Amen. Amen.
Revelation and all of Scripture ends with a word of assurance and agreement. Today we look at the double "Amen" found at the end of the Bible. Will you make it your own?

Last Things
The final chapter in God's Word shows us so many last things. Each of them holds tremendous significance for those of us living in the last days. These are the things that help us get ready for eternity...

It’s Time for Praying
John specifically prayed for two things at the end of this amazing Revelation. Take these two requests for your own prayers today! Time is passing quickly...it's time to pray.

It’s Time for Inviting
Truth demands a response. As we give the gospel out we must also invite people to come into the family of God. On the last page of the Bible God once again reveals His heart with a simple invitation: "Come."

It’s Time for Testifying
Once we know the truth it is our responsibilty to share it with others. This is not some academic or professional work - it is deeply personal. Today someone you will meet needs to hear your testimony about Jesus Christ.

It’s Time for Obeying
In the end there are only two groups of people: those who obey the truth and those who don't. Which group do you belong to? Now is the time to obey - Jesus is coming soon!

Where We Must Begin to Get Ready for the End
If Jesus is coming soon, what should we be doing in preparation? A life of obedience begins by obeying the gospel. There is blessing for this life and the one to come for those who will obey.

Making Your Work Count
What is your life's work? Does it connect to God's work? Will it be pleasing to God? Christ is coming and He is bringing His reward with Him. Let's determine to make our work count for eternity.

This Book
In the first and last chapter of Revelation we are commanded to give attention to the Word of God. Soon we will see Him face to face! Here are four things we all should do with His Book until He comes.

Worship God!
God alone is worthy of worship and He will have it for eternity. In light of the fact that Christ is coming at any moment we should give more attention to our personal worship today. Take the challenge to begin worshipping God.

One little word can convey great truth. Consider today the word "shortly" that is found 15 times in Scripture. It is given in the first verse of Revelation and in the last chapter. This is what it means.

Seated With Christ
The best seat in the house is reserved for the Lord Jesus Christ. He will sit upon the throne, ruling and reigning for all eternity. But in His grace He makes a way for us to be seated with Him. We are getting ready to reign.

What Will We Do Forever?
Have you ever wondered what we will DO for all eternity? The last page of Scripture gives us a little insight and it is exciting!

Three Things That Come From God’s Presence
Every good thing comes from God and every good thing leads us back to Him. There are three things that will characterize the city where we will live someday and each of them reflect the perfect character of our God.

We Will See Him!
The greatest thing we will see in eternity is not a place, but a person: we will see Jesus! Let's learn what seeing Christ means for every believer.

My Future Residence
I am planning to move and my future residence is grander than you could ever imagine! Listen as the Lord describes the future residence of believers. This is the place where we will live with Him forever...

How Will You End?
Look at the list of those who will not go to heaven, and take careful note of who is first on the list. At the end of the story there are those who end fearful and those who end loving the Lord. How will you end?

A Stark Contrast
Life is full of contrasts. Revelation 21 reveals a stark contrast between the eternal homes of those who reject Christ and those who accept Him. There two distinct groups of people with two destinations...and they are very different.

What Makes Heaven Home
While there are many things that make home comfortable, there is one thing that makes it sweet - the presence of family. Heaven will be wonderful, but the one thing that will make Heaven home is the presence of our God.

No More!
When the Lord makes all things new there are many things that will be "no more." In this study we discover a list of many things God says will be removed. In eternity the curse of sin and all its effects will be gone forever!

All Things New
The God of new beginnings will very soon make "all things new." We shift our attention today from the lake of fire to the new heaven, the new earth, and the new Jerusalem. We have so much to look forward to!

It’s Final.
The end of Revelation 20 shows us both the last mention of Satan but also the final destination of lost souls. We rejoice over the conquering of the Devil, but we weep for the many who will be seperated from God forever. It's final.

1,000 Years
All of the kingdoms of this world will soon bow to the Kingdom of our Christ. Imagine what it will look like on the earth when our Lord rules here for 1,000 years! In this study we look at the millenial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Day the Devil Gets Shut Up
What is God going to do with the Devil? It is a wonderful comfort to know that Satan does not have free reign and endless power. There is coming a day that the devil gets "shut up."

