Seven Bible Stories to Use With Muslims September 8, 2017


We are only days away from 9/11. So many thoughts and emotions come to our minds as we approach this day of memorial. For those of us who know Christ, one of our thoughts should be that people who are bound in false religion desperately need the good news of Jesus.

Recently I was speaking in a meeting filled with enthusiastic believers. The Holy Spirit prompted me to share my experience of being in Cairo, Egypt many years ago and being awakened by the Muslim call to prayer. On that Friday many sincere people spread out their prayer mats and began to pray toward Mecca.

In my message I said, “This is dead religion. Sincere, but empty. Only Jesus can give life. The only pure religion is connected to the true God.” As a round of amens echoed through the building I heard another sound. A young woman near the back began to yell, “That’s not true!”

A hush came over the audience as she continued to yell and I continued to preach. For about ten minutes she glared at me and shook her head violently. There was a spiritual battle being waged.

About halfway through the message I looked back to see a great change. The young woman’s countenance had softened. In fact she was not shaking her head no – she was nodding her head yes!

At the end of the meeting this same young lady came forward with tears in her eyes to profess her faith in Jesus Christ. I later found out that she was from Cairo. The Holy Spirit reminded me that there is power in the gospel and that the love of God can break through hard hearts.

Believers are to hate evil, but we must love sinners. There is no prejudice in the gospel. Our gospel is not national or racial. It is personal. Every person needs the truth given in love.

And of some have compassion, making a difference” (Jude 22).

With this in mind I share this month’s free resource. A friend of mine has developed a number of helpful tools that may be used to connect with a Muslim. When you enter your email you will receive an automatic download of one of these tools: 7 Bible Stories to Use With A Muslim.

For most of us the most difficult thing to do is simply find a starting point with a person of another religion. The greatest starting point is the Scriptures. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you connect eternal souls with the eternal Word of God. Only the truth can set men free.

Please pray that God would open the eyes of those in darkness and open our hearts to love them in Jesus name.

Download Seven Bible Stories to Use with Muslims tool.

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  1. Michele Harrington on September 16, 2021 at 11:16 PM

    Thank you!!

    • scottpauley on September 18, 2021 at 5:50 PM

      God bless you.

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