The Misconception Of “Mass Evangelism” February 11, 2020


There is nothing in this world quite like seeing an eternal soul come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that Scripture teaches God’s love for all people and that Christ died for every person (John 3:16). Believers are privileged and responsible to share the good news of salvation with “every creature” (Mark 16:15). We should use every God-honoring means at our disposal to get this message out!

One misconception that is common in a world of mass media and mass messaging is that somehow the majority of people will be saved through mass evangelism. Many people have a picture in their minds of a well spoken evangelist blowing through town and preaching dynamic sermons with great crowds of people coming to Christ. While the Lord may do such a thing, the example given to us in God’s Word is more of personal evangelism than it is mass evangelism.

The gospel is shared person to person. Those who know tell those who do not know. Everything reproduces after its own kind.

As an evangelist it is always a joy to preach the gospel to crowds of people, but I am just as responsible to preach the gospel to individuals! It is wonderful to see numbers of people respond to a gospel invitation but we must always remember that people are not saved in groups – they are saved individually! It is my prayer each week that there will be many more souls brought to Christ after an evangelistic meeting because of the obedience of believers to carry the message to others.

Here are some truths to remember:

  • Souls are saved as they place their personal faith in Christ. No one is saved because others around them are responding to the gospel. Salvation is the most deeply personal thing in the world.
  • God deals with people as individuals. He created every person to be unique and He knows each of us better than we know ourselves! Notice how Jesus dealt with each person distinctly in His earthly ministry. People may hear a message in a crowd but the Holy Spirit brings conviction and clarity to them individually.
  • Most people are brought to Christ by some individual. It was a lady teacher who brought me to Jesus. Who pointed you to Christ? Perhaps you would say that you heard a preacher preach the gospel and were saved. Wonderful! Who invited you to hear the message? Who talked to you and planted the seed before that day? Who prayed for you to be saved? We must never forget the power of personal witness in bringing souls to Christ.

Yes, there were 3,000 souls saved on the day of Pentecost. Yes, Peter preached. But did you ever notice that those from all over the earth heard the gospel as “every man” spoke “the wonderful works of God” (Acts 2:8-11). Even then God was using individual believers to share the truth with individuals who needed Christ! Many sowed. Peter watered. God gave the increase.

Now read the rest of the record of the early church…You will find Peter and John reaching one beggar, Philip preaching Christ to one Ethiopian eunuch, Ananias ministering to one man named Saul, Peter bringing the gospel to one man named Cornelius, Paul and Silas pointing one Philippian jailer to Jesus…

One soul is precious to Christ and one witness can make a difference! The world can only be won one soul at a time.

You cannot reach everyone but you can reach someone. You cannot do everything but you can do something. Ask God to use you to bring one soul to the Lord Jesus Christ.

This year we are conducting a large regional gospel rally. Many are praying and working toward that event. But we must not wait for an event or an evangelist to bring souls to Christ! Each of us must seek to bring some soul the good news of Jesus. May God help all of us to look and labor for one soul today!

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Friends From Gath


  1. w.l.graham on February 11, 2020 at 4:19 PM

    A great truth about one seizing the opportunity to witness to another!

    Last night and today I have been meditating on the amazing truth that “Paul the aged”, a prisoner, reached another prisoner for Christ! (Philemon 1, 9-10) That is, although Paul was bound physically…he was free spiritually, and he showed a real and personal interest in another prisoner! Paul looked beyond his own need and saw the need of Onesimus! Paul’s eyes were open, and he saw the spiritual need of those around him!

    What an example regarding personal concern for another individual in the midst of one’s own need! And, what an example of faithfulness by “Paul the aged” for those of us who are ‘entering the winter season of our life’! [Psalm 71:17-18]

    • Scott Pauley on February 16, 2020 at 10:13 PM

      Pastor Sexton used to say, “The prime of life is anytime in life when we are in the center of God’s will.” I like that. You never know when your greatest work will be done.

      • wlgraham on February 17, 2020 at 8:14 AM

        How ironic: These past few days I have been meditating and mesmerized by the great truth in Philemon 9 concerning “Paul the aged” still being a soul winner after all those years. That is, Paul began his soulwinning in Acts and now, as “Paul the aged”, is still faithful to share the gospel.

        Well, just yesterday I received a phone call from a fellow who had been wanting to call me for quite a while. He phoned to tell me “Thank you!” for winning his to Christ over 40 years ago! Here I am mesmerized by the example of “Paul the aged”…and, God ‘slips a jewel into my life’ yesterday afternoon. To God be the glory!

  2. Greg Weber on February 11, 2020 at 9:55 PM

    Got the chance several times this evening to tell about the one Broyhill furniture salesman who spoke to me about my eternal soul about forty seven years ago! He also with a kind, but determined spirit witnessed to all of our family and any and all of our friends and associates who would listen. God bless those who take seriously the Great Commision!

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