Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

The Last Message
Christ gave so much truth during His time on earth—He IS the truth. Listen today as we learn the last message of the risen Christ to His disciples. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this final message from John 21.

From the Field to the House
Destination. Location. Duration. They are all found in Psalm 23:6. In this life we travel over mountaintops and through valleys with our Shepherd, but we have an ultimate destination! One day our wandering, worrying, fretting, and failing will all be over, and we will dwell in the physical presence of the Lord for an eternal day!

The Lord’s “Sheep Dogs”
Our Good Shepherd has a couple of sheep dogs! When the sheep are in need or have experienced failure, God’s “sheep dogs” are always there to assist. He even gives us their names! Today’s broadcast will also remind us that God’s blessings are meant to be shared, not just kept to ourselves.

Anointed by the Spirit
We see a beautiful picture of the Holy Spirit in Psalm 23. The Shepherd indeed uses a rod and staff, but He also anoints His sheep with healing oil. God’s Holy Spirit is already at work in the believer. We don’t have to ask for it, rather we should acknowledge it! We’ll soon discover that our cup truly “runneth over.”

No One Spreads a Table Like Jesus
It’s almost humorous to imagine Jesus spreading out a table covering and putting all kinds of good things to eat on it while the enemy’s arrows are flying overhead and there is warfare all around. Yet, He prepares a table for, us even in the presence of our enemies, because He desires to fellowship with us and provide for us!

Dealing with Danger
Today we discuss the shepherd’s rod and staff. They have different purposes yet are used together. The Word of God and the work of the Spirit are the rod and staff of our Shepherd. Let’s explore how He uses them in our lives, especially when dealing with danger.

The Early Days
An encounter with the risen Christ will change you. Your heart should seek to obey Him! When Christ changes you, don't go back to how you were before! Devote yourself to Him. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for the fourth message from John 21.

The Shadow of Death
How is it possible that when darkness or death comes we can say, “I will fear no evil?” It’s because the presence of the Shepherd, not the absence of trouble, is what brings peace. Jesus is the Light of the world and when you’re in His presence you need not fear any evil.

His Presence and My Prayer
In today’s study we ponder a subtle, yet power, shift in the direction of David’s words. He begins by speaking about the Lord but ends by speaking to the Lord. We all have the promise of God’s presence. He is not only with us, but Christ is in us! Let’s talk to Him, not just about Him!

All the Way to the Palace
Joseph Gilmore was a young minister around the time of the Civil War. Coming out of those dark days, he wrote a poem based on Psalm 23. His poem was set to music and sung in churches, but he didn’t know it! In today’s broadcast, hear more of this unusual story, as well as how our Shepherd leads us to the very end!

Valleys and Battles
We learn the most about the Lord in the trials, necessities, and difficulties of life. If you’re going through a valley, praise God. He is teaching you something you wouldn’t learn any other way. Perhaps He is preparing you to help someone else through a difficult season. Take heart! Soon you will see that your valleys and battles were a blessing!

You Are Going Through!
To get from one mountain to another you’ve got to go through the valley. Yet even in the valley, the Lord is leading. Three words in today’s passage will encourage your heart. “Though” describes possibility. “Through” indicates certainty. “Thou” speaks of Deity. Rejoice! The Good Shepherd’s character and care do not change, not even in the valley!

Christ’s Classroom by the Sea
During His life on earth, Christ was always seeking to teach truth. He used every opportunity to impart His Truth to His followers. Today, we look at one such example from the risen Savior. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as he preaches from John 21.

The Right Path
Nothing is worse than the feeling of being lost! The good news is that when you follow the Good Shepherd, He will never make a wrong turn with your life. He restores and He leads in paths of righteousness. Not only will the Lord help you get right - He will help you stay right!

Do You Need Rest and Peace?
Sheep are skittish animals and cannot rest when they are anxious, troubled, or afraid. But in the presence of the shepherd, they find green pastures and still waters. Our Good Shepherd knows what we need. When we follow Him, He will give us peace and rest in a world filled with conflict and trouble.

He Leads Me
Often the great struggle children have when playing “follow the leader” is determining who gets to be the leader. It’s not so different with us. We’re all “playing in God’s back yard,” breathing His air, drinking His water, listening to His birds sing. It’s only right that He should be our leader. This study will challenge us to follow our Good Shepherd.

Meet the Sheep
Have you ever wondered why God so often refers to His people as sheep? It’s because people, like sheep, are defenseless. There is an enemy after us! We need the guidance, provision, and even the pasture of our Good Shepherd. Today we will meet God’s sheep – and you’ll find that you already know them.

Getting to Know the Shepherd
Did you know the Bible has over 1,000 references to shepherds, sheep, and lambs? Every sheep needs a shepherd. In our first of several studies from Psalm 23 we begin to understand that when the Lord Jesus is our Shepherd, we can truly say, I shall not want.

Resurrection Evening
Are you simply a follower of Jesus? Or are you a true disciple? When it could cost you something, how close will you be following? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as He brings this third message from John 20.

Habits of Happy Homes, Part 5
Are you doing your homework? We cannot expect change through simply hearing, but by doing what we hear. Today we learn to live by faith and do all for God’s glory while depending on His grace. Ultimately, the secret to a happy home is living in the presence of God. He is the goal!

Habits of Happy Homes, Part 4
In 1900, average Americans were asked what things they felt were indispensable to life as comfortable and contented people. The list averaged 72 items. 50 years later the survey was conducted again, and the list had grown to a number we’ll learn in today’s lesson. We’ll also learn the role of contentment and service in a happy Christian home.

Habits of Happy Homes, Part 3
Who decides what you think? We all have a responsibility to guard and guide our own thought life. We can do this by choosing to fill our homes with the things that lead to good thoughts! We should also identify couples and families who are joyfully following the Lord and follow their example.