A War to End All Wars
History is full of war and conflict. When our King comes He will put down every enemy and conquer all. In this study we find out what will happen to Antichrist, the false prophet, and every one who stands against the Lord. It's almost over.

Our Rightful King
As we study the vivid description of Christ at His final coming it becomes increasingly clear that there has never been a ruler like this! He is righteous in every way and He is the rightful Ruler of all. As we see Him we learn to submit to Him.

Is He Your King?
Christ is the King of eternity, the King of glory, the King of heaven, the King of righteousness, the King of peace, the King of the Jews, the KING OF KINGS...but is He your King?

Four Names You Need to Know
All of our Lord's names reveal more about His nature. As we come to the end of time there are 4 names associated with Him that reveal so much about who He is. What is true then, is true now! Learn these 4 names and what they mean to you.

The Point of Prophecy
Why study prophecy? It is not to simply know detailed events or to satisfy our curiosity. One verse provides a key that unlocks all of the prophetical writings. Apply this and prophecy will not just fill your mind, it will affect your life.

Here Comes the Groom!
In western culture the wedding revolves around the bride, but in ancient eastern custom it revolved around the groom. The last great wedding, the union of Christ and His church, will be all about the glory of the bridegroom - the Lord Jesus Christ! Let's meet all the participants today...

The Royal Wedding
There is a marriage supper being planned in heaven. It will be the grandest marriage you have ever seen - the marriage of the Lamb! In this study we get a glimpse of the groom, the King of glory. And we see ourselves as part of His bride, the church.

Today we hear heaven's song! 4 times the word rings out: "Alleluia" - praise the Lord! Each Alleluia reveals something for which we will praise God forever, and something for which we can praise God now.

Look Who’s Singing Now!
Wicked men may be rejoicing now but very soon their song will stop. At the end God turns their singing into sorrow and those who have been hated and persecuted will begin to rejoice. Look who's singing now!

In One Hour
It is amazing what God can accomplish in one hour. In a few verses the Lord reveals how quickly He will bring down Satan's world system. God is about to make short work of the devil!

Bigger Than Babylon
The kingdom of the Antichrist will exert its influence over the entire earth during the Tribulation period. This system, referred to as Babylon, will carry out Satan's agenda throughout the world. But there is someone bigger than Babylon! God is greater and soon all will know.

A Woman Rides the Beast
The final government this world will see before the Lord rules is the kingdom of the Antichrist. This religious and political empire will do all that it can to fight against God, but Christ will conquer in the end.

Here we have our first introduction to the last battle this earth will see. The battle of Armageddon doesn't belong to Satan, the Antichrist, or any of the armies of the world. It is called "the battle of that great day of God Almighty." He will win.

The Dam Breaks
When the Tribulation begin a tide of sin and Satan will flood this earth. At the end of the Tribulation the dam of God's judgment will break and final judgments will be poured out. Sinners are worthy of judgment but God is worthy of praise.

Heaven Opens to Earth
Picture entering into the Holy of Holies in Heaven. God opens up a glimpse of Heaven so that we will understand that what He does on earth is always right. He is perfect in every way. Soon Heaven will open to earth...

Lessons of the Last Plagues
God's judgments all teach us something about Him - His holiness, His righteousness, His justice. Even a glimpse of His wrath leads us to worship. Come listen to today's song and look at the greatness of our God.

Harvest Time
Soon the final harvest on earth will come. This harvest will be a harvest of judgment and a tragic loss. We must see the harvest of souls now and do all we can to bring them to God before it is too late. Now there is life, but soon there will be only death.

News From Heaven
There is great confusion in our world over what is true and what is "fake news." In this Scripture God sends 3 angels to earth with announcements. Don't miss the future messages and the present application in this news from Heaven! It's all true.

Meanwhile, Back In Heaven…
In the Revelation God never leaves us with a picture of earth; He always lifts us back to the throne and to God. While Satan does his worst on earth we see the victory of the Lamb and the 144,000 who come to Him in the Tribulation period. God is always greater and we are on the winning side!

