“Asaph’s Revival” by Dr. Bob Sanders

Psalm 73

Asaph’s Revival The more I read and study Psalm 73, the greater my appreciation for the individual known as Asaph. Even though he is following the leadership of the Spirit of God in making this declaration, I am amazed at the honesty with which he does so! Without reservation, he reveals the sordid contents of his…

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Don’t Lose the Essentials by Dr. Charles Keen

Dr. Charles Keen has served as a faithful pastor, Bible teacher, author, Bible publisher, and missionary statesman. We are happy to call him a friend. This good man has been a constant encourager to those who are engaged in the work of the gospel. This article from his pen will be a challenge for all…

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Being the Right Choice by Bob Sanders

Evangelist Bob Sanders is a true servant of the Lord. He has a heart for the Lord’s work and continues to encourage our ministry. We are happy to call him a friend. This faithful man has been a constant encourager to many who are engaged in the work of the gospel. Allow this article by Dr.…

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Four Motivations for Obedience by Dr. Charles Keen

Dr. Charles Keen has served as a faithful pastor, Bible teacher, author, Bible publisher, and missionary statesman. We are happy to call him a friend. This good man has been a constant encourager to those who are engaged in the work of the gospel. This article from his pen will be a challenge for all…

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60 Day Prayer Plan by Pastor Steve Rebert

Not long ago, it was my privilege to preach at a revival meeting in Winchester, VA. From the very first service, it was evident that God was at work in a special way. During the meeting, numbers of people came to faith in Christ. There was an unusual stirring in the church. We continue to…

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Moody’s Great Impact Upon My Life by Bob Crichton

”For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16 A Snapshot of the Life of Dwight L. Moody: Born: Feb. 5, 1837, Northfield, Massachusetts Died: Dec. 22, 1899, East Northfield, Massachusetts One of the greatest evangelists…

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Seven Steps for Seniors by Mark Fizer

Each year thousands of High School students graduate and begin to take the next step on their journey. I always enjoy speaking to graduating seniors about the will of God for their life. This year, my friend Mark Fizer, spoke at the Victory Baptist Academy graduation, in Beaver, WV. The address that he gave, was…

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Developing a Biblical Prayer List by Pastor Scott Hooks

Prayer is a Heaven-bought privilege that gives us access into the presence of God. That door of access was opened to us through the blood of Christ that was shed for our sins. When Christ died, the veil of the Temple was rent in two, signifying that all in Christ would enjoy free and unlimited…

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The Scent of the Gospel by John Buckner

Enjoying the Journey has many friends in the ministry who help and encourage us along the way. John Buckner is a real student of God’s Word. He has spent the last several years in Jerusalem completing a Master’s degree in Classical Hebrew and has dedicated His life to the study of God’s Word. We are happy to…

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Revival Praying in Practice by Daniel Jessup

We rejoice in the way that God is continuing to use Revival Praying to stir believers in the matter of seeking God. Recently Daniel Jessup conducted a meeting built around the Revival Praying resource at the Solida Baptist Church of South Point Ohio, Pastor Aaron Childers. The following is his personal testimony of what the Lord did and we trust it will be an encouragement…

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The Gift of Campus Ministry by Kyle Austin

University ministry is very dear to my heart. It was one of the first ministries God allowed Tammy and me to be involved in years ago when we first started serving in Knoxville. As we labored on the campus of the University of Tennessee, the Lord taught me so much about the mission field in…

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The Tragic End of a Treasured Man by Pastor Scott Hooks

Enjoying the Journey has many friends in the ministry who help and encourage us along the way. Pastor Scott Hooks has been a constant encouragement to this ministry. He is a faithful pastor with a heart for God’s people. We are happy to provide you with this article written by him. One of our goals…

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The Power of Gospel Tracts by Pastor Tom Sexton

We are blessed to have many friends at Enjoying the Journey. One of our dearest friends is Pastor Tom Sexton, in Cape Coral, FL. He is passionate about soul-winning, and in this article he explains why it is so important for all Christians to be soul-winners. One wonderful tool is simply a Gospel tract. Please…

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Books that Changed My Life by Pastor Johnny Pope

Enjoying the Journey has many friends in the ministry who help and encourage us along the way. Few have been more encouraging and equipping than Pastor Johnny Pope. Pastor Pope is a dear friend of Bro. Pauley and a blessing to all who know him. God has used his preaching to help thousands of young people and adults across the world. We…

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Planning for a Profitable Summer by Pastor Ryan Thompson

The following article was written by our friend, Pastor Ryan Thompson of Newport Beach, CA. Ryan is being used of God to lead the Liberty Baptist Church during an exciting time in that ministry. He and his wife have five wonderful children and they are working to encourage other families in Orange County. This practical application…

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Going Back On Your Upbringing by Dr. Charles Keen

Dr. Charles Keen has served as a faithful pastor, Bible teacher, author, Bible publisher, and missionary statesman. I am happy to call him my friend. This good man is an encourager to those who are engaged in the work of the gospel. This article from his pen will be a challenge to those who are…

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America This Week by Byron Foxx

This week we witnessed a majority of the House of Representatives vote in favor of impeachment of the President. For months we have heard the most opprobrious language hurled back and forth between leaders. What is next? Our tremendous United States Constitution states: “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When…

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Lessons Learned At The Bulletin Board by Dr. Charles Keen

You are going to be encouraged by this wonderful article by my friend Dr. Charles Keen. A great deal of wisdom flows through nearly 60 years of ministry. Read more from his pen at https://gcpublishers.org. In my school days, the “social media” existed in two mediums – the water cooler for the faculty and the bulletin board for the…

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Something To Nibble On Later by Dr. Charles Keen

Dr. Charles Keen has been a faithful pastor and missionary statesman for many years. At this stage in his life and ministry he is giving his energy to helping get the Scriptures into every language. I am always challenged by his passion. Each time I hear him preach or teach the Lord uses him to…

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“The Pastor Is Not Supposed To Cry” by Mark Fowler

Pastors have their own hurts as they seek to help hurting people. A minister who cannot grieve does not have the heart of the Chief Shepherd. I thank the Lord for faithful pastors and pray that God will continue to encourage and use them. Below is a very personal article written by my friend Pastor…

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Longevity In The Pastorate by Pastor James Pauley

One of my spiritual fathers is my uncle, James Pauley. He has faithfully pastored the same church for nearly half a century. He is a man of prayer and a man who has deeply challenged my walk with the Lord. I recently asked him if he would write something on what he has learned from…

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Finish Strong by Kurt Copeland

Kurt Copeland has been a faithful youth pastor at the Franklin Road Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee for many years. God has used he and his wife to make a difference in the lives of countless young people. His faithfulness is an example to me and his friendship an encouragement. You will enjoy these thoughts…

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Virtual Solutions For Local Churches by Gayle Washington

Gayle Washington was a fellow-worker for many years in the ministry. Her burden is to help pastors and churches and the Lord is using her. She and her husband, Dave, have been wonderful friends to our family. I am happy to recommend her resources and hope that they may be of help to many local…

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When Two Worlds Collide by Pastor Mark Fowler

Mark Fowler and his wife Stephanie have been special friends to me and Tammy since college. The Lord is using them to lead a growing church in Elizabethton, TN. We had the privilege to be there again recently and were so blessed. His guest post and the available resource will be a help to many.…

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