A CORRECTION December 6, 2020


It is always an encouragement to hear from friends who are studying God’s Word with us each day on Enjoying the Journey. I just received a very kind email question from a man who listens to the daily broadcast. His question prompted me to go back and review one of last week’s episodes on the name of God.

On Friday we looked at the Hebrew name El Olam which is introduced to us in the story of Abraham and Abimelech. Our study concentrated on the beginning of that story in Genesis 20:13. During the broadcast I stated that the name for God that Abraham used was El Olam – “the everlasting God.” While that is true, he did not use it in that verse. In fact, the name Elohim is used in the beginning of the story and he does not use El Olam until the end of his interaction with Abimelech in the next chapter.

Genesis 21:33 says, “And Abraham planted a grove in Beersheba, and called there on the name of the LORD, the everlasting God.” This is actually significant because it would seem that Abraham’s understanding of God grew through this period. He initially feared Abimelech but came to see that the God of eternity is bigger than anything or anyone in time! The point of the entire passage is to reveal that the God of a nomad like Abraham transcends everything in this world. Isn’t it wonderful to know the God of eternity?

While I am sure this is not the only time I have misspoken while teaching and preaching (and it probably won’t be the last!) I want to be as accurate as possible when handling God’s Word and God’s name. I appreciate the spirit of the listener who asked for clarification and am reminded that iron truly does sharpen iron. Hopefully we will all continue to grow along this journey, both as Bible students and Bible teachers.

If you have not been able to join us yet for the new series I hope you will do so this week! You can find the first five episodes at enjoyingthejourney.org/broadcast or wherever you listen to podcasts. Tomorrow we examine God’s personal and powerful name, “I AM.” We would be thrilled if you could listen and share the truth with others.

Tonight I am preaching from Malachi 3:16, “Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.” In these turbulent times we especially need to think on His name and speak to one another about Him.

Praying you enjoy the journey this week…


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  1. Timothy Benefield on December 9, 2020 at 6:15 PM

    Thank you, sir, for the transparency and commitment to accuracy. God bless you!

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