Seriously…Another Beast?!?
All of Satan's workers are evil beasts. Alongside the Antichrist comes another beast - the false prophet. Learn how he will use religion to deceive people into believing a lie.

Who Is “The Beast”?
Today we are introduced to Satan's man, the Antichrist. He is a real person who leads a worldwide kingdom. This Beast has one aim: to devour every good thing. But rejoice because our Lamb is going to conquer this Beast!

How to Overcome the Devil
Though Satan will pursue Israel and seek to destroy God's people in the Great Tribulation, the Lord has made a way for them to overcome. In today's Scripture God describes how they will overcome and we get a glimpse of the power He gives to those who do battle with the devil.

Dealing with the Dragon
One of the Devil's names, a revelation of his destructive nature, is "the dragon." He is the archenemy of Christ. He has fought against God and God's program from the beginning and he will fight to the end. Only one can deal with the dragon - Christ is the conqueror!

The Two Witnesses
God always has His witnesses. In the Tribulation two witnesses will be sent to represent Christ in a world that has refused Him. Their witness will be rejected and greater Tribulation will come. May God help all of us to be gospel witnesses now before it is too late.

Jesus and John
Revelation 10 takes us back to where the book began with simply Jesus and John. In the midst of great turmoil we are reminded that Christ rules over all. And, like John, our only task is to receive His Word and minister it to others.

Woe – Woe – Woe
The word "woe" is a warning that God reserves for the most severe judgment. Listen to the last three trumpets and you will hear the awful sound of judgment on sin and the continued victory of Christ. The Revelation brings woe to this world and worship to God.

Blow the Trumpet!
In the Tribulation another wave of judgment, the trumpet judgments, will sound the alarm of fear throughout the earth. In this study we examine the first four of those, each bringing disaster to this sin cursed world.

The Message of Silence
The final seal judgment cuts through all of the noise on earth and brings silence. Only God can do that. In the silence we find that the prayers of God's people are being heard and answered by God Himself. In every age prayer reaches heaven and sets in motion God's will on earth.

A Bright Spot In A Dark Time
When Satan is free, he is still limited. Revelation 7 is a bright spot in a dark time - a reminder that even when the devil is doing his worst God is still on the throne. This glimpse of the Tribulation age reveals that the Lord is still at work.

You Think This is Bad?
If you think the first four judgments were bad, consider the building intensity of the seal judgments. When man gets what he wants he soon discovers that he does not want what he gets! Our knowledge of what is coming should motivate us to reach the lost with the gospel now.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
You can almost hear the hoofbeats in the distance. The world is being prepared at this moment for the tribulation judgment that is soon to come. The first wave of that judgment can be seen in the four horsemen of Revelation 6. Today we discuss what each will bring.

What’s Next?
There is a great deal of speculation about both the current and future world situation. Only one person knows what is coming next - the God who holds the book in His hand. As He begins to open that book we find out what is next for believers and for this world.

How do you value the Lord Jesus Christ? We owe our lives to the One who died for us. He is worthy of everything, not only in eternity but every day. Determine to give Him all today.

Three Things From Earth That Will Be In Eternity
There are only three things on earth right now that will outlive this world. We will meet them in eternity. Find out what they are and how they should be our priority every day.

Weep Not
Are you troubled about the future and unsure about how it will all turn out? Weep not! Jesus Christ holds the title deed to the universe and He is going to bring His will to pass. Instead of weeping...worship!

Look Who’s On The Throne!
The Devil is not in charge. Christ is where He has always been - on the throne! Listen as John describes the Lord Jesus in three distinct ways and learn what each mean to your life.

What the Father Has Always Wanted
Jesus told us plainly the one thing the Father has always been seeking - worship. Soon we will all join the worship service that is already in progress at the throne, but we can worship Him now! Will you?

Listen to the Angels and Look to the Lord
What do angels say? Listen to their three verse song and you will see more of the King! Don't get enamored with angels - be consumed with Christ!

