Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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A War to End All Wars

Revelation 19:17-21
History is full of war and conflict. When our King comes He will put down every enemy and conquer all. In this study we find out what will happen to Antichrist, the false prophet, and every one who stands against the Lord. It's almost over.
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Our Rightful King

Revelation 19:11-16
As we study the vivid description of Christ at His final coming it becomes increasingly clear that there has never been a ruler like this! He is righteous in every way and He is the rightful Ruler of all. As we see Him we learn to submit to Him.
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Is He Your King?

Revelation 19:16
Christ is the King of eternity, the King of glory, the King of heaven, the King of righteousness, the King of peace, the King of the Jews, the KING OF KINGS...but is He your King?
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Four Names You Need to Know

Revelation 19:11-16
All of our Lord's names reveal more about His nature. As we come to the end of time there are 4 names associated with Him that reveal so much about who He is. What is true then, is true now! Learn these 4 names and what they mean to you.
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The Point of Prophecy

Revelation 19:10
Why study prophecy? It is not to simply know detailed events or to satisfy our curiosity. One verse provides a key that unlocks all of the prophetical writings. Apply this and prophecy will not just fill your mind, it will affect your life.
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Here Comes the Groom!

Revelation 19:7-9
In western culture the wedding revolves around the bride, but in ancient eastern custom it revolved around the groom. The last great wedding, the union of Christ and His church, will be all about the glory of the bridegroom - the Lord Jesus Christ! Let's meet all the participants today...
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The Royal Wedding

Revelation 19:7-9
There is a marriage supper being planned in heaven. It will be the grandest marriage you have ever seen - the marriage of the Lamb! In this study we get a glimpse of the groom, the King of glory. And we see ourselves as part of His bride, the church.
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Revelation 19:1-6
Today we hear heaven's song! 4 times the word rings out: "Alleluia" - praise the Lord! Each Alleluia reveals something for which we will praise God forever, and something for which we can praise God now.
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Look Who’s Singing Now!

Revelation 18:20-24
Wicked men may be rejoicing now but very soon their song will stop. At the end God turns their singing into sorrow and those who have been hated and persecuted will begin to rejoice. Look who's singing now!
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In One Hour

Revelation 18:8-19
It is amazing what God can accomplish in one hour. In a few verses the Lord reveals how quickly He will bring down Satan's world system. God is about to make short work of the devil!
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Bigger Than Babylon

Revelation 18:1-7
The kingdom of the Antichrist will exert its influence over the entire earth during the Tribulation period. This system, referred to as Babylon, will carry out Satan's agenda throughout the world. But there is someone bigger than Babylon! God is greater and soon all will know.
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A Woman Rides the Beast

Revelation 17:1-18
The final government this world will see before the Lord rules is the kingdom of the Antichrist. This religious and political empire will do all that it can to fight against God, but Christ will conquer in the end.
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Revelation 16:12-16
Here we have our first introduction to the last battle this earth will see. The battle of Armageddon doesn't belong to Satan, the Antichrist, or any of the armies of the world. It is called "the battle of that great day of God Almighty." He will win.
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The Dam Breaks

Revelation 16:1-21
When the Tribulation begin a tide of sin and Satan will flood this earth. At the end of the Tribulation the dam of God's judgment will break and final judgments will be poured out. Sinners are worthy of judgment but God is worthy of praise.
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Heaven Opens to Earth

Revelation 15:4-8
Picture entering into the Holy of Holies in Heaven. God opens up a glimpse of Heaven so that we will understand that what He does on earth is always right. He is perfect in every way. Soon Heaven will open to earth...
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Lessons of the Last Plagues

Revelation 15:1-4
God's judgments all teach us something about Him - His holiness, His righteousness, His justice. Even a glimpse of His wrath leads us to worship. Come listen to today's song and look at the greatness of our God.
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Harvest Time

Revelation 14:14-20
Soon the final harvest on earth will come. This harvest will be a harvest of judgment and a tragic loss. We must see the harvest of souls now and do all we can to bring them to God before it is too late. Now there is life, but soon there will be only death.
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News From Heaven

Revelation 14:6-13
There is great confusion in our world over what is true and what is "fake news." In this Scripture God sends 3 angels to earth with announcements. Don't miss the future messages and the present application in this news from Heaven! It's all true.
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Meanwhile, Back In Heaven…

Revelation 14:1-5
In the Revelation God never leaves us with a picture of earth; He always lifts us back to the throne and to God. While Satan does his worst on earth we see the victory of the Lamb and the 144,000 who come to Him in the Tribulation period. God is always greater and we are on the winning side!
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Seriously…Another Beast?!?

Revelation 13:11-18
All of Satan's workers are evil beasts. Alongside the Antichrist comes another beast - the false prophet. Learn how he will use religion to deceive people into believing a lie.
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Who Is “The Beast”?

Revelation 13:1-10
Today we are introduced to Satan's man, the Antichrist. He is a real person who leads a worldwide kingdom. This Beast has one aim: to devour every good thing. But rejoice because our Lamb is going to conquer this Beast!
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How to Overcome the Devil

Revelation 12:7-17
Though Satan will pursue Israel and seek to destroy God's people in the Great Tribulation, the Lord has made a way for them to overcome. In today's Scripture God describes how they will overcome and we get a glimpse of the power He gives to those who do battle with the devil.
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Dealing with the Dragon

Revelation 12:1-9
One of the Devil's names, a revelation of his destructive nature, is "the dragon." He is the archenemy of Christ. He has fought against God and God's program from the beginning and he will fight to the end. Only one can deal with the dragon - Christ is the conqueror!
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The Two Witnesses

Revelation 11:1-12
God always has His witnesses. In the Tribulation two witnesses will be sent to represent Christ in a world that has refused Him. Their witness will be rejected and greater Tribulation will come. May God help all of us to be gospel witnesses now before it is too late.