or download. It is 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Several stations are committed to air it. If you would like to do so I can provide you an online site to download from. Thanks for considering it.

  2. Leslee Marshall on December 2, 2017 at 10:05 PM

    Dear Brother Pauley,
    I am excited to hear about the new podcast! Hope you all are doing well. You said you would like some input.. It would be nice if you could have people submit questions, and you could answer some of them on the broadcast 🙂 That was just an idea 🙂 Hope it goes well! I will be praying for you all.
    In Christ,

    • Scott Pauley on December 3, 2017 at 4:50 PM

      Thanks so much! Great idea. We may do that at some point. God bless you!

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