Four Pictures — One Purpose
Angels around God's throne reflect the glory of the One they serve. Each image tells us more about God. The Lord loves to teach through symbolism and in this study we see four pictures that serve one purpose.

The Throne
A throne is just a piece of furniture without an occupant. Our God is King and He has not abdicated His throne. Journey with John today and take a good look at the throne and the One sitting on it.

A View Unlike Any Other
There are some breathtaking views that are hard to forget. John saw a view unlike any other when he was ushered into the throneroom of God in heaven! Take a look for yourself...

How Its All Going to End
Is this the end of the world? How is it all going to end? Christians must remember that God doesn't lead to endings, He brings His people to new beginnings! This is what we are looking forward to...

Christ and His Churches
At this moment the Lord Jesus Christ is walking in and working on His churches. Only He can trim the candlesticks to make them give more light in a dark world. Today we ask Him to be thorough with us.

Open Up!
In so many ways the church at Laodicea pictures the church in the last days. There are three things that God says must be open to Him. When we get wide open to the Lord then He brings the greatest blessings.

My Favorite Church
My favorite church in Revelation is the church at Philadelphia. They were not a perfect church (there is no such thing!) but they were faithful to what God gave them to do. These believers are a pattern for us all.

Your Name Matters
There is a difference between having a good reputation with people and having a good testimony with God. We are not what we say we are or what others think we are - we are what God knows us to be. Study the church at Sardis and you will see that your name matters.

Jesus or Jezebel?
Someone sets the agenda in every church. Unfortunately, a woman in Thyatira began to teach and lead people away from the truth of Christ. She had the rebellious spirit of Jezebel and tried to take the place that is reserved for Jesus.

Getting the World Out of the Church
Where in the world was Pergamos? Today's study answers that question and deals with the bigger issue. This church's problem was not the world around it but that the world had crept into it. We are in a wicked world but the world is not to be in the church!

What To Do When You Are Afraid
Fear is a powerful enemy. It can paralyze the strongest believers and keep them from fulfilling their calling. Christ's message to the church in Smyrna will strengthen your faith and help conquer your fears.

Two Letters & One Truth
Two letters were written to the church at Ephesus. Both emphasize one truth: we must stay in love with the Lord if we are to make a difference. Churches should not be distinguished by what the hate but by who they love.

Real People—Real Needs
We live in a world of people looking for escape. In a make believe generation God always deals with reality. We are real people, in a real world, with real needs. God always deals with us right where we are!

Three Things God Wanted Written
All of Revelation can be divided into three definite parts that God outlined on the first page of the book. These are the three things God wanted written...and three things God wants us to read and understand.

You’ve Never Seen Him Like This
The beloved disciple had seen Christ in many different settings but he had never seen anything like he did in Revelation. Today we get a fresh glimpse of the Lord's glory as John describes what He saw.

Candlesticks, Stars, and Christ
There is both a mystery and a clarity in the God of the Bible. God reveals a mystery -a sacred secret- through pictures. In this study we see 7 candlesticks, 7 stars, and 1 Christ...

It Doesn’t End At Patmos!
Patmos was no vacation spot! This rocky island and rugged environment was a prison, but John was not bound by his circumstances and neither are you. Patmos is not the end of the story.

The Last Disciple
John was the last of the original disciples. When everyone was gone and everything seemed to be against him he was still following His Lord. Will you be a disciple who lasts?

He Is A-Z
Our Lord Jesus is the first and the last, and everything in between. Two things are sure: Christ is all and He is all that you need. We will see Him soon - look to Him today!

Meet the Main Characters
Every story has main characters. In this study we identify the main characters of Revelation - and you are one of them! Let's get acquainted.

Blessed People In a Cursed World
If any generation of Christians should be passionate about studying God's Word it should be those who are living on the brink of His return! God promises a special blessing to those who give attention to the Scriptures and you can have it now.

