A Question For The Week: How May I Help You? November 4, 2019


It is a question that we hear frequently by those who are serving us in some way.  Perhaps it is a question that too often we fail to ask others. It reveals the spirit of a servant. In the words of Christ, he “came not to be ministered unto, but to minister” (Matthew 20:28).

A dear friend was talking with me the other day about prayer. At one point he said to me, “I think sometimes we look at prayer as us telling God how He needs to help us. Maybe we should be asking Him how He wants us to help Him.”

Now, of course, we all know that the Almighty God is our “very present help” (Psalm 46:1). He does not need us, but we desperately need Him. And yet, I could not escape the thought – why do we so rarely ask the Lord what He wants us to do to accomplish His purpose?

In true prayer we do not do all of the talking. Communication is two ways. God speaks.

Perhaps in nothing is our selfishness more demonstrated than in our prayers. We jump straight to the “give us this day our daily bread” and miss the “thy kingdom come, thy will be done, as in heaven so in earth.” The One who truly knew how to pray cried, “Not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42).

A medical doctor who was mightily used of God to bring many to Christ, wrote:

Do not treat Him as a servant who is to come running to you on special occasions, as you may ask Him to help you do a certain work. He has not come to HELP YOU do something. He has come to use you as His servant. He has not come to assist you, but to manage you. Instead of His running at your invitation, you ought to do the running at His invitation. Give your body over to Him just now, and then the Holy Spirit will speak His words through those lips and will run His errands with those feet. Do it now. God grant it.

-Dr. Walter Wilson

Would you make this your prayer?

Lord, I know you will help me today. I thank you for your constant help in every area of my life. But, Lord…how may I help you today? How may I help you fulfill your purpose in this world? How may I help you to minister to a need? How may I help to bring glory to your name?

This is a prayer that God will answer. He only uses those who are willing. Ask and see.

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  1. NATHAN POFF on November 4, 2019 at 5:38 PM

    Really good idea to ask God what I can do for him today. I hate to think that I treat our Creator like a bellhop at times. He is LORD of all! Love you, my brother. Thanks for following Jesus.

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