Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

In the Garden
Nothing will change your life like an encounter with the risen Savior! Have you had one? It will change everything. We, therefore, must thank God for everything that brings us closer to the Lord Jesus. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for part 2 of this series through John 20.

Christ–Our Hope
Philippians 3 ends on a hopeful note. When Christ has His proper place in the home, everything else will be in the right place. Invite Him into your home every day. He alone is our hope and the reason our families have hope for the future!

Christ–Our Pursuit
Much of what families pursue today is good, but not best. Paul had dedicated his life to God, pursued higher education, and accomplished much, yet he counted all this as “dung” compared to the value of pursuing Christ. Our homes will be truly Christian when Christ becomes our greatest pursuit!

Christ–Our Confidence
The apostle Paul had the equivalent of three PhD’s, and yet he said he counted it all as loss. When we put our confidence in the other members of our family to be all that we need or seek, we will always be disappointed, regardless of how much they have to offer. Only Christ is worthy of our total confidence.

Christ–Our Joy
It may be possible to have a happy home without Christ because happiness comes from what happens outside of us. But joy comes from within, and true joy can only be found in Christ. As we learn of Christ, our Joy, we will see how truth, warnings, and worship all play a part in a joy-filled home.

What Makes a Home Christian?
The essence of a Christian home is the presence of Christ. A home may be moral or religious or even somewhat sterile due to an abundance of rules, but without Christ it is not a Christian home. In our next few broadcasts, we’ll study Christ and seek to give Him the preeminence in our homes.

The Spiritual Need of Every Christian On Easter
The truth of the Resurrection of Jesus is not just for some of the people, some of the time. It is for all people all of the time. Join Scott Pauley for the first of six messages given around Easter from John 20. Let us reflect at all times upon all that our Savior has done for us.

Learning to Think Differently
Take a look at yourself – are you willing to sacrifice? Are you willing to serve? Are you willing to supply the needs of those around you? The men Paul speaks of in Philippians chapter 2 had embraced the mind of Christ and were demonstrating it in these ways. So can we!

The Mind of Christ
True peace, joy, and beauty come to our homes when we learn to think like Christ and therefore begin to live like Christ. In today’s broadcast our study will reveal that His mind is one of charity and unity, as well as humility and responsibility. What will it look like to begin developing the mind of Christ in your family?

Building a Household of Faith–Abraham’s Family
Families are known by what they stand for. More importantly, families are known for what they stand on. Abraham built his family upon a foundation of faith in God. What will your family be built upon? Join Scott Pauley as he brings this second message from Hebrews 11.

The “Gospel Family,” Part 3
What do you think is the greatest enemy in the Christian life? You’ll have to listen to the broadcast today to find out! Don’t worry – you’re also going to learn what weapon can defeat this enemy. And we’ll discover the weapon about which Jesus said not even the gates of Hell would prevail against! Let’s prepare your family for spiritual battle!

The “Gospel Family,” Part 2
When we look inside a Christian home, we should see family members thanking God for one another, praying for one another, sharing their gospel testimony with one another, and talking to one another about spiritual things. Today we’ll look more closely at what it means to have a home with “fellowship in the gospel.”

The “Gospel Family,” Part 1
What does it look like to have joy in your heart and home? What does it look like to build a household of faith? Both begin with the Gospel. Today we’ll learn from Philippians what it means to have a “Gospel Family.”

First at Home
When teaching and preaching on the family, the most commonly used books of the Bible are probably Ephesians and Colossians. But right between these two is the small book of Philippians. It doesn’t directly mention the home, yet it is full principles that will bring joy to any home. Let’s ask God to do a great work in our homes!

Taking a Trip to Philippi
In our first Enjoying the Journey series, we studied the book of Philippians. Over the next few weeks, we will study this book again and explore how it applies to families. Let’s begin with a “road trip to Philippi" where we'll see Lydia and her family.

Stand Still and Go Forward by Pastor Sexton
For nearly 20 years, Scott Pauley served with Pastor Clarence Sexton at Crown College and Temple Baptist Church. This is a classic message by Pastor Sexton from Exodus 14. This message was recorded in 2003.

When Jesus cried, “It is finished,” all of Heaven heard it and rejoiced. All of Hell heard it and trembled. All of earth must hear it and believe. This final word of Jesus on the cross is a cry of the Conqueror, a cry of completion, and a cry of commencement. Let’s discover why in today’s broadcast.

Paid In Full
When Jesus cried from the cross, “It is finished,” He was literally saying “Paid in full!” The debt of sin has been canceled. There is no further work required to pay the price of salvation. Jesus paid it all! Trust Him today!

One Word Changes Everything
One word from Jesus changes everything! In our final look at Jesus’ use of the word “today,” we find that it is a word of great expectancy. It speaks to us about God and His present work, about our lives and fleeting opportunities, and about our eternity, which is greater than we can imagine if we turn to Christ by faith.

Don’t Miss Your Moment
“Today” is a word of expediency, as well as opportunity. God has given each of us an opportunity to make the most of today. In this study we will consider right priorities as we again look to Jesus on His most difficult day.

When the thief on the cross cried out to Jesus to save him, our Lord promised that he would be with Him in Paradise that very day. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, but we have been given today. Friend, I urge you to trust Christ, return to God, or begin the task God has laid on your heart…today!

Put It All In His Hands
Some people live their whole lives letting their hurts define and detour them. How much better it would be to trust every circumstance and situation to the loving hands of God, as we see Jesus doing on the cross. His final recorded words demonstrate His complete confidence in the Father.

Consider that even Jesus, in His darkest hour, cried out to God, “Why?” When you find yourself enduring dark days or feeling distant from the Lord, bring all your emotion, hurt, and brokenness to God. And remember that He is at work. The greatest transaction that ever took place happened in the dark when it seemed that Heaven was silent.

Moving from Why to What
Both the darkest and final moment of Jesus’ life are examined in our study today. When Jesus fulfilled the “why” of His coming, when He suffered in a moment the eternal Hell we deserved, when he was separated from His Father – only then could we receive the “what” God had in store for us all along.