A Look Behind the Curtain
In the final book of the Bible God takes the veil away and shows us Christ in His exalted, eternal glory. We are not looking for events. We are not looking for the evil one to arise. We are looking for Jesus Christ to appear! Take a look behind the curtain...
Amen. Amen.
Revelation and all of Scripture ends with a word of assurance and agreement. Today we look at the double "Amen" found at the end of the Bible. Will you make it your own?
Last Things
The final chapter in God's Word shows us so many last things. Each of them holds tremendous significance for those of us living in the last days. These are the things that help us get ready for eternity...
It’s Time for Praying
John specifically prayed for two things at the end of this amazing Revelation. Take these two requests for your own prayers today! Time is passing quickly...it's time to pray.
It’s Time for Inviting
Truth demands a response. As we give the gospel out we must also invite people to come into the family of God. On the last page of the Bible God once again reveals His heart with a simple invitation: "Come."
It’s Time for Testifying
Once we know the truth it is our responsibilty to share it with others. This is not some academic or professional work - it is deeply personal. Today someone you will meet needs to hear your testimony about Jesus Christ.
It’s Time for Obeying
In the end there are only two groups of people: those who obey the truth and those who don't. Which group do you belong to? Now is the time to obey - Jesus is coming soon!
Where We Must Begin to Get Ready for the End
If Jesus is coming soon, what should we be doing in preparation? A life of obedience begins by obeying the gospel. There is blessing for this life and the one to come for those who will obey.
Making Your Work Count
What is your life's work? Does it connect to God's work? Will it be pleasing to God? Christ is coming and He is bringing His reward with Him. Let's determine to make our work count for eternity.
This Book
In the first and last chapter of Revelation we are commanded to give attention to the Word of God. Soon we will see Him face to face! Here are four things we all should do with His Book until He comes.
Worship God!
God alone is worthy of worship and He will have it for eternity. In light of the fact that Christ is coming at any moment we should give more attention to our personal worship today. Take the challenge to begin worshipping God.
One little word can convey great truth. Consider today the word "shortly" that is found 15 times in Scripture. It is given in the first verse of Revelation and in the last chapter. This is what it means.
Seated With Christ
The best seat in the house is reserved for the Lord Jesus Christ. He will sit upon the throne, ruling and reigning for all eternity. But in His grace He makes a way for us to be seated with Him. We are getting ready to reign.
What Will We Do Forever?
Have you ever wondered what we will DO for all eternity? The last page of Scripture gives us a little insight and it is exciting!
Three Things That Come From God’s Presence
Every good thing comes from God and every good thing leads us back to Him. There are three things that will characterize the city where we will live someday and each of them reflect the perfect character of our God.
We Will See Him!
The greatest thing we will see in eternity is not a place, but a person: we will see Jesus! Let's learn what seeing Christ means for every believer.
My Future Residence
I am planning to move and my future residence is grander than you could ever imagine! Listen as the Lord describes the future residence of believers. This is the place where we will live with Him forever...
How Will You End?
Look at the list of those who will not go to heaven, and take careful note of who is first on the list. At the end of the story there are those who end fearful and those who end loving the Lord. How will you end?
A Stark Contrast
Life is full of contrasts. Revelation 21 reveals a stark contrast between the eternal homes of those who reject Christ and those who accept Him. There two distinct groups of people with two destinations...and they are very different.
What Makes Heaven Home
While there are many things that make home comfortable, there is one thing that makes it sweet - the presence of family. Heaven will be wonderful, but the one thing that will make Heaven home is the presence of our God.
No More!
When the Lord makes all things new there are many things that will be "no more." In this study we discover a list of many things God says will be removed. In eternity the curse of sin and all its effects will be gone forever!
All Things New
The God of new beginnings will very soon make "all things new." We shift our attention today from the lake of fire to the new heaven, the new earth, and the new Jerusalem. We have so much to look forward to!
It’s Final.
The end of Revelation 20 shows us both the last mention of Satan but also the final destination of lost souls. We rejoice over the conquering of the Devil, but we weep for the many who will be seperated from God forever. It's final.
