
Did you know that Mary, in Scripture, teaches us an important lesson about sharing the truth of Christ? Join Scott Pauley in today’s sermon from John 20:11-18, as we continue our study on the Women in the Life of Christ.

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How to Start A Godly Line

There is no such thing as a perfect family, but by the grace and wisdom of God, you can start a godly family. Join Scott Pauley for this study from Genesis 12, the life of Abraham, on “How to Start A Godly Line.”

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Our Favorite Couple

Very little is known about Aquilla and Priscilla, but they were a mighty team for the Lord Jesus Christ. No matter where you are, God can use you and your family in an eternal way. Join Scott Pauley for this message from Acts 18.

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Making Known the Unknown God

Could God have placed you where you are to declare Christ to those around you? The generation all around us is searching for the truth – we must point them to the One who is Truth. Join Scott Pauley for this challenging message from Acts 17.

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What Will You Do for the Gospel’s Sake?

How important is the gospel to you? What place does the Lord Jesus hold in your life? Be careful how you answer! As Christians, the good news ought to change every part of our lives. Join Scott Pauley for this challenging message from 1 Corinthians 9.

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Friendship to Christ

Consider how wonderful it is to be called the friend of Jesus! But do not forget the obligations that come with it. God calls us to a life of faithful and loving obedience. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this message from John 15.

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My Father’s Religion

When people hear the word “religion,” many bristle or begin thinking of specific groups. However, what does God have to say about religion? Learn more as we conclude our sermon series our through James 1.

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When Joshua Met Jesus

There are many powerful truths contained in the Book of Zechariah; unfortunately, few have taken the time to learn them. This week we examine the amazing encounter between Joshua the High Priest and the Lord Jesus found in Zechariah 3.

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Going Through with God

Many people enjoy the blessing of God. However, when difficult comes, many will forsake the path God has for them. Today we see that if we follow God’s way we will discover everything the Lord has for us. Join Scott Pauley for the third message from Matthew 5, “Going Through with God.”

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The Invitation of the Inner Circle

Christ doesn’t simply want the most gifted, intelligent, or likely people to be His disciples. He will shape you into what He needs you to be; Jesus simply asks you to follow Him with full surrender. Join us for this the third message in about the Inner Circle of Christ from Mark 9.

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God has not simply saved us to keep us from Hell; that is just the beginning of the work He is seeking to do in and through us. Christ wants to change us! But so often we look away from the Lord to the lost world around us. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as he brings…

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Daily Battles

We all face battles every single day. So, what do we do with them? Run to a Savior who is always victorious. Listen to this message from Psalm 56 to learn how Christ gives us His power for our daily battles.

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A Son’s Grace

Where would we be without the grace of the Lord Jesus? We would be eternally lost. Do not forgot all the our Savior has done for us. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as he brings the second message from 2 Corinthians 13:14 entitled, “A Son’s Grace.”

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The Holiness of Strangers

In this strange time, we must return to holy living. We don’t hear much about holiness anymore, but God demands that we live righteously before Him. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as we look at Jeremiah 35. Be sure to listen to this third message on Strangers and Strange Days.

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I Am Thy Servant

Nothing in your Christian life is more importance than your obedience to God’s Word. No matter what, our response ought always be “Lord, I am Thy servant.” Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this second message from Psalm 119.

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In the Last Days God Has Not Changed

Times change. People change. Politics change. God never changes. As we look around in these last days, it is important to remember that time is nothing to a God who is eternal. Our hope is still anchored in a God who has not and will not change! Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as he shares the…

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Meet the Enemy

In this message, Scott Pauley introduces us to the main enemy in this spiritual battle we all face each day. Spend the time to watch this week’s message for The Christian Soldier series. Today you will “Meet the Enemy.” as we look at Ephesians 6.

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Singing to the End

This is the third message in this 5 message series. In this sermon, Evangelist Scott Pauley continues preaching about the “First Song of Scripture.” Join us as we study in Deuteronomy 31 and Deuteronomy 32. How will you finish your race? Finish with a song in your heart! We pray this message will be a…

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In the Age of Antichrist

The Bible speaks on the Antichrist who will one day come and set up his earthly rule. He has not yet come. Yet, today we are seeing the spirit of the Antichrist all through our world. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as he shares from 2 John 4-13 how we ought to live “In the Age…

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The Prayer of Repentance

James 4:8-17. The Church in America has grown cold, and God’s people have moved further and further from God and His Word. If we are ever going to see a mighty move of God in America, God’s people must draw nearer to God themselves! This begins with repentance. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as we examine…

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Go Forward

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to Rose Park Baptist Church in Holland, MI on Sunday evening, May 17, 2020. Join us as we look at Exodus 14.

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Manna In the Morning

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to Faith Baptist Church in Canoga Park, CA on Sunday evening, May 3, 2020. Join us today as we look at Exodus 16.

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What to Do In Deep Water

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to Open Door Baptist Church in Foley, AL on Sunday evening, April 19, 2020. Join us today as we look at Psalm 69.

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Our Very Present God

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to Maranatha Baptist Church in Columbus, GA on Sunday evening, April 5, 2020. Join us today as we look at Psalm 46.

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High Truth for Low Days

In these troubling days, it can be discouraging to live for God and His Word. In all the lies and bad news we don’t need less truth, we need more! In these low days God provides us with high Truth. Continue with us in the series through “Christ’s Final Sermon.” Today we will look at…

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Get Your Family In the Ark!

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to Gethsemane Baptist Church in Radford, VA on Sunday evening, January 26, 2020. Join us today as we look at Genesis 6-9.

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The Prime of Life

Christmas brings with it many emotions and time of reflection. For the believer, it ought to be one of the greatest times to serve the Lord. If you give your all to Christ, this can be the “Prime of Life.” Join us today as we look at Luke 2.

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The Hallelujah Witness

We all ought to be better witnesses for our dear Savior. Oftentimes, our countenance and spirit has more to do with our witness than our words. Are you a ‘Hallelujah Witness’ today? Listen as Evangelist Scott Pauley preaches from Psalm 147, on “The Hallelujah Witness.”

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Jesus Wept

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given at the 2019 annual Baptist Friends meeting at the Temple Baptist Church in Powell, TN on Sunday evening, April 7, 2019. Join us today as we look at John 11.

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We Need Jesus!

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given at the 2019 Winter Revival meeting at the Teays Valley Baptist Church in Hurricane, WV on Sunday evening, February 17, 2019. Join us today as we look at Job 19.

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The Led Life

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given at Temple Baptist Church in Powell, TN on Sunday evening, December 20, 2015. Join us today as we look at Matthew 2.

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