Samson: God’s Strength For Man’s Weakness August 5, 2019


One of the most exciting ways to study Scripture is to get acquainted with the great characters of the Bible. When you begin to identify with the men and women that the Holy Spirit emphasizes you find that there really is “no new thing under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9) and that “his truth endureth to all generations” (Psalm 100:5). The basic nature and needs of man do not change and neither does the character and care of God!

There are a number of people who I have enjoyed reading after when it comes to the study of Bible characters. Alexander Whyte and George Matheson are authors from previous generations who bring out rich nuggets of truth. Of course, Herbert Lockyer is a classic, and F.B. Meyer has always been a help to me. A more recent writer who has written on a number of the men of the Bible is John G. Butler.

Yet the greatest way to study a Bible character is still to just spend time meditating on the Scripture passages that cover their life. Over the last few weeks I have been “living” with Samson. He is given four chapters, 96 verses, in the story of the Judges. Though I have heard the story of Samson since I was just a boy, I am just now beginning to truly appreciate the spiritual truths that God teaches through his life.

Today on our Enjoying The Journey podcast we begin a new study of Samson and the truths of “God’s Strength For Man’s Weakness.” I hope you will join us as from the very first episode as we journey through Judges 13-16 together. God is teaching me so much from both the negative and positive side of Samson’s life and I am excited to share it with you.

As always you can find Enjoying The Journey on your iTunes, Google Podcast, or favorite podcast player. If that is how you listen I would like to encourage you to subscribe and leave a review if possible. That will help us further the reach of the programming. You may also listen to the full series on our player HERE. However, you choose to listen it is our prayer that you will enjoy the journey through the life of Samson and be helped by it.

God bless you on this Monday! Have a great week…

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