1,000 Years
All of the kingdoms of this world will soon bow to the Kingdom of our Christ. Imagine what it will look like on the earth when our Lord rules here for 1,000 years! In this study we look at the millenial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Day the Devil Gets Shut Up
What is God going to do with the Devil? It is a wonderful comfort to know that Satan does not have free reign and endless power. There is coming a day that the devil gets "shut up."
A War to End All Wars
History is full of war and conflict. When our King comes He will put down every enemy and conquer all. In this study we find out what will happen to Antichrist, the false prophet, and every one who stands against the Lord. It's almost over.
Our Rightful King
As we study the vivid description of Christ at His final coming it becomes increasingly clear that there has never been a ruler like this! He is righteous in every way and He is the rightful Ruler of all. As we see Him we learn to submit to Him.
Is He Your King?
Christ is the King of eternity, the King of glory, the King of heaven, the King of righteousness, the King of peace, the King of the Jews, the KING OF KINGS...but is He your King?
Four Names You Need to Know
All of our Lord's names reveal more about His nature. As we come to the end of time there are 4 names associated with Him that reveal so much about who He is. What is true then, is true now! Learn these 4 names and what they mean to you.
The Point of Prophecy
Why study prophecy? It is not to simply know detailed events or to satisfy our curiosity. One verse provides a key that unlocks all of the prophetical writings. Apply this and prophecy will not just fill your mind, it will affect your life.
Here Comes the Groom!
In western culture the wedding revolves around the bride, but in ancient eastern custom it revolved around the groom. The last great wedding, the union of Christ and His church, will be all about the glory of the bridegroom - the Lord Jesus Christ! Let's meet all the participants today...
The Royal Wedding
There is a marriage supper being planned in heaven. It will be the grandest marriage you have ever seen - the marriage of the Lamb! In this study we get a glimpse of the groom, the King of glory. And we see ourselves as part of His bride, the church.
Today we hear heaven's song! 4 times the word rings out: "Alleluia" - praise the Lord! Each Alleluia reveals something for which we will praise God forever, and something for which we can praise God now.
Look Who’s Singing Now!
Wicked men may be rejoicing now but very soon their song will stop. At the end God turns their singing into sorrow and those who have been hated and persecuted will begin to rejoice. Look who's singing now!
In One Hour
It is amazing what God can accomplish in one hour. In a few verses the Lord reveals how quickly He will bring down Satan's world system. God is about to make short work of the devil!
Bigger Than Babylon
The kingdom of the Antichrist will exert its influence over the entire earth during the Tribulation period. This system, referred to as Babylon, will carry out Satan's agenda throughout the world. But there is someone bigger than Babylon! God is greater and soon all will know.
A Woman Rides the Beast
The final government this world will see before the Lord rules is the kingdom of the Antichrist. This religious and political empire will do all that it can to fight against God, but Christ will conquer in the end.
Here we have our first introduction to the last battle this earth will see. The battle of Armageddon doesn't belong to Satan, the Antichrist, or any of the armies of the world. It is called "the battle of that great day of God Almighty." He will win.
The Dam Breaks
When the Tribulation begin a tide of sin and Satan will flood this earth. At the end of the Tribulation the dam of God's judgment will break and final judgments will be poured out. Sinners are worthy of judgment but God is worthy of praise.
Heaven Opens to Earth
Picture entering into the Holy of Holies in Heaven. God opens up a glimpse of Heaven so that we will understand that what He does on earth is always right. He is perfect in every way. Soon Heaven will open to earth...
Lessons of the Last Plagues
God's judgments all teach us something about Him - His holiness, His righteousness, His justice. Even a glimpse of His wrath leads us to worship. Come listen to today's song and look at the greatness of our God.
Harvest Time
Soon the final harvest on earth will come. This harvest will be a harvest of judgment and a tragic loss. We must see the harvest of souls now and do all we can to bring them to God before it is too late. Now there is life, but soon there will be only death.
News From Heaven
There is great confusion in our world over what is true and what is "fake news." In this Scripture God sends 3 angels to earth with announcements. Don't miss the future messages and the present application in this news from Heaven! It's all true.
Meanwhile, Back In Heaven…
