Dear Church Member… August 19, 2020

Church Member

What if you received a letter from the Founder of the church? In fact, you have it in your hands each time you hold the Word of God! The Lord has written in black and white exactly what He designed and desires for His church to be. The New Testament is the divine manual on the local assembly. (Learn more about church membership HERE.)

In our day the church is being minimized and marginalized by society. Satan and his minions are on the attack. Many Christians have taken a passive, take-it-or-leave-it approach. This is not the time for believers to take a step back from church! We live on the edge of eternity and now is the time for every church member to find their place and do their part to advance the cause of Christ. Soon we will see the Founder and give an account of what He gave us to do.

A few years ago, we examined Hebrews 10:22-25 and discovered specific truths for every church member. I hope you will join us this week on your favorite podcast player or you can listen to all three episodes below. Most of all, I want to encourage you to pray that God will make you the church member that Christ deserves and your church needs at this time.

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