Three Weeks From Today! August 13, 2018


Preacher’s are engaged in the greatest work in the world. It is a work that will outlive this world!  1 Timothy 5:17 says, “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.”

Those who are engaged in such labor must also have times to rest and refresh their own souls. Friendship and fellowship is absolutely essential to keeping your own heart renewed. Even the great Apostle Paul rejoiced when he was given liberty to go to his friends and be refreshed (Acts 27:3).

Three weeks from today we will be gathered with a group of preachers at The Preacher’s Rest in Hickory, North Carolina. This gathering is designed to encourage preacher’s and their wives to go on in their work for the Lord. The sessions will minister to your inner man and help to strengthen your faith. The fellowship will be sweet.

The purpose of this meeting is simple: to refresh, encourage, strengthen, and train God’s servants.

If you are a preacher I hope you will join my friend, Pastor Scott Hooks, myself, and a host of other preachers on September 3-5, 2018. If you know a preacher who you love and want to encourage I hope you will work to get them there.

You will find full details and may register securely at Please email me at if I can help you in any way. Tammy and I hope to see you there!

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