In the Revelation God never leaves us with a picture of earth; He always lifts us back to the throne and to God. While Satan does his worst on earth we see the victory of the Lamb and the 144,000 who come to Him in the Tribulation period. God is always greater and we are on the winning side!
Seriously…Another Beast?!?
All of Satan's workers are evil beasts. Alongside the Antichrist comes another beast - the false prophet. Learn how he will use religion to deceive people into believing a lie.
Who Is “The Beast”?
Today we are introduced to Satan's man, the Antichrist. He is a real person who leads a worldwide kingdom. This Beast has one aim: to devour every good thing. But rejoice because our Lamb is going to conquer this Beast!
How to Overcome the Devil
Though Satan will pursue Israel and seek to destroy God's people in the Great Tribulation, the Lord has made a way for them to overcome. In today's Scripture God describes how they will overcome and we get a glimpse of the power He gives to those who do battle with the devil.
Dealing with the Dragon
One of the Devil's names, a revelation of his destructive nature, is "the dragon." He is the archenemy of Christ. He has fought against God and God's program from the beginning and he will fight to the end. Only one can deal with the dragon - Christ is the conqueror!
The Two Witnesses
God always has His witnesses. In the Tribulation two witnesses will be sent to represent Christ in a world that has refused Him. Their witness will be rejected and greater Tribulation will come. May God help all of us to be gospel witnesses now before it is too late.
Jesus and John
Revelation 10 takes us back to where the book began with simply Jesus and John. In the midst of great turmoil we are reminded that Christ rules over all. And, like John, our only task is to receive His Word and minister it to others.
Woe – Woe – Woe
The word "woe" is a warning that God reserves for the most severe judgment. Listen to the last three trumpets and you will hear the awful sound of judgment on sin and the continued victory of Christ. The Revelation brings woe to this world and worship to God.
Blow the Trumpet!
In the Tribulation another wave of judgment, the trumpet judgments, will sound the alarm of fear throughout the earth. In this study we examine the first four of those, each bringing disaster to this sin cursed world.
The Message of Silence
The final seal judgment cuts through all of the noise on earth and brings silence. Only God can do that. In the silence we find that the prayers of God's people are being heard and answered by God Himself. In every age prayer reaches heaven and sets in motion God's will on earth.
A Bright Spot In A Dark Time
When Satan is free, he is still limited. Revelation 7 is a bright spot in a dark time - a reminder that even when the devil is doing his worst God is still on the throne. This glimpse of the Tribulation age reveals that the Lord is still at work.
You Think This is Bad?
If you think the first four judgments were bad, consider the building intensity of the seal judgments. When man gets what he wants he soon discovers that he does not want what he gets! Our knowledge of what is coming should motivate us to reach the lost with the gospel now.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
You can almost hear the hoofbeats in the distance. The world is being prepared at this moment for the tribulation judgment that is soon to come. The first wave of that judgment can be seen in the four horsemen of Revelation 6. Today we discuss what each will bring.
What’s Next?
There is a great deal of speculation about both the current and future world situation. Only one person knows what is coming next - the God who holds the book in His hand. As He begins to open that book we find out what is next for believers and for this world.
How do you value the Lord Jesus Christ? We owe our lives to the One who died for us. He is worthy of everything, not only in eternity but every day. Determine to give Him all today.
Three Things From Earth That Will Be In Eternity
There are only three things on earth right now that will outlive this world. We will meet them in eternity. Find out what they are and how they should be our priority every day.
Weep Not
Are you troubled about the future and unsure about how it will all turn out? Weep not! Jesus Christ holds the title deed to the universe and He is going to bring His will to pass. Instead of weeping...worship!
Look Who’s On The Throne!
The Devil is not in charge. Christ is where He has always been - on the throne! Listen as John describes the Lord Jesus in three distinct ways and learn what each mean to your life.
What the Father Has Always Wanted
Jesus told us plainly the one thing the Father has always been seeking - worship. Soon we will all join the worship service that is already in progress at the throne, but we can worship Him now! Will you?
Listen to the Angels and Look to the Lord
What do angels say? Listen to their three verse song and you will see more of the King! Don't get enamored with angels - be consumed with Christ!
