Chase and Joy Whitten
Some people have a God-given restlessness. They are not discontent, they are hungry for more. It is this type of restlessness that has spurred missionary pioneers to the ends of the earth. If you have every met one of these great souls, you know it. They are always charging another hill and preparing for the next work.
My friend, Chase Whitten has this spirit. Chase grew up in West Virginia and as a young man was an amateur motocross national champion, racing motorcycles across the country. The Lord captured his heart and led him to Crown College where we first got acquainted.
Chase served in Texas while he was a student and then led one of the chapels in England. When he returned to the States he labored with us in some gospel projects and assisted our home church for a season. God allowed him to pastor a church in the country at a critical time for that ministry and to lead them to stability. The Lord has given him discernment and the ability to connect with people. He is a student of Scripture, a reader, and an encourager.
The greatest asset that Chase has is his lovely wife, Joy. She is the daughter of our dear friends and long time staff members in Knoxville, Larry and Tracy Nicely. Joy was in our youth group when I served as the youth director at Temple and has always had such a sweet spirit.
God has allowed Chase and Joy to adopt two beautiful children: Ruby and William. Ruby recently trusted Christ as her Savior and was baptized. It is clear that God has something special for this brother and sister. They have been the Heavenly Father’s gift to the Whitten’s.
Early in our evangelistic work the Lord allowed Chase to connect with us, and he serves as one of our associate evangelists. He has ministered with me in many places and is truly a fellow traveler on this journey. I am personally grateful for his friendship and he stirs me to keep pressing forward for the gospel. His innovative ideas and willingness to do anything that is needed has been a real help in our gospel meetings.
One of the most interesting events we were able to do together was at a local dirt track. Chase jumped a school bus with his motorcycle and put on quite a show before we preached the gospel. Several trusted Christ as Savior and expressed interest in spiritual help. He also helped to coordinate all of the counselors for a large gospel crusade that we conducted.
His heart for souls has been evident both at home and abroad. He traveled with me for an extended gospel crusade and meetings in India. Last year Chase went with others to minister in Pakistan – preaching the gospel and training pastors and Christian leaders. As you read this article, he is returning from serving alongside pastors in New Zealand. He is not satisfied to simply preach sermons, but is always seeking to get the gospel to others.
I am very happy to recommend Brother Chase for evangelistic meetings, youth camps and rallies, church revivals, and mission conferences. He is a powerful Bible preacher and always an encouragement to pastors. His ministry will be a blessing to your people.
Chase and Joy, like all of the members of our team, live by faith and the faithful support of God’s people. If God would lead you to have a part in their work it would be a wise investment in the furtherance of the gospel.
You may correspond directly with him at [email protected].
(Read some of Chase Whitten’s bio and articles here.)
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