Let’s Hear It For the Preacher’s Wife! February 19, 2016

Brace yourself for a lengthy dedication! This post is dedicated to my beautiful wife, my loving mother, my faithful pastor’s wife, my wonderful sister and sister-in-law, two aunts, and my godly grandmother who is now with Jesus. All of them have one thing in common: they are all preacher’s wives. And they are special servants of God.

Ministers get a lot of attention. They are in front. Speaking. Leading. Yet behind all of that public ministry, there is a private one. It is the preacher’s wife who makes strong the personal life of her husband and her home.

I remember when I was praying about God’s will for a life’s mate, my pastor wisely advised me: “Don’t look for an assistant pastor. Find a woman who you are happy to come home to in the evening.” He was right. God graciously gave me a lady who has made life brighter and more blessed.

In recent days I have been reminded of the importance of the preacher’s wife. When God began working in my heart to follow His leading into full-time evangelism, the first person I wanted to talk and pray with was my wife. Her faith was stronger than mine! Instead of discouraging me, she strengthened me. Tammy has been whole heartedly supportive. Without her it would be impossible to fulfill God’s purpose for my life.

Like many preacher’s wives, my wife is quiet and behind the scenes. She does not want to be in front, but in reality she is helping to lead the charge! Her love and care have encouraged me to press on. Like my mother, she has made our preacher’s home a haven from the battles of life.

We have been blessed to know many wonderful preacher’s wives. Not long ago I was speaking in a church where a pastor served faithfully for many years. He and his wife are now in the twilight years of life. What joy they still have! After the service she made a point to talk to me and seek to be an encouragement. She is a strong woman. She is a beautiful woman. God is on her.

This week I spoke by phone with our Pastor’s wife. She has been such an encouragement and example to me and to Tammy. Again and again, God has reminded me that we should give honor to whom honor is due. The faithful preacher’s wife is worthy of honor.

A few days ago I overheard someone say of their pastor’s wife: “She’s my hero!” Indeed, preacher’s wives are often the overlooked heroes of the Lord’s work. Only the Judgment Seat of Christ will fully reveal all that they have accomplished.

Pray for the wives of those who are ministering the Word of God. Encourage your pastor’s wife. Write a kind note. Refuse to be critical. Be a friend to those virtuous women whose ministry has made your minister who he is…

Let’s hear it for the preacher’s wife!


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  1. Israel Scully on February 19, 2016 at 8:07 PM

    They say that behind every good man is a better woman!!! I think that is true in the ministry but also among the lay people!!! God bless you, your wife and your kids, Bro. Pauley as you do God’s will for your life!!!

    • Scott Pauley on February 19, 2016 at 11:13 PM

      Thank you for taking time to read and comment. We deeply appreciate your prayers. God bless you my friend!

  2. Kandra on March 3, 2016 at 11:59 PM

    I went to college with Tammy; she was my favorite roommate! I remember what a blessing she was to me way back when. Some people remain in our memories and continue to make us smile…. she is one of those.

    • Scott Pauley on March 4, 2016 at 8:20 AM

      She speaks of you often and sends her best! Hopefully our paths will cross sometime with your family. God bless you all.

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