Your Christmas Prayer List Scott Pauley


Is your Christmas shopping list complete? Christmas card lists, grocery lists, gift lists…tis the season for written reminders! What about your Christmas prayer list?

At this time of year it is easy to grow overly introspective. In fact, that can even become selfishness. It is easy to fixate on your own family and contemplate only your own wants. A Christian Christmas will always consider others.

The greatest gift you ever give is intercession. Your prayers can touch hearts and homes that you cannot even see. Here are a few suggestions for your Christmas prayer list…

  • Pray through your Christmas cards. Take each card, note, picture, or gift as a prayer reminder for friends and family. “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy” (Philippians 1:3-4).
  • Pray for persecuted believers around the world. At this time of great joy and peace there are some battling strife and conflict. “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep” (Romans 12:15).
  • Pray for hurting people in your church family. Adopt a family that is having a hard time. Remember that you are members of the same family – the family of God! Talk to your Father for them. “And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26). Especially remember those who are most forgotten. God reminds us that “pure religion” is most demonstrated toward those who can do nothing in return – the orphans and widows (James 1:27).
  • Pray for lost souls and wayward believers. This is a good time to pray that God will soften the hearts of prodigals and make them tender to the Lord. “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved” (Romans 10:1). Our heart’s desires always come out in our prayers. Ask God to put on your heart those whose hearts need to be turned to Him! (I have written more about this here.) Our family would love to join you in praying for your loved ones. Email us their names at and we will help you pray.

As always, pray for each member of your family by name. Pray for your pastor and his family. But take a few minutes to pray for those you may not pray for every day. Get your entire family to join in!

Don’t forget your Christmas prayer list. It will be a blessing to you and make you a great blessing to others.

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