The Final Month of a Unique Year November 30, 2020


2020 has become a byword for the unexpected and unusual. While we have all laughed and cried at the twists and turns of this year, let me encourage you not to blame 2020. God gave us this year to live and serve. 2020 will forever be a historical marker, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could look back and say that was when the Lord began a deep work in our hearts and nation that continued for years to come?

As we approach the final month of this unique year I am truly grateful for how the Lord has guided and provided. He always does. Several weeks ago I had a fairly mild case of COVID. My smell and taste have not yet returned (hoping that changes for the holidays!), but my sense of God’s graciousness to me has been heightened. I give Him glory.

December is always a slower month for evangelistic and revival meetings. Tammy, Grant, and I look forward to having the girls home from college and spending time together as a family. Please pray for us as we approach these year end meetings…

Tuesday, December 1 – God Bless America Pastor’s Luncheon, Beckley, WV (Please pray with us as we work toward this rescheduled gospel crusade in the months ahead.)

Sunday, December 6 – Morning and Evening Services, Pinecrest Baptist Church, McDonough, GA, Pastor John Anderson

Wednesday, December 9 – Evening Service, Cranberry Baptist Church, Beckley, WV, Pastor Roger Pauley

Saturday, December 12 – Christmas Banquet, Gateway Baptist Church, Clarksville, TN, Pastor Josh Farmer

Sunday, December 13 – Morning and Evening Services, Gateway Baptist Church, Clarksville, TN, Pastor Josh Farmer

Thursday, December 24 – Christmas Eve Service, Cranberry Baptist Church, Beckley, WV, Pastor Roger Pauley

Wednesday, December 30 – Evening Service, Beacon Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC, Pastor Tim Rabon

Thursday, December 31 – Mid-Atlantic Youth Conference, Beacon Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC, Pastor Tim Rabon

(Don’t miss our new Enjoying the Journey podcast series beginning today on “The Name” as we study the powerful names of God found throughout the Scriptures! More details at

Details on these and other meetings are available at or by contacting the host church.

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  1. Kirk L. Wilson on November 30, 2020 at 1:14 PM

    Yes Bro. Scott, I told someone the other day that the old adage, ” Hindsight is 2020″ will probably fall out of use ’cause NOBODY is gonna be wanting to look back at this one, ha!
    Blessings on the journey!

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