Givers And Takers February 27, 2020


As a boy my dad told me, “Son, there are two kinds of people in the world – givers and takers – and you’re going to have to decide which one you want to be.” I have lived long enough to know that there are more takers than givers. Which are you?

Giving Living

In Matthew 26 we find quite a contrast between givers and takers. On one hand there is the woman who broke her alabaster box to give worship to Christ and on the other Judas who took thirty pieces of silver to betray Him.

Read the passage for yourself and you will discover lasting principles. One unnamed woman gives a pattern for us all:

  1. Givers are consumed with their objective and not their expense (26:6-10).
  2. Givers realize they are giving to God, not to men (26:11).
  3. Givers live for the future and not for the present (26:12).
  4. Givers know they are investing, not wasting (26:13).

Takers, however, are pictured in one question that Judas asked: “What will ye give me?” (26:15) Takers are self-centered and givers are self-sacrificing. Which are you?

The Ultimate Giver

Interesting isn’t it that the common character between the woman in Matthew 26 and Judas is the Lord Jesus Christ. Standing in front of them was the greatest Giver. In vs. 26-28 He gave thanks, He gave bread, and then He did the ultimate – He gave Himself.

All of our giving should be motivated by His gift. He gave His life. “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15).

Long after Christ gave His own blood the followers of Christ remembered one of His most important lessons: “…remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). We would all like to think of ourselves as givers and not just receivers. Which are you?

Materially Minded

Giving does not begin as an action; it is rooted in an attitude. As a man thinks in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Take the test…

  • Do I think more of what I will give or more of what I will get?
  • Do I think more of my comfort or the advancement of His cause?
  • Do I think more about saving for myself than I do investing in souls?
  • Do I decide how much I will give by how much I would like to keep?
  • Do I think more about the present benefits or the eternal rewards?
  • Do I think more about what it will cost me or more about what Christ is worthy of?
  • Do I make decisions based on my financial plan or the promptings of the Holy Spirit?

We are either materially minded or spiritually minded. Which are you?

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