Today Is The Deadline! November 30, 2019


We are so excited about the Conference On Revival And Evangelism (CORE) , January 7-9, 2020. This is a powerful way to begin a new year of ministry. The theme is VISION 2020, and the emphasis is on a renewed vision of God, a vision for souls, revival, and the local church.

Today is the deadline for early registration. On November 1 the registration fee increases. If you are planning to join us I would like to encourage you to go to now and register.

The meeting is being hosted by Pastor Tim Rabon and the wonderful people at Beacon Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. I am excited about the opportunity to speak with Evangelist Tom Farrell, Evangelist John Goetsch, Evangelist Byron Foxx, Pastor Jeff Redlin, and Dr. Jim Schettler. Every session is being designed to provide specific help and special seasons of prayer make this a stirring three days.

Pastors, evangelists, missionaries, staff members, lay leaders, and their wives will benefit from this meeting. I hope to see you in January!

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