Just For Preachers May 15, 2018

I love preachers. It was my privilege to grow up in a pastor’s home. For eighteen years I served under a faithful pastor. Now, it is my opportunity each week to spend a great deal of time with preachers across the country.

One thing I know to be true: God’s men need times of refreshing and encouragement. The battle is fierce. Flesh is weak. Demands are great. And only the Lord can give strength to press on.

Vance Havner was famous for saying, “If we don’t come apart we will come apart.” His comment was based on our Lord’s words to His own disciples in Mark 6:31, “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.”

Most of us have not missed many meals, but the press of people and pull of schedule we can all identify with! Rest is not a dirty word. It is Christ’s word. He knows we need it and sooner or later we will know it too.

It is with this heart that my friend, Pastor Scott Hooks, and I are hosting The Preacher’s Rest this fall. We have chosen to begin on Labor Day, Monday September 3 and conclude on Wednesday, September 5, 2018. These days are designed to Rest, Encourage, Strengthen, and Train the Lord’s laborers.

The schedule is not heavy but the sessions will be meaningful. Our desire is to emphasize the preacher’s devotional life and personal walk. All ministry should grow out of the overflow of this reality.

I would like to give you a personal invitation to join us. Bring your wife, come apart and rest awhile! These few days could help you make the rest of your days more fruitful. You can find more information and register at thepreachersrest.com. We hope to see you in Hickory in September.

Your friend,

Scott Pauley

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