The Last Few Days and the Days Ahead October 15, 2020


My heart is full of the goodness of the Lord to us! Over the last few days it was a privilege to gather with so many pastors and Christian workers in Walkertown, NC. As we planned and prepared for this year’s Southwide Baptist Fellowship none of us knew if it would be possible for friends to actually make it to the meeting. This has been a year where many conferences have been cancelled or forced to move to a virtual format. How thrilling it was to see people come together for a few days of prayer, preaching, and fellowship.

Several folks commented how hungry everyone seemed to be just to be with other laborers. It was a reminder to me how essential it is for God’s people to fellowship – and pastors are no different. We need one another.

The Spirit of God was at work in every meeting and each Bible message was what we needed. Our seasons of prayer throughout the conference were especially sweet. For all who came, we are truly grateful. If you were not able to join us in person or online you may request the messages directly from Gospel Light Baptist Church. Pastor Matt Morrison, Pastor Frank Shumate, and the precious people of this loving church were gracious hosts in every way and a tremendous encouragement to us all.

This year’s moderator was Pastor Kevan Bartlett and the Holy Spirit truly guided him as he led the meeting. It was a privilege to serve with him and a team of great workers. When the meeting was over, Brother Bartlett said, “Our theme was ‘And When They Had Prayed‘ from Acts 4:31 and we saw God answer prayer in these days. We asked the Lord to allow us to meet – and He did, to bring people – and He did, and that He would empower each message to be impactful – and He did.” Amen and Amen!

It is my privilege to serve as the moderator for next year’s gathering, Monday – Wednesday, October 11 – 13, 2021. Pastor Tim Rabon and the Beacon Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC will be our hosts and plans are already being made for a very special few days. Please mark your calendar now and plan to join us!

I am excited about the days ahead and prayerful that God will allow us to continue encouraging one another in the wonderful work of the Lord.

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