Four Pictures — One Purpose
Angels around God's throne reflect the glory of the One they serve. Each image tells us more about God. The Lord loves to teach through symbolism and in this study we see four pictures that serve one purpose.
The Throne
A throne is just a piece of furniture without an occupant. Our God is King and He has not abdicated His throne. Journey with John today and take a good look at the throne and the One sitting on it.
A View Unlike Any Other
There are some breathtaking views that are hard to forget. John saw a view unlike any other when he was ushered into the throneroom of God in heaven! Take a look for yourself...
How Its All Going to End
Is this the end of the world? How is it all going to end? Christians must remember that God doesn't lead to endings, He brings His people to new beginnings! This is what we are looking forward to...
Christ and His Churches
At this moment the Lord Jesus Christ is walking in and working on His churches. Only He can trim the candlesticks to make them give more light in a dark world. Today we ask Him to be thorough with us.
Open Up!
In so many ways the church at Laodicea pictures the church in the last days. There are three things that God says must be open to Him. When we get wide open to the Lord then He brings the greatest blessings.
My Favorite Church
My favorite church in Revelation is the church at Philadelphia. They were not a perfect church (there is no such thing!) but they were faithful to what God gave them to do. These believers are a pattern for us all.
Your Name Matters
There is a difference between having a good reputation with people and having a good testimony with God. We are not what we say we are or what others think we are - we are what God knows us to be. Study the church at Sardis and you will see that your name matters.
Jesus or Jezebel?
Someone sets the agenda in every church. Unfortunately, a woman in Thyatira began to teach and lead people away from the truth of Christ. She had the rebellious spirit of Jezebel and tried to take the place that is reserved for Jesus.
Getting the World Out of the Church
Where in the world was Pergamos? Today's study answers that question and deals with the bigger issue. This church's problem was not the world around it but that the world had crept into it. We are in a wicked world but the world is not to be in the church!
What To Do When You Are Afraid
Fear is a powerful enemy. It can paralyze the strongest believers and keep them from fulfilling their calling. Christ's message to the church in Smyrna will strengthen your faith and help conquer your fears.
Two Letters & One Truth
Two letters were written to the church at Ephesus. Both emphasize one truth: we must stay in love with the Lord if we are to make a difference. Churches should not be distinguished by what the hate but by who they love.
Real People—Real Needs
We live in a world of people looking for escape. In a make believe generation God always deals with reality. We are real people, in a real world, with real needs. God always deals with us right where we are!
Three Things God Wanted Written
All of Revelation can be divided into three definite parts that God outlined on the first page of the book. These are the three things God wanted written...and three things God wants us to read and understand.
You’ve Never Seen Him Like This
The beloved disciple had seen Christ in many different settings but he had never seen anything like he did in Revelation. Today we get a fresh glimpse of the Lord's glory as John describes what He saw.
Candlesticks, Stars, and Christ
There is both a mystery and a clarity in the God of the Bible. God reveals a mystery -a sacred secret- through pictures. In this study we see 7 candlesticks, 7 stars, and 1 Christ...
It Doesn’t End At Patmos!
Patmos was no vacation spot! This rocky island and rugged environment was a prison, but John was not bound by his circumstances and neither are you. Patmos is not the end of the story.
The Last Disciple
John was the last of the original disciples. When everyone was gone and everything seemed to be against him he was still following His Lord. Will you be a disciple who lasts?
He Is A-Z
Our Lord Jesus is the first and the last, and everything in between. Two things are sure: Christ is all and He is all that you need. We will see Him soon - look to Him today!
Meet the Main Characters
Every story has main characters. In this study we identify the main characters of Revelation - and you are one of them! Let's get acquainted.
Blessed People In a Cursed World
If any generation of Christians should be passionate about studying God's Word it should be those who are living on the brink of His return! God promises a special blessing to those who give attention to the Scriptures and you can have it now.
A Look Behind the Curtain
In the final book of the Bible God takes the veil away and shows us Christ in His exalted, eternal glory. We are not looking for events. We are not looking for the evil one to arise. We are looking for Jesus Christ to appear! Take a look